30th Anniversary Nightjar Birthday Run Bali Busaya Cultural Center Bali Hash 2 Trash


Bali HHH II Hash Trash


Twenty two one twenty twenty two – auspicious or what? A splendid new run site near Tampaksiring, dominated by the second biggest bloomin’ banyan in the World – the first in Bongkasa, as we well know. Truly mighty this tree – a full God’s acre of embrangled boles and limbs supporting canopy 100 yards diameter and over 150 feet high. CREEPY WHITEBAIT, BARNACLE BALLS and HANDJOB, who specialize in these hilly regions, set a corker – but how could it be otherwise in such majestic surrounds. Sensible length and lots of good checks, mainly down and up, to keep the pack together, with walkers and runners reuniting on the home ward trail. Absolutely no serious complaints – when have there ever been any? – though some alleged that the scent was a bit thin after the split, and, being the colour of straw, not always so readily discernible. But – and a big BUT – the calling as usual was appalling. There are three customary calls – ON ON and CHECKING from front runners, and ARE YOU? by rest of pack when in doubt.

It is axiomatic that in order to keep the troops happy you must give them cause to complain. You never hear anyone complaining about the scope and conduct of our trails. Are we simply too undiscriminating and for bearing, or merely a bunch of masochists? I think it is because Bali begets tolerance even were there something to complain about. So CREEPY crept out of the carpentry, not surreptitiously but in stentorian style. Constantly bollocking his nearest and dearest (and everyone else for that matter) whilst dutifully replenishing our containers, I watched him down two in a flash like the discharge of a 12 bore double barrel shotgun. Later he confided that he hadn’t enjoyed himself so much in an age and intended to come more often. Please do. His mum SPLASH was not retiring either. Not content with three spectacular downdowns she provided us with brilliant home-made sausage rolls. Thank you. And thanks to SPOOK and ORGAN GRINDER for resurrecting that golden oldie MARONTO MARONTO MARIO.

Big week coming up: Monday booster jab – Makan Angin at FLY Wednesday – HUT MOUNT MY GROAN and Dead Fish at NURI’S on Thursday and Saturday the BIG BASH for BHHH II 30 YEARS and HUT NIGHTJAR at Bali Budaya Cultural Village at Br. Batusepih in Kemenuh.

See you all there.


30th Anniversary Nightjar Birthday Run Bali Busaya Cultural Center Bali Hash 2 Trash

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