Bali Hash House Harriers 2

Bali HHH II Hash Trash NEW YEAR’S DAY 2022 BALI

Bali HHH II Hash Trash NEW YEAR’S DAY 2022 BALI


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HAPPY NEW YEAR ARCADIAN WANKERS. It started off well enough at TAMAN BURUNG (TEGAL KEDIS), INFLATABLE BED MATE’S avian estate. We’ve run here many a tine; could CAPTAIN PENIS discover a novel passage? Together with MONKEY BALLS and ably assisted by PERIS COLLECTOR and MONKEY WENCH and virgin layer, mission accomplished. Well done chap, Flat as a pancake and usual green fields and fellows, but a new diversion the length of IBM’s south park wall that saw the pack back in good time and together. Indian summer yet prevailing thanks to RA WOODEN EYE. Our number, however, somewhat depleted since practically half our kennel had headed west to celebrate Hogmanay at Pemuteran and Pulau Menjangan. And why not? Lovely spot.

But why PENIS, you may well enquire? Something to do with old sailing boats: this PENIS should have an eye on the end of it, but be that as it may, traditionally today is CIRCUMCISION DAY. Also it happens to be the day for renewing your dog licence, generally ignored by Bali householders. Most importantly and by another astonishing concurrence January 1st 2022 was SIWA RATRI – dsy of fasting and introspection. It’ll never happen again. There were some notable contrapositions – I saw HARELIP extending a clutching hand and MOUNT ‘N GROAN lording it at centre stage. Might one assume that these hounds aspire to high office – GPU coming up soon. The acoustic properties not so hot, but given our diminished attendance, it mattered not. At some stage YWGMH delivered himself of an Elizabethan madrigal of his own composing that contained one naughty word only – QUIM’s not rude is it?

There ensued a medley of outpourings from nautical shanty to Mother Goose. There is a Tavern in the Town, Maggie Maggie May, Sweet Molly Malone, Drunken Sailor, Land of Hope and Glory – Whatever next? ON ON you ARCADIAN SERENADERS.



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