Hash Trash Run #1497 29-May-2021

Bali Hash 2 Hash Trash Run #1499 Mambal Swimming Pool 12-June-21

Bali Hash 2 Hash Trash Run #1499 Mambal Swimming Pool 12-June-21

Trash Scribe: Nightjar



PUFF PASTRY finally came forward and, ably assisted by OXZY and BEMO, contrived a corker. We’ve run here often enough the past and thought we know every track backwards, but these HARES traversed entirely new territory, and there was no old paper to confound the issue. Bloody well done. Good crowd and a few new races, but noticeable absence of some familiar ones. No names mentioned, though we know who you are, and no excuses: the HASH takes precedence over all other activities. Have you noticed, by the way, that, as the mid-year solstice approaches, it is getting darker earlier – not a huge variation in daylight hours, however, at 8 degrees south. Yet it seems to me that darkness descends prematurely in this covid age, or do I merely imagine it? I have a theory that cataclysmic upheavals in recent years have knocked the planet off its axis, no matter how infinitesimally, and that we are spinning out of our accustomed orbit. So you think I’m definitely losing it, and should be put on ice, do you? Haven’t you seen sufficient crack of late? I do not suggest that we go back to a start at 16.00, but HARES must tailor their runs accordingly.

Anything else? Big run coming up next week – our 1500th at kemenuh, with multiple attractions. Bring on the dancing girls, but remember: no pissing in the herbaceous borders. Be there and, if you have anything special to offer or perform, apprise HASH MASTER WORM, Oh, and don’t forget the off will be at 16.00, extra time for pissing it up as opposed to ploughing thro the ulu. Welcome back PEARL NECKLACE from benighted blighty: it does sound grim over there. A select few repaired to the pub – MELTING POT actually. Fucking excellent and I really ought to go there more often, but you know – Lansia, poor old fart, can’t handle it any more …. See you on 19th – finest family in the land. ICE, DOWN DOWN.


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