Run #1474


By: Nightjar

The run was yesterday in the hills north of Gianyar, a virgin site discovered by BOUNCING CZECH, HANDJOB & MRS PALMER. Breathtakingly brilliant, and it was BOUNCING CZECH’s birthday. How lucky we are.

Excellent turnout circa 80 hounds of which half beer drinkers with three kegs drained plus bottles: getting better all the time.

And WOODEN EYE performed wonders in the circle to the extent of naming some Taffy’s missus – HOW DEEP IS YOUR VALLEY – very tasty I thought like BOUNCING CZECH’s cake. May he live 100 years, drink 1,000,000 beers etc.

Beer Master AMAZON (to give him his proper name) further explained how King Hayam Wuruk of Majapahit fame (see last week’s A/C) sent Kublai Khan’s Mongols packing: the maja fruit did not agree.

Whether YWGMH was misinformed or merely inattentive, instead of proceeding at a leisurely pace, pot in hand, to the lip of the Pakrisan Valley to welcome home both short and long distance runners, our errant miscreant proceeded to amble the length of the village, enquiring of all and sundry the way down to the Pakrisan River.

Very friendly the natives in these parts, probably becausee they are quite unaccustomed to marauding bulais – just 100 metres more sir for the first mile or so, would you like a banana, please have a sip of this (from some young layabouts swigging arak) and so on.

Finally found a track heading west past the village school and magnificent lychee tree into the fields and to the very edge of the river valley. So spectacular the views south to the sea, and of the gorge itself, here at its deepest and thickly af forested.

Chaps clambering down the 300 foot slope for evening ablution, but I did not join them. Indolent prat, but the hernia is playing up and my pot is empty.

Yet how many times have I descended and traversed this valley. The river is entirely spring fed from the Tirta empul at Tampaksiring. You can drink it, and the walk downstream to Goa Garba Pejeng and beyond is the most rewarding I know – everywhere ancient coves and rock-carved candi, remnants of the Gelgel Dynasty – read all about it in BALI BIRDWALKS (APA Publications) and examine the portrait of Bali Hashers at p 88.

What beauty – the scenery I mean. Anew butterfly. My attention drawn yesterday and today (18th) to the fantastically swift and nervous flight of a Jay (Graphium spp) buzzing round the curry Leaf and manifestly laying.

The Pale Green Triangle, I said in my Butterfly book that I had never seen it here before, blimey.




Bali Hash House Harriers 2



By: Nightjar

Oh dear, what can the matter be: Poor old Roger’s stuck in the lavatory: He’ll be there from Monday to Saturday, and nobody knows he’s there. But LABIA knew. Armed with an assortment – a very arsenal indeed – of implements from his tool-box, this exceptional handyman proceeded to demolish the shithouse door in order to release him.

Just how GERMAN SHEPHERD contrived an additional lock-in, both here and in her digs down the road, must remain shrouded in mystery. I know Roger hasn’t been with us for long, but YWGMH decreed unusually that hence forward he shall rejoice in the hash moniker of – TOILET TRASHER.

And all this before the run. It couldn’t get better, could it? But it did. All those poor sods who were diverted elsewhere missed easily our best post-Covid performance yet; even dare I say ever.

LABIA & INFLATABLE BEDMATE were hares, taking the pack thro some of the most stunning terrain anywhere on the planet – leafy lanes, rugged slopes, riparian splendour …. and stairway to heaven that IBM caringly marked in chalk, up to 400 plus (wasn’t it?) – better then Bhutan, or Burma, or Salisbury cathedral.

There were circa 40 hounds, of which only 15 serious beer-drinkers who managed to consume 2X30 litre kegs plus any number of big bottles. and never mind the gold watch and cough mixture. Not bad at all. And don’t forget the fizz, kindly provided by DICK THE PRICK, Founder OF LION CITY 13 as well as some others we won’t mention.

YWGMH elected to give us The Lobster (FARTIN MARTIN’S smash shit), but the star of the show was LABIA who assembled teams of male booby exposers and female appraisonsS WORM was outright winner – nipples suitably en hanced by the temperature. By God, it was fucking freezing.

Next week at Mambal, and No Balls at All for Hare HORNY HERRING. And what joy to hear and see the Serpent Eagles again. A nice pair they were indeed. Everyone saw the Sun birds rirling that un known orange (not Chink) Hibiscus. Then the English nosh = simply nonpareil.

Thank you Utami & Johnny. On on forever.

Bali Hash 2 BaliTrekk AT HOME & IN THE HILLS ON ON







By: Night Jar

Incandescent day – like yesterday, rendered all the brighter D the antics of our merry band of Hash House Harriers at the Bali Bird Park. The trail went straight thro the lawns and borders of the property, quite easily the equivalent of any urban botanic garden worldwide.

Did you know there are 58 species of palm tree there?

Bali Hash House Harriers 2

And never mind the dicky-birds. But Harry, the African Ground Vulture who has been there forever and is definitely the star of the entire show, greeted me with his customary head shake and honk. What beauty. He still recognizes me despite my long absence. I’m utterly disarmed. Then straightway to the Bintang Beer truck, and the bar was open (at 16.00).


Not only that but the hare INFLATABLE BEDMATE had set up a fancy cocktail dispenser – a potent blend of Bali Ayung-side whiskies that sent some troopers reeling. Pretty good actually. Compare it with Johnny Walker red, black, blue or green.

Go on. On on. Do it.

And did I tell you about the Bali Moon new Black Bull tasting we had last week? Can’t remember. Saturday 22nd was also of course Hari Tumpek Uduh / Pengatag, sacred to flora, especially fruit-trees, with rosettes pinned to each coconut palm in the garden. It was also a good day for the Frogs, being the anniversary of the (1944) Liberation of Paris, not to say birthday of that celebrated maestro of pianoforte composition – Debussy – second to none including Liszt (1862).

For some obscure reason YWGMH elected not to perform ‘Ou est le Papier’, preferring to proffer ‘I don’t want to join the Army’ instead. Still made little or no impression on the garrulous rabble. No discipline. HM WORM was co-hare. But by all accounts, it was WRIGGLY who was founder of the feast.

This morning I counted a dozen species of butterfly in the garden, including peranthus Swift Peacock jinking round the Curry-Leaf tree. It’s impossible to see the caterpillars or chrysalises, the former leaving no sign of de predation nor even frass; the latter in profile exactly the shape and colour of the pinnate leaves. On the adjacent fields, a host of egrets pursuing two rotavators – 100 Cattle easily, four Little, one surprisingly with pendant na pe plumes (bit early?), and one solitary Intermediate aloof and ponderous. All spanking white. A few pond herons in evidence, seemingly self-distancing.

Ed note – YWGMH is a wanker, Harry’s a HORNBILL – NOT a vulture.






By; Night Jar

Hari Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI this very day, a Monday no less. Remember what happened this time last year. Yes, broke me arm
on the HHH Independence Day Run in Candi Dasa. Silly sod, and I wasn’t even pissed. Our second run following a long hiatus on Saturday 15th at Kemenuh was a joyous affair – another posh establishment with beautiful garden that had been singularly arid for many a moon.

Well, we livened things up a bit, not least WGME who who early on had a piss behind the beer truck and was roundly reprimanded by the owner of the property to direct his way to one of the plush lavatories abounding on every side. We 11 sorry Chaps but I have pissed in finer borders than yours around the world, but I intended no harm.


Another glorious dawning with chorus augmented by shrieking of Collared Kingfisher and pathetic cadence of Plaintive Cuckoo.
And lo and behold! – three Swift Peacocks racing round the Curry Leaf to the evident consternation of a bunch of Java Munias therein.
I watched them flee jibbering to the house temple.

No sign of peranthus now, (14.00) and it’s getting gloomy.

But the birds are back in the bush. Quite unseasonably wet of late; not your average Antipodean anti-cyclone or el-nino effect. Good for rice cultivation of course and, if not fishing or flying kites, more young lads back in the paddy helping the old folk with planting and bringing the harvest in. Makes a change from bell-hopping or bar-tending or being a tourist guide,
Still, so many young people glued to their smart phones these days. Not a healthy occupation. Everyone knows that I suffer from telephonophobia – ‘smart’ is the worst affliction. I must get back to Nature and the Hash.
Bad news I’m afraid.

I was told on Saturday that Frank Benfield was no longer with us. Widow Claire rang: cancer she said and all very sudden. Dear old Frankie – marvelous chap and outstanding Hashman who was MC at our big dos, including mine in ’88, as well as ‘voice Over’ in the final film – BALI HASH. If you haven’t got it, get it. ON ON Frank forever.



Bali Hash House Harriers 2 Hash Trash Run #1470

Bali Hash House Harriers 2

Hash Trash

Run #1470 – August 15th, 2020

Oh to be back Hashing in Bali‼! And what a great day for our second run back with Bali Hash House Harriers II (2, 2, 2).

Bali Hash House Harriers 2 Hash Trash Run #1470

The Hares chose an excellent spot for today’s run, plenty of parking and space for us to be silly and drunk without offending the natives. In fact, it must be said, that for the past two runs the local Balinese in the fields and streams have been extremely helpful. This run gave both long and short runners plenty of space to stretch out though it was a bit Bali Hash House Harriers 2 Hash Trash Run #1470 confusing running into drunk short running newbies and drunken virgins stumbling around the rice paddies, and even long time Hashers on the way back towards home. Coming into the parking lot there were people doing selfies and drinking black stuff and trying to eat obscene looking hot dogs while Wooden Eye tried to get the Harriets in the sack and Peterfile tried to get a virgin in the sack, or something like that… I guess it was understandable though as said virgin was totally barely (nearly un) dressed for something other than Hashing so there ya go!




Our favorite Rhodesian Ridgeback was back on the run with her master Mount N Groan and she didn’t hesitate for a moment to try and bite the face off the nearest 4 LeggBali Hash House Harriers 2 Hash Trash Run #1470 ed she could find (lions being in short supply on at BHHH2). Fortunately for that dog Zola had a massive rope around her neck and a couple more virgins holding the table she was attached too. Well done Zola and Virgins!

The circle was short and sweet and just as well with all the drunken frivolity that was going on beforehand. Gaylick sported a keg and Inflatable Bed Mate sported Bali Bali Hash House Harriers 2 Hash Trash Run #1470 Moon’s new answer to Jagermeister which helped grease the collective wheels quite well (Thanks Dudes!) while Night Jar held a short court after HM stumbled through few sentences of thanks et al, and as with many stories that involve Hashing and Drinking… all was well!

The run was fantastic and our hosts and sponsors pulled out the stops. The Black Bull was a little too tasty and the extra beer was gone I a flash but it seems we all made it home safely though rumor has it that Blow Joe nearly rode all the way to Sanur before he realized he was going the wrong way…

Thanks to Worm, Wriggley, Worm Hole, Night Crawler and Nightjar for a fantastic day and thank you everyone from BHHH2 for being you‼!

On On to Bali Bird Park Run #1471


BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1369 Pura Mengening, Tampaksiring

Bali Hash House Harriers 2

Hash Trash Run #1369 Pura Mengening, Tampaksiring

Oh When The Saints…

St Monty, St. Tits and St. Zola (or could it be Xola?) who is not only the only female saint in this region but the only canonized female that is actually a dog, pulled off a huge one last Saturday for St. George’s (pronounced “whore hay’s”) Day at Tampaksiring. For those of you who didn’t come, and you know who you are, and so do we, I can only utter these sentiments: “Nya nya, nya nya nya” accompanied by rude gesticulations. As you know swearing and cursing is looked down upon in Bali Bali Hash House Harriers 2 so our message is: “you darners missed a really darning good run, so go and darn yourselves”. It may well have been the best darning run of the year if you darning well ask me.

Anyhow, many stalwarts did show up especially those of the persuasion in some parts of the world known as “Pommy”, but we extend consolations as they had no control over their place of birth (har), and at least I had the charity and forbearance to capitalize it (dee har). But I jest in a chuckling and guffawing manner. At one point later in the circle I think I counted at least a dozen natives of Albion giving full throat as it were to what, I may be wrong here, is their National Anthem, which, I think, has something to do with “England’s green and peasant land”? Give them credit though, they’re not there, are they? (Har). I don’t wish to get into air panas with our good chums from across the seas and as you know I have nothing but affection for the Royal Family, warm flat beer, frigid pork pies and Simon Cowell.

English skies, fortunately, prevailed last Saturday, thank Whore Hay and as one of the Angled Saxons observed pointing to the heavens “It looks like bloody Birmingham up there”. Lowering battleship grey monotone kept things mercifully cool. As well as it being a tremendously good run it was possibly one of the most arduous in living memory. Three runs had been announced by Hare Mount ‘n’ Groan: a 4k short short, a 6k medium and an 8k long, but by the time we had struggled and gasped our way down and up a massive and stunningly vast and beautiful valley and into the open emerald paddys, I faltered and finally pussied at the split for the short and medium.

Why break the habit of a lifetime? I rightly concluded that if I’d had to do another valley down and up I would have surely expired clutching at my chest and a fistful of grass, hyperventilating half way up a perfectly vertical valley wall. Nobody wants a dead little Aussie bleeder on their St Geo’s Hash, do they? What would they do with one? X?Zola was definitely peckish after Haring duties, so…I know what you’re thinking you macabre bastards but the rest of the sentence is: I gave her a chicken and boiled egg sandwich.

Please do not write in and inquire as to whether or not I am dead. I don’t wish to start an urban myth such as the one about Paul McCartney in the 60’s or Paul Keating in the 90’s (he wasn’t technically dead). Or the one about the “President” of the U.S. being chosen by some “electoral college”.

The circle contained many returning and notable English folk who had been conspicuous for long periods by their absinthe. Hashers such as Long and Strong and Chippie himself who warbled “These Foolish Things” (“A used French letter in a London taxi, a whiff of syphilis from a horse’s jacksie”). I love that song. Another little Aussie bleeder Gay Gordon (not his real persuasion) showed up after an extended period in Oz getting lost on golf courses.

It was a great run, a great circle and a great day, all round, about an 11 out of 10 at a conservative estimate. Those who didn’t think so can get darned.

See you at, and now for something completely different, Goa Gajah on Saturday for another run with the Best Hash in Bali ….. Bali Hash House Harriers 2 … 2 …. 2!

On on

The late J.B.


Photos Courtesy of Mila Stedronova

BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1368 Bumi Linggah, Batu Bulan

Bali Hash House Harriers 2

 BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1368 Bumi Linggah, Batu Bulan

Our Lady of the Scraggly Parched Ex-Rice Paddy


As if concrete geese frozen in mid-flap, grinning Brahman bulls, leaping Japanese-oid fish and other puzzling statuary at Drunken Bastard’s pleasantly spacious, grassy, shady and clean hostelry grounds at Bumi Lingga last Saturday weren’t enough, not long after we had negotiated a shuffling departure in the blazing heat from this oddly themed but garden-like atmosphere, a much more befuddling sight caught us (me, anyway) utterly off guard.


As so often happens on this enchanted isle, the last thing you would expect to see reared up before us in a nothing-short-of-miraculous manner. At first it didn’t appear to be anything out of the ordinary. An ornately carved red brick Balinese structure with the usual decorative touches like something one would see in a temple stood in an unremarkable, scrubby and disused paddy. On closer inspection, inside a glassed off enclosure within it was housed none other than…Stormy Daniels, no, kidding… the Holy Mother herself in customary pose, hands out palms up in all her painted porcelain and be-robed glory. A clutch of Hashers issued various reactions: “Holy ….!”, “What the ….!” Even the Saviour was invoked, perhaps appropriately, who knows? Personally, I couldn’t have been more taken aback if Batman and his butler Alfred had been in there in flagrente delicto, trousers and Bat trunks around ankles.


The rest of the run was nowhere near as eventful, but it did have its moments. There were decent mountain and, a tad surprisingly, not too distant ocean views as well. Quite a bit of paddy with mature rice slightly waving in not exactly gale force winds, stiff breezes or mild zephyrs for that matter. Perhaps that was the point at which I broke wind causing the paddy to stir (and a dog started barking, of course). It was pretty friggin’ hot and we were sweating cobs for most of the exactly one hour that was the short run. There wasn’t a lot of jogging or trotting getting done especially on the last steaming asphalt section. Refreshing beverages have rarely been looked forward to with as much lust or consumed with so much relish and eagerness.


A circle slowly coagulated and before before you could say “he’s a bastard through and through” the Religious Advisor, Organ Grinder, had all individuals answering that description and who were in possession of a Decree Nisi front and center for well-deserved (apparently) down downs. The reason: It was Ex-Wives Day! No shit. You’ve got to hand it to the R.A., he’s a sharp eyed customer. Who knew? Yes it’s true, gentle reader, I don’t want to burst any bubbles here, but when man first crawled out of the primeval slime (it was a while ago) and got divorced, I’m afraid I was in that number.


It’s not as if I hug my Decree joyfully to my breast or prostrate myself reverentially in front of a lounge room shrine containing the sacred scroll itself, honest, but I’ve got one. The Grand Master  then took center stage and delivered a “penetrating” ditty called “All Queers Together”. Ha ha, plop, was the sound made as we laughed our arses off. It was literally funnier than buggary.


Concrete Erection and Jangle Balls favored us with an (almost) harmonized rendition of the ultimate drinking man’s thinking song, Monty Python’s Piss Tank Philosophers: “There’s nothing Nietzsche couldn’t teach ya ‘bout the raising of the wrist, Socrates himself was permanently pissed”. It was a signal moment, the signal being that it lasted a moment (it’s not exactly Wagner’s four part ring trilogy).


Who cares? It was a lot more fun than German opera, at least I suspect as much, and we await next Saturday’s St. George’s Day run by Hares Zola the Rhodesian Ridgeback (a dog, with a fin) and Monty (her human) with baited (har) breath. Paint your dragon.


On on,



Bali Hash House Harriers 2

A drinking club with a running problem. Join Bali Hash House Harriers 2 every Saturday, Rain or Shine, for another great run in paradise.

Bali Hash House Harriers 2 the BEST Hash Kennel in Bali

2017 / 2018 run fees




Bali Hash 2 Bintang Beer

The Official Beer of Bali Hash House Harriers 2 is Bintang Beer

2017 / 2018 Mis-Management

Grand Master: Nightjar
Hash Master: Muddy Man
On Sec: Spook
Hare Raiser: Allez Allez
Beer Master: Cane Rat
Hash Boutique: Muddy Girl
Religious Advisor: Organ Grinder
Hash Cash: Morning Glory
Hash Beans: Juliana & Sophie
Hash Flash: Pussy Delivery
Hash Maps: Serial Offender

#NextRunMap #BaliHash2 #WalkOnWaterRunOnBeer #HashPhotos #BHHH2 #BaliHashHouseHarriers2 #HashinginParadise #OnOn #HashHouseHarriers #runningclub #DrinkingClubWithARunningProblem #runningforbrews #runforbeer #beerfit #beermile #adventurerun #instarunning #instarunners #worldrunners #runnerslife

BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1367 Mambal Swimming Pool 7-Apr-18

BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1367 Mambal Swimming Pool 7-Apr-18


More Pool You


When we say Mambal Swimming Pool, we on Bali Hash Two don’t mean literally the Mambal Swimming Pool. I don’t know why we do this, but I’ve got a sneaking suspicion it’s because nobody has a clue what the nature of the place next door to the M.S.P. where we park and from where we take off actually is, exactly. I’ve tried to figure it out for many a long year but I’m damned if I can make head or tail of it. At one point I even went on line and typed in “The Place Next Door To The Mambal Swimming Pool”. I’m glad I did this because with just a few short clicks I was able to locate many photographs of naked women which I researched for several days, no wait, I didn’t really. I’m kidding har har, I’m such a kidder.


It looks like a cross between a really down and out second hand car and bajaj dealership and junkyard for absolutely useless rotting junk. I had a poke around and unearthed of all things a chicken head behind a rusty wreck of a motorbike. It looked a bit like Donald Trump only with a more natural hairstyle. There’s all kinds of crap laying around there. Now I know what you’re thinking, you’re thinking Is there a punk band called Useless Rotting Junk or The Donald Trump Chicken Heads, right? I knew it! The answer is: I looked this up on line too and found several photographs of…never mind.

To be bwutally fwank, I wasn’t really looking all that forward that much to this run having done it a zogwillion times before, but I was extremely pleasantly surprised and enjoyed the living bejesus out of it. We took some novel new diversions, especially toward end of the run where we were sent on a lengthy and peacefully quiet canal-side path under a cool canopy of trees. Paddys were vivid greens and golds with mature rice and the weather cooperated brilliantly, threatening thunderheads coming in from the north rendering a potentially serious bout with tropical heat a non-event, which was fortunate because I forgot my hat (again, or maybe still).


And  in a completely unexpected and unusual twist of secrecy and fate, guess who set the run? That’s right, how did you know? It was of course Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Just kidding. Who the huck has a name like “Fuckabee” anyway? No, it was Stormy Daniels’ lawyer, kidding again, it was Muddeth M. Man who not only laid the trail but ran on it as well. The man IS the Hash, the whole Hash, and nothing but the Hash these days, and may good be upon him.


The circle was an unholy, unruly and uncontrollable affair this week despite the fact (or maybe because of the fact) that our numbers were depleted by many regulars taking off to Ahmed on an independent Hash called the “Recovery Run” (it remains unclear from what). There’s nothing wrong with this and we hope they enjoyed themselves and recovered from whatever mysterious malaise had threatened them, but it left BHHH2 post-run rituals and shenanigans last week attended largely by uncomprehending and non-observing virgins and visitors who would not fut the shuck up and made little attempt to cooperate despite Herculean down-downing efforts on the parts of the Hash Master and Religious Advisor (end of sentence, thank Christ). The Grand Master’s, ironically, sobering presence was sorely missed.


So… what happens next? Where’s the next Hash? Who are the Hares? These eternal questions and others such as “Do these pants make me look fat?” (note: if you’re male and your wife or girlfriend asks you this, flee the country) will all be answered but not necessarily by me nor in these pages, but keep reading anyway.

On on,



BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1366 Pura Desa Sobangan Saturday 31-Mar-18

BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1366 Pura Desa Sobangan Saturday 31-Mar-18

Laugh, I Nearly Slit My Wrists


Ahh, Sobongan, I love this area. I like it so much we were there an hour early. Not really. On an earlier bicycle run along the Sanur beach walk path last Saturday, several Balinese folk were to be seen in finery befitting and denoting A Special Hari. “WHICH ONE?” I pondered in a thought bubble in bold font. And in another bubble that followed (in comic sans), in a logical train, I thought: “Perhaps we’d be wise to beat a hasty departure to the Hash today in case of upacara parades.” Between Sanur and Sobongan, in likely areas such as Tohpati, Jln Gatot Subroto, Mambal etc. there were approximately, say “no” upacara, so I wasn’t that far out, was I? I guess they don’t have parades for Hari Besi  (cars, motorbikes, machinery etc.) On this auspicious occasion all things motorized are usually gaily festooned with elaborately hand made decorative items. Foiled again! The only one of these I spied all day was on the front of the Religious Advisor’s new Terios parked outside the Hash site. How do I so reliably and staunchly remain utterly, profoundly useless as a source of information to myself on these matters? Why can I never say sensibly to myself “Look pal, I just don’t know, shut up and leave me alone.”? I can’t. I should.


At 3. 15 or so I gravitated to the general area of the beer truck (for some reason) like a homing pigeon or spare dick at a wedding forlornly gazing at the depressingly non-functioning spigot in the blazing afternoon tropical heat and yukking it up with the usual suspects as they arrived. It was as close to the “Pub with no Beer” without Slim Dusty’s nasal drone as I want to get. Finally 4 pm ticked around, Hare Rocks Off announced a 5k short, a 9k long and off we pissed. Immediately there was mass confusion as we missed his explicit finger pointed direction and ran right past the only possible jalan the digit could have indicated.


I know this is the Hash Trash but I’m not in any way going to trash this run. It was an absolute cracker and I have no superlatives that it wouldn’t deserve. The short was 50 minutes of as much tropical splendor as you could possibly cram into that time frame. Bwaaaarrrp, Bwaaarrrp, P.P.P.  (Pretentious Purple Prose) alert. Swathes of golden offering flowers in small plantations invaded the rich greens of palm and paddy surrounds and a shallow valley edged and limned with blah di blah formed a blah titty blah…you get the picture. The circle unanimously praised the run when interrogated by Hash Mud, Mastery man, sorry Mud Master, Hashy Man. I believe there was one complaint of “No Susu” but this is sadly becoming irrelevant as the young ladies of the kampong seem to be less and less inclined to display their natural assets while bathing these dire days. What a shame.


Speaking of the circle, beside the atrocious acoustics afforded by the interior of the wantilan, it was quite the snorter with Hari Besi being given the nod by the Grand Master (note: it really doesn’t matter what the G.M. does, he could stand stock still and say nothing and it would still rivet our attention and have us cackling like hens. He sometimes does do this, because he can.) Koncorde illustrated with live props, more than told, an Easter tale culminating with Jesus on the cross excitedly observing “I can see my house from here”. Naturally, “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” was lustily chorused. I don’t know why but sentiments like “Life’s a bit of shit, when you look at it” and “Life is quite absurd and death’s the final word”, “remember that the last laugh is on you” etc. may seem hilariously knee-slapping coming from a full Technicolor Eric Idle on the cross or a semi-pixilated Jangle Balls in the Hash 2 circle, are not really all that light hearted in and of themselves. Huh, I guess you have to be “there”. Which is exactly where you should be next Saturday: Mambal Swimming Pool. Bintang will help.


On on




BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1365 Pura Dalem Bongkasa Saturday 24-Mar-18

BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1365 Pura Dalem Bongkasa Saturday 24-Mar-18

Split My Arse (nouns)


The big relief last Saturday was that we were finally back in good old familiar river, paddy, jungle, kampong, dog, mountains, mud, dog, waterfalls and perhaps I mentioned dog territory. Yes indeedy folks, don’t touch that dial. It was no hallucination, no cartoon omelette delusion, it was the genuine article, the ridgie didge dealio. After a dry (literally) spell of runs in such exotic locations as Nusa Dua, Mengwi and Serangan we found ourselves once again in the welcoming arms of mother Bonkasa, possibly the happiest kingdom of them all. Happy campers abounded and I was possibly the most hysterically relieved camper of them all. There’s nothing wrong with a few different and  unique Hash locations and as you know, if you have been paying attention, I myself personal pronoun, thoroughly enjoyed all of them. But it was great to be back where beer truck has oft’ roved and the Abominable Hash Shoe has been sighted.

Muddy Man’s attorney on this occasion, Spook, announced a short of perhaps six k and a long of an estimated 9 k in the lack of the Hash Master himself who had not yet returned from trail laying duties, and like Stormy Daniels’ knickers, we were off. Which way would it go this time? I don’t believe there’s a Hash site on Bali with so many viable alternative directions in which to run as Bonkasa – all of them good, too. We went in the opposite direction of the Pura and out along the gott (mien gott!) berm for quite a decent spell this time until finally turning off through scrub and trees out into open paddys. It was one of those runs where after the first twenty minutes or so somebody, perhaps you dear reader, or me dear writer, will start complimenting the run to general concurrence. Something along the lines of (pick an opener: “Wow”, “Damn”, “Shit”, “Y’ know”, “Well”) This is a pretty good run.” Pick a concurring remark “Yes it is”, “Uh Huh”, “Mmmmnn” “No shit” (optional “Sherlock” here). You can always rely on Hashers for stimulating high levels of exchange, though an accompanying dog is possibly a better bet in that area. Did I mention dogs?


The run got better and better and then better, longer and longer then longer until we found ourselves in narrow enclosed passages, path ways and tunnels surrounding John Hardy’s ex-property, scurrying down steep stairways to the river valley, then crossing the river on surreal looking suspension bamboo bridges and not long afterwards rounding on the asphalt road toward the Pura, wantilan and home. But how, I posed to myself, did I miss the split? How did they, we, all of us miss it? I stumbled sweatily to the beer, greeted by Muddy’s beaming visage. “You long or short?” But by this time I had wised up. “Split my arse, Muddy”. “Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Never believe Hare. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.” He actually sounds like that when he laughs. He does.


You can’t argue with success, though. It was an extremely good run and M. Man outstripped himself, so to speak. No doubt Co – Hare Pussy Delivery was instrumental in “pulling out” a beauty as well, and they both deserve compliments “extended” them (har, sorry, it had to be done). The circle was as much fun as it could legally be and thirsty Hashers made short work of the beer commensurate with the extra kilometers they were fooled into running. I know I did anyway. I finally staggered off holding my aching sides after appearances by The Gland Master, Organ Grinder, Filthy Frog, Jangle Balls alias Humpty Trumpty and Penis Collector alias Stormy D. (Another mention of the Bleached One was inevitable after last and this week’s tawdry tidings). I’ve felt more like having a shower watching CNN lately than I ever have after the Hash.


On on,


  1. B.