Bali Hash 2 Hash Trash Run #1486 Kedisan Tegallalang

Bali Hash 2 Hash Trash Run #1486 Kedisan Tegallalang

Hash Trash Run #1486


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Kedis of course is Balinese for bird – Kedisan = Birdland – though the elements were not wholly conducive to scrutinizing the critters nor yet to vermicidal conflagration. LABIA had large flocks of smallish ‘black birds’ assembling on dead trees; these must have been Short-tailed Glossy Starlings found at higher elevations. The Goshawk, by the way, visits the garden most days, yet I wonder why its advent this year was so retarded. Must be the weather: you must have noticed the south-westerly drift, becoming more northerly only in the past few days. Global warming? Bollox. Merely seasonal or cyclical variation. The NW monsoon now beginning to assert itself with a vengeance, the rain brings coolness and freshness; yesterday (5th) was no exception. But the going was hard and very slithery, and by no means ideal for leg-stretching, causing half the pack to be out till well past dusk.

We have to strike a balance here. Despite some contrary opinion, I see nowt to discourage a 16.30 start: I mean dammit, you’ve got two hours of daylight to run or walk a five miler, and no run should exceed that, no matter what the conditions. As a fuddy-duddy antediluvian dinosaur, I maintain that no run should take more than one hour – max 17 – and if you can’t maintain an average five mph then you should go elsewhere.

HARES must adjust according to weather, terrain, etc. Not to disparage here our worthy HARES on this occasion – BARNACLE BALLS & CUM ON YER BACK – had it not been a bloomin’ mud bath, it would have been a candidate for RUN OF THE YEAR.

Ineffable nosh provided by INFLATABLE BEDMATE (curry by his own fair hand) as well as Black Bull phaenobarbitone, and Emperor’s Banquet courtesy of DEEP CLEFT. But the main attraction was undoubtedly the WORM for burning. Following the circle and rendition of OLD MACDONALD’S FARM – after all it was TUMPEK HARI KANDANG sacred to all domesticated animoles including those that are kennelled – WORM, IBM & YWGMH spent an aeon marvelling at CUM ON YER BACK’s creation, the ultimate OGOH-OGOH and better than any exhibit at Tate Modern.

True genius. It will be set ablaze. Sooner the better. Then to FLY where oysters are playful and in season.

On On to Desa Rafting Bongkasa …


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