Bali Hash 2 BaliTrekk AT HOME & IN THE HILLS ON ON


Bali Hash House Harriers 2



By: Nightjar

Oh dear, what can the matter be: Poor old Roger’s stuck in the lavatory: He’ll be there from Monday to Saturday, and nobody knows he’s there. But LABIA knew. Armed with an assortment – a very arsenal indeed – of implements from his tool-box, this exceptional handyman proceeded to demolish the shithouse door in order to release him.

Just how GERMAN SHEPHERD contrived an additional lock-in, both here and in her digs down the road, must remain shrouded in mystery. I know Roger hasn’t been with us for long, but YWGMH decreed unusually that hence forward he shall rejoice in the hash moniker of – TOILET TRASHER.

And all this before the run. It couldn’t get better, could it? But it did. All those poor sods who were diverted elsewhere missed easily our best post-Covid performance yet; even dare I say ever.

LABIA & INFLATABLE BEDMATE were hares, taking the pack thro some of the most stunning terrain anywhere on the planet – leafy lanes, rugged slopes, riparian splendour …. and stairway to heaven that IBM caringly marked in chalk, up to 400 plus (wasn’t it?) – better then Bhutan, or Burma, or Salisbury cathedral.

There were circa 40 hounds, of which only 15 serious beer-drinkers who managed to consume 2X30 litre kegs plus any number of big bottles. and never mind the gold watch and cough mixture. Not bad at all. And don’t forget the fizz, kindly provided by DICK THE PRICK, Founder OF LION CITY 13 as well as some others we won’t mention.

YWGMH elected to give us The Lobster (FARTIN MARTIN’S smash shit), but the star of the show was LABIA who assembled teams of male booby exposers and female appraisonsS WORM was outright winner – nipples suitably en hanced by the temperature. By God, it was fucking freezing.

Next week at Mambal, and No Balls at All for Hare HORNY HERRING. And what joy to hear and see the Serpent Eagles again. A nice pair they were indeed. Everyone saw the Sun birds rirling that un known orange (not Chink) Hibiscus. Then the English nosh = simply nonpareil.

Thank you Utami & Johnny. On on forever.

Bali Hash 2 BaliTrekk AT HOME & IN THE HILLS ON ON




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