Hash Trash During the Time of COVID – SATURDAY April 3


Yep, April, dumb-cluck. And it was Good Friday yesterday. Wondered why it was a tanggal merah. Bollox – been a while since I wondered about anything. Anyhow, up and running again. This time in that turf enclosure by Mambal swimming pool. We’ve met there many times. Brilliant spot, nymphs and shepherds, or prop up the beer truck. Which is what YWGMH & YWHMH did, the latter suffering from sore plates. Just remembered DICK THE PRICK on CALICO JACK with a bloody great hole in his sole – miraculously healed shortly thereafter. Check him out for the panacea. Lovely smell of newly mown grass and first bird heard the Brown-throated Sunbird – could almost have been a Chiffchaff. Unexpected visit from well-endowed alpha male macaque that feasted on purple jelly and jumbo kum then slunk off at the instance of alpha and omega GM. HARES on this sparkling occasion were SERIAL OFFENDER, WHILE YOU’RE DOWN THERE & INFLATABLE BEDMATE, WHO DESPITE thin paper at the end, suitably acclaimed in the circle. So easily pleased are we. Fantastic turnout: I reckoned 90 odds and sods, not including infants, mostly welcome and familiar faces plus fair number of virgins expertly deflowered by WOODEN EYE. A host of RETURNERS including surprise surprise NIGHTJAR who pleaded ‘merely obeying orders’ following first jako by pretty nurse from Payangan.

Pathetic. A scrumptious cake by NO DEPOSIT for WHILE YOUR DOWN THERE whose birthday it was. LABIA expostulating about zoonosis and birds of a feather with icing of weakest link, followed by Sister Belinda,

Whisky friskyy Brandy randy, Gin in, Rum come and God forbid Hack Daniels spaniels, and Pino Collada harder, and I forget what comes after Tequila. Jolly good show one and all. We should do it more often. Thank you WORM for keeping us all together and well primed, but how much longer must the BURNING OF THE WORM be held in abeyance?



Hash Trash During the Time of COVID

Bali Hash House Harriers 2

Hash Trash During the Time of COVID


A sea-change in the weather. A transformation, not unexpected. The Little Spiderhunter’s call – hardly a song – two note endlessly repeated the livelong day. Chris Hails (whose wonderful Birds of Singapore which is illustrated by Frank Jarvis and which has just been reprinted – get it while you can) told me it reminded him of a speeded up Chiffchaff. Yes, I can see the resemblance, but it is to me more mechanical than melodious – that simple two note song so breezy-wheezy plaintive harbinger of spring; a Boreal spring I mean, and welcome visitor to an English garden, from mid-March to Autumn. And such a curious correlation in our contrasting season here – the Austral winter, now coming in.

An obvious shift in the wind these past few days, and stratocumulus now drifting north-westerly. Pause and scan the sky if you will. It is obvious isn’t it? And although there is still the odd heavy shower, the relative humidity is noticeably less. You can feel it.

It’s Chiffchaff weather here. And there is another little bird that puts me in mind of that Boreal warbler and whose presence in the garden is evermore betrayed by its pretty two-note song – so very

simple, but simple tunes are always the best

Wheet tiu wheet. tiu wheet. tiu – I hear it now, emanating from the nearest coconut palm – chiff chaff chiff chaff chiff chaff – so very familiar, yet so distinct. The book will tell you (if you don’t already know that this is the Brown- (or plain-) throated Sunbird of oriental arbours – such a prosaic name for a bird that radiates iridescently every colour in the spectrum. I even mentioned it as reminding me of the Chiffchaff in the little book I made, also with Frank – Birds of Bali – those many moons ago. Sorry, now out of print, and no likelihood of a further reprint. Try Amazon.com – and don’t forget that today is a day of dissemblance and dissimulation

…………chiff chaff chiff chaff chiff chaff…………


Hash Trash During the Time of COVID

Hash Trash During the Time of COVID


I’m often accused or exaggeration relating to numbers of birds or butterflies seen on certain occasions, but if anything I tend to underestimate. Thumbing through Butterflies of Bali recently, I realized that the migration of Lemon Emigrants I witnessed in ‘74 endured at least ten days and nights, tailing off perceptibly in the last day or two. Must have been millions. Many. And I could have gone on and on about some of the other wonders I’ve seen. For instance the invasion of Bronze Cuckoos – Horsfield’s – thirty something years ago. These are definitely Aussie birds and have been described as uncommon visitors to Sundaland. I could stand anywhere in the ricefields and see twenty odd with one sweep of my bins. Some years you’d see a few during the so-called Austral winter, but this was unprecedented – or was it? And I’ll never forget David Wells’ sighting of dozens of Eyebrowed Thrushes on Gunung Penulisan (whenever that was). No one to my knowledge has ever seen them in Bali before or since.

Back to butterflies – How often does one see lots of Birdwings in any one place? I have an amazing recollection of seeing many in Sawai or Wahai in North Seran. These were nominate priamus – huge and green – fluttering everywhere. All perfect, a seasonal brood. At any instant one could view up to a dozen feeding on the white redtipped corolla blossoms of Cerbera, directly behind our bungalow on the beach. Then, more recently in Mulu NP in Sarawak – I’d gone there to attend InterHash ‘12 or ‘14 – I suddenly became aware of those most brilliant of Birdwings – Raja Brooke’s – swirling round me just 100 yards from the hotel where we were staying, There were hundreds of them, evidently attracted to a flooded and derelict building site. My presence clearly disturbed them, for they were sitting imbibing moisture on the ground. All fresh and brilliant, utterly stunning. And, unremarkably, every single one a male. I’ve not seen the female of the species yet. Do you know anyone who has?

Hash Trash During the Time of COVID

Bali Hash House Harriers 2 Hash Trash March 2021

Bali Hash House Harriers 2

Hash Trash During the Time of COVID


Download PDF HERE

I was quite wrong about the range of the Lurcher Yoms sabina in my last load of gubbins, being under the impression that the few I’ve seen here were migrants from down-under. Actually, the range is vast, occurring from South China to Northern Australia, but nowhere is it common, and curiously you will not find it in Malaya or Sumatra (or so my antiquated literature informs me). Though migrant or resident in Bali I cannot be certain. Of course, we are aware that many species of birds especially and butterflies migrate, some merely locally, others vast distances. Why? It would seem mostly to escape climatic conditions unsuited to their reproduction; also when populations expand to the extent that they eat themselves out of house and home. Or maybe because old habits die hard and they’ve been doing it for eons during which time the earth’s climate has changed radically.

Migrations are always memorable. To see multitudes of any creature in flight or repose is bound to impress. Who indeed has not been affected by the spectacle of thousands of swallows sitting on telegraph wires or of starlings swirling in clouds in tight formation. In correspondence recently with Morten Strange – bird photographer and author, and currently I should add Hon Sec of the Malayan Nature Society (Singapore Branch) – I was reminiscing about some of our more memorable sightings over the years, including those of vast and totally unexpected congregations in various places around SE Asia.

Beginning with butterflies – (see Butterflies of Bali, Mason & Pink 2005) – there were those hordes of Monarchs or Milkweeds or Wanderers in California and New South Wales that were clearly hibernating, not to mention those extraordinary mass migrations of Painted Ladies, which I personally did not see, though I heard that similar swarms were recorded in Europe last summer, or was it the year before? I wrote about it in Butterflies of Bali, also the mass migration of Lemon Emigrants too – quite easily the greatest multitude of creatures I’d ever seen: The passage I witnessed endured five days and nights and must have comprised many millions of flies, at any instant hundreds and hundreds bustling along on a broad front and heading west or north west over the mountain chain that traverses Bali. I remember I even felt compelled to present a paper on it to the Malayan Naturalist, When? It must have been mid-seventies. I can’t be more precise than that – but wherefore? Their numbers presumably augmented along the way, and what was their ultimate destination? And possibly they all perished before attaining it. Then there were the congregations of tigers and glasswings that I also described, but these weren’t going anywhere. Somewhat tangentially I might also mention the appalling irruption of ladybirds that discovered on the Downs in the summer of 176 (Bali Hash. Mason 1988). But we become too far removed, and let us move on to some South East Asian birds.

It was the drongo cuckoos that started the general discussion. My first experience of them was in Singapore on Sentosa Island, I think in 1965. There were loads of them – dicruroides with tails deeply forked. They must have been on passage somewhere and the island was a suitable staging post: of course, the only way to get there in those days was by boat. I recall also another unusual

sighting in Singapore, that of Red Turtle-Dove, masses of them in places where I had never seen them before, and this must have been some years before Birds of Singapore (Hails & Jarvis 1987) was first published. Possibly some remnants of that population were those portrayed by the authors in this wonderful book. I know of no record of their having progressed further south of Singapore.

Bali Hash House Harriers 2 Hash Trash March 2021 Nyepi Edition

New Year 2021 Hash Trash

Bali Hash House Harriers 2

New Year 2021 Hash Trash


NO HASH yesterday that I’m aware of, but still something to say. First the Drongo Cuckoo. Definitely two kinds here, and both most vocal. You’d never see birds unless you heard them first. Loud and clear and openly perched on a dead twig of the durian, I watched it in full cry for at least two minutes – one, two, three, four, five, six – wings jerking at each ascending note. The tail was deeply forked like your actual drongo, whereas others I’ve had in the garden had square tails. The difference is striking, otherwise birds look and sound the same. Payne (The Cuckoos OUP 2005) split them into Surniculus lugubris Square-tailed D-C and Surniculus dicruroides Fork-tailed, and judging by the outpourings of the latter, it will be overwintering here like the goshawks.

So, if no run yesterday, what is there to say about our BALI H311? Not a lot, but having hashed in 60 odd hashes in at least 20 lands over the years, beginning with Singapore in the mid-sixties, allow me to say that BALI HASH HOUSE HARRIERS II is second to none.

When I started in Sing, it was all blokes following one paper trail, and everyone drank a shandy of beer and ginger beer. No circle, no songs – that came later at Jo Coco’s, Tangle Inn, Punggol Point or the Eyes and Piles. But no matter. We all paid the same dues and, as far as I know, we were not officially registered as a Club: same in KL, though they were obliged to become a legal entity soon after.

Okay, so we’re different. We have to be. We’re not all refugees from urban cubicles, escaping from the missus, and letting down what remains of our hair on a Monday night (then spending most of Tuesday at the Eyes and Piles composing the weekly HASH TRASH),

Those were the days begad. But I still say that, ideally, as a club, whether official or otherwise, all so-called adults (irrespective of drinking habits) should pay the same run fee and prosecute the same trail and, if you can’t manage the whole, just do part – TOGETHER AND LOUDLY – ON ON

Bali Hash House Harriers 2 Happy New Beer




Another day without the Hash Seems like a day too long Or river vale devoid of dash Or hymnal song gone wrong.

Pretty poor show if you ask me, Boxing Day without any presents.

What was your Christmas like? Not so convivial as yesteryear methinks, though there was compensation snow. On Christmas Day even I was presented with an eye-stretching array of Hawaiian Shirts and cheese and chocolate, and Single Malt Scotch Whisky. Later in the day, I was invited to FLY by SU, where I happened to bump into none other than MARBLE BALLS.

He’d just got back from a round of golf with SURINDEREELA at Bali Handara.

Well, one thing led to another, culminating in a bottle the like of which I’ve never seen or tasted before in SE Asia.

CHARDONNAY – it said on the label – SEA SMOKE 2009; it mentioned as well a massive ABV of 15.2%. Now I’ve drunk the odd bottle of this grape variety in the past, including some exceptional Kiwi & Aussie ones. Who will ever forget Cloudy Bally from Marlborough or Mosswood from Margaret River – big, bold and buttery and unconscionably delicious. As an aside, I used to do a vintage straight Chardonnay Blanc-de-blancs Champagne under the grand marque Charles Heidsieck. They don’t come much better than that. Now I see, also from the label, that this Sea Smoke Chardonnay comes from California; but the most noteworthy detail is the inscription – GRATIS – which means without payment’ in any language. You will not find anything as good in the market place. And PRESTO! another bottle appears upon my desk this morning.

Thank you MARBLE BALLS & BILLIONAIRE BOB for this ineffable gift.


Bali Hash House Harriers 2 Happy New Beer


Bali Hash House Harriers 2 Official Hash Trash


Why? There may have been some misunderstanding or miscommunication here. A high-placed source or spy informed me that some fat prat, engaged to translate government edicts, may have misconstrued the intent, whether wittingly or unwittingly, thereby conveying half-truths to the half-minds of our members. Shame really. Conditions were perfect for a trot or stroll in the hills. Besides, what else is there to do these days?

Well you can watch butterflies, for instance, Three surprises this week in the garden – Leopard, Glass Wing, Cruiser. The latter – a female, duller and more greenish than the bright fulvous orange males – I have seen but twice before in Bali, which is odd: they seem to be much rarer than the males – (read my comments in Butterflies of Bali, 2005). The insect was greatly attracted to the Curry Leaf Tree which is flowering: it wasn’t laying (natal foodplant is Adenia). Then, still more amazing, I had the Glass Wing feeding on Button Daisy in the borders – also a female, with pronounced black margins as well as spotting of the wings, more like the Indian violae, but no matter. The Leopard was the larger one (phalantha): I usually see the smaller alcippe here. As for the Glass Wing, I’d never seen it in Ubud, but only in the mountains where it is common. Anyone care to comment? A definite resurgence of flies in the sunny spells between showers at this season. You must have noticed.

What else to report? Oh yes, the convocation of Hashers plus other odds and sods of the ‘Ubud Community’ on Wednesday 16th at the original Beggars Bush. Fantastic turnout, including many middle aged/elderly ladies, seemingly deferential – Victor, you may not remember me, but …

Now run by charming locos Latinos, with tapas bar nosh and huge range of beverages, and possibly more commodious than before. Check it out. The password is NIGHTJAR. Is the beer too strong for you?

Bali Hash House Harriers 2 Official Hash Trash

Bali Hash 2 Hash Trash Run #1487 Desa Rafting Bongkasa

Bali Hash House Harriers 2

Hash Trash

Run #1487 Desa Rafting Bongkasa


SERIAL OFFENDER’s artful December 12th post meridiem mappemond mentioned hare CHOCOLATE FINGER. Who he/she? The omniscient botanizer doesn’t know everything. Apparently. Arriving punctually with WORM at Banjar Tanggayuda Bongkasa, whom should we espy under the majestic towering ficus but STEPTOE clutching a pink plastic bag with the heavenly Eva. I addressed myself to the latter. You’re not CHOCOLATE FINGER – are you? Affirmation. Something to do with the Flemish connection. STEPTOE? Well, you must have seen the BBC TV series – Steptoe & Son – say no more. But were you aware that the two are related? Wonders …. But then it must be admitted that we all share a common ancestor. Reductio ad absurdum.

Not much has changed here, except the carpark is pretty recent. Have you read the chapter – The Biggest Blooming Banyan in the World – in Bali Bird Walks? The picture of the tree tells you nothing; but there is a lovely shot of HASH HOUSE HARRIERS assembled (circa 1989) at the sign of BEGGARS BUSH. I used to wander/run around here way back; it’s where I caught my first Bali Lacewing on the Sayan side. But old bridle paths have been obstructed by modern building development, so, unless your name is STEPTOE, you will ply your trade only on the Bongkasa side. The tree overshadows all – two acres of embrangled limbs and several crowns of easily 200 feet. Thence were contrived a number of sorties, including across the river and up the slope where the way has been obliterated by monstrous concretions, prompting STEPTOE to excavate staircase and erect sturdy banisters to ease ascent.

Artistic and expedient shortcutting enabled first back in just over half an hour: GERMAN SHEPHERD and SCREAMING LADY were ecstatic, and so were the remainder of the pack when they had tasted STEPTOE’s spiced home-brew. Bit too strong for YWGMH who displayed exiguous crack on ice besides shriving our most worthy HARES. What beauty. We celebrated the demise of Browning (1889) with Pied Piper, rats and twats; and did you know that THE MORNING OF THE WORLD, attributed to Pandit Nehru, actually came from the poet’s PIPPA PASSES? Finally, to FLY where YWGMH serenaded party of raucous Frogs with chanson paillard ex ECOLE DES BEAUX ARTS.

Sorry to report that next week’s run has been CANCELLED by order of Gubner Koster.

Bali Hash 2 Hash Trash Run #1487 Desa Rafting Bongkasa Bali Hash 2 Hash Trash Run #1487 Desa Rafting Bongkasa Bali Hash 2 Hash Trash Run #1487 Desa Rafting Bongkasa Bali Hash 2 Hash Trash Run #1487 Desa Rafting Bongkasa Bali Hash 2 Hash Trash Run #1487 Desa Rafting Bongkasa Bali Hash 2 Hash Trash Run #1487 Desa Rafting Bongkasa Bali Hash 2 Hash Trash Run #1487 Desa Rafting Bongkasa Tonight @ Boliche = Beggars Bush

Bali Hash 2 Hash Trash Run #1486 Kedisan Tegallalang

Hash Trash Run #1486


Get the PDF HERE

Kedis of course is Balinese for bird – Kedisan = Birdland – though the elements were not wholly conducive to scrutinizing the critters nor yet to vermicidal conflagration. LABIA had large flocks of smallish ‘black birds’ assembling on dead trees; these must have been Short-tailed Glossy Starlings found at higher elevations. The Goshawk, by the way, visits the garden most days, yet I wonder why its advent this year was so retarded. Must be the weather: you must have noticed the south-westerly drift, becoming more northerly only in the past few days. Global warming? Bollox. Merely seasonal or cyclical variation. The NW monsoon now beginning to assert itself with a vengeance, the rain brings coolness and freshness; yesterday (5th) was no exception. But the going was hard and very slithery, and by no means ideal for leg-stretching, causing half the pack to be out till well past dusk.

We have to strike a balance here. Despite some contrary opinion, I see nowt to discourage a 16.30 start: I mean dammit, you’ve got two hours of daylight to run or walk a five miler, and no run should exceed that, no matter what the conditions. As a fuddy-duddy antediluvian dinosaur, I maintain that no run should take more than one hour – max 17 – and if you can’t maintain an average five mph then you should go elsewhere.

HARES must adjust according to weather, terrain, etc. Not to disparage here our worthy HARES on this occasion – BARNACLE BALLS & CUM ON YER BACK – had it not been a bloomin’ mud bath, it would have been a candidate for RUN OF THE YEAR.

Ineffable nosh provided by INFLATABLE BEDMATE (curry by his own fair hand) as well as Black Bull phaenobarbitone, and Emperor’s Banquet courtesy of DEEP CLEFT. But the main attraction was undoubtedly the WORM for burning. Following the circle and rendition of OLD MACDONALD’S FARM – after all it was TUMPEK HARI KANDANG sacred to all domesticated animoles including those that are kennelled – WORM, IBM & YWGMH spent an aeon marvelling at CUM ON YER BACK’s creation, the ultimate OGOH-OGOH and better than any exhibit at Tate Modern.

True genius. It will be set ablaze. Sooner the better. Then to FLY where oysters are playful and in season.

On On to Desa Rafting Bongkasa …


Bali Hash 2 | Hash Trash Run #1485 Saturday November 28th

Bali Hash 2 | Hash Trash Run #1485 Saturday November 28th


What is it that tastes like tar, dead fish and dog shit on a windlashed Inner Hebridean Beach? Yep, right first time, and no need to spell it. Then, what is black and dished up with neeps & tatties? Right again – ye unco canny wanker. Other delights were provided by IBM, NO DEPOSIT, and COMING ROUND THE MOUNTAIN, appropriately enough. That lassie should be elected GRAND MATTRESS at our forthcoming AGPU (though in reality she is already). And although LABIA’s selection OI ‘Highlanders’ comprised mostly mongrels with Sassenach skeletons in their respective closets, none could claim greater affinity than our most worthy HAIR RAISER himself – don’t I mean HARE? – MNG whose immediate ancestors hail from hard by the NINETEENTH on the OLD COURSE or the celebrated ROYAL AND ANCIENT. Unco splendid show. Of course HIGHLAND FLING being essentially a solo performance is something of a misnomer. Undoubtedly MOUNT N’ GROAN was founder of the least, though every lad and lassie present contributed to the success of the occasion.

Access to Brasela site was as picturesque as the trail itself, semi-paved and barely negotiable to the likes of WORM and HORNY HERRING. Pretty much off-road really. But BOUNCING CZECH’s clutching hand amply compensated, nary libation evident. To attain the bar demanded some exertion, and more then one duffer came a purler in the process. Finally found meself propping it up in the company of HARES that also included PEARL NECKLACE. All agreed it was an unco exceptional course, especially the dark tunnel that not everyone ventured to enter. We need more subterranean runs. One mishap narrowly averted when an elderly HARRIER was discovered hanging on for dear life to a cliff face. I don’t think he’s been baptized yet:: CLIFF HANGER – should be one word CLIFFHANGER – could conceivably fill the bill eventually. For St Andrew (our RA) conditions were perfect. As typical Scottish mizzle cleared, so did upper Petanu-side mist envelop us on the bonnie bonnie banks. All that snash about Auguries of Innocence and New Jerusalem – and never mind the Argies – let it be known, however, that it was the birthday of William Blake (1757) – and compensation enow in the Ballad of Sir Patrick Spens plus that other Scots shanty (attributed to Burns) – 4 and 20 Virgine



Bali Hash 2 | Hash Trash Run #1485 Saturday November 28th Bali Hash 2 | Hash Trash Run #1485 Saturday November 28th Bali Hash 2 | Hash Trash Run #1485 Saturday November 28th Bali Hash 2 | Hash Trash Run #1485 Saturday November 28th Bali Hash 2 | Hash Trash Run #1485 Saturday November 28th Bali Hash 2 | Hash Trash Run #1485 Saturday November 28th Bali Hash 2 | Hash Trash Run #1485 Saturday November 28th