Bali Hash 2 Hash Trash Run 1480 Pura Mengening

Bali Hash House Harriers 2

Hash Trash Run #1480 Pura Mengening


Scribe: Nightjar

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No checks at all – No checks at all – We ran on a run that had no checks at all. Good Lord. I enquired of CONCRETE ERECTION the rationale of such a phenomenon. The explanation was that hounds would thus be enabled to traverse more arresting countryside than was customary. Silly of me I suppose.

Antediluvian dinosaur that I am, I have always maintained that a HASH RUN should abound with checks designed to keep the pack together and all back to the beer truck within the hour. Who cares? Fact is that, while only a few SCBs made it back before live, there were absolutely no complaints from anyone.

How indeed could any nignog protest such beauty and splendour as the Pakrisan gorge provides? Tell me.

From the Tirta Empui to Goa Garba vis Gunung Kawi no other landscape can compare. And everyone must have seen the hordes of Helena Birdwings along the

way, gleaming black velvet and cloth of gold, whose native food plant aristolocnia grows only in riverine forest.


for laying on a superb soto ayam, and to INFLATABLE BEDMATE for ration of rum to suitably commemorate the Battle of Trafalgar and Tralalgar Day (Oct 21 1805). And today (Oct 25) is St. Crispin’s Day, on which that other great slaughter of teeming frogs occurred – all the more reason to celebrate – at the Battle of Agincourt (1415 was it?)

For good measure CONCRETE ERECTION gave us ‘Band of Brothers’ suitably adapted to the occasion.

ON ON Ye noblest English – Cry God for England, Harry and St George – and so on.

Jolly good show.

Did anyone else note the remarkable absence or Frogs: all ran away …..

Successive shenanigans, nautical songs, Ou est le papier, Dinah ….

YWGMH obliged to retire at broaching of fourth cask; don’t ask why.

Still no Goshawks, though Su had unidentified accipiter overhead and I had large raptor at 16.30, cruising east, c, 800′, on 18th – pale under and very broad wings – pretty sure Changeable Hawk Eagle on passage, but no blasted bins, soddit. Wot a wanker.

On On to the Kawi Resto in Tegalalang โ€ฆ

Hash Trash Run #1480 Pura Mengening PAKRISAN RIVER VALLEY Hash Trash Run #1480 Pura Mengening PAKRISAN RIVER VALLEY Hash Trash Run #1480 Pura Mengening PAKRISAN RIVER VALLEY Hash Trash Run #1480 Pura Mengening PAKRISAN RIVER VALLEY Hash Trash Run #1480 Pura Mengening PAKRISAN RIVER VALLEY Hash Trash Run #1480 Pura Mengening PAKRISAN RIVER VALLEY

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