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Hash Trash Run Number 1313

Hash Trash Run Number 1313 In My Mind I’m Goin’ to Carolina… This is an old James Taylor song with some of the strangest lyrics ever heard in any soft cock, oops sorry, soft rock song I, personally, have ever heard. And they go like this: “In my mind I’m goin’ to Carolina, can’t ya […]

Hash Trash Run #1312 Br Demayu Tunon

Hash Trash Run #1312 Br Demayu Tunon 18 March 2017 The Buffalo Hunter Returns! This was a saying my Dearly Departed Dad would repeat enthusiastically every time I showed my ever more battered visage at the front door of the family home (2 Instone St. Hilton Park, W.A., Australia – an address that sounds a […]