BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1364 Serangan Island

Bali Hash House Harriers 2

Hash Trash Run #1364 Serangan Island

Cock Up at Cowshit Corral

Please do not misconstrue this title as being in any way critical of the Hares at last Sunday’s run at Serangan. The only reason I use the title at all is because of its pleasing onomatopoeia and because I couldn’t resist it. Also, Filthy Frog suggested something even worse featuring the letter “C” which, in the interests of delicacy, I could no sooner mention than dob him in for it or heave him under the bus. Have you seen him? Frankly, the bus would come off worse in such a scenario (which he would readily admit). In fact, the best thing about the whole unfortunate affair by far was the run, which after all is why we go to the Hash in the first place, isn’t it? Well…?

The hares labored away under the most trying circumcisions imaginable: heat, cowshit, rusty scalpels (har), capricious and petty Serangan functionaries exercising their piddling authority, cowshit, and still the run was as different as you’ll get, really interesting and a bloody good workout. It had ocean, beach, distant mountain views, other various bodies of water and lots of merciful green shade. Unfortunately, the order of the day was sheer bad luck, due to whatever ancient curse has been cast on this woebegone sand pile.

Let’s face it, the place is a bit of a cluster, a shamozzle, your basic mess in the first place especially on a Sunday when thousands of people in groups of two to twenty two blurt around on motorbikes, in cars, small trucks – they spend the whole day at it, on randomly criss – crossing dirt roads with no visible use whatsoever other than to blurt on. Obviously the other nervous and occasionally startled inhabitants, the cows, do quite a bit of blurting as well. You can see why the human blurters virtually never alight their blurtmobiles.

Where was I before the blurt section? Oh yeah, the Hares were unlucky enough to be told by a boom gate operator impersonating Lord Louis Mountbatten when he was Viceroy of India, that it was out of the question to allow the beer truck to the Hash site and that “special permission” would have to be granted for this at least fifteen years before he would even consider allowing such blasphemy. There are guys and gates like this all over this arid turd pit, we kept running into them when we managed to get ourselves comprehensively lost and drove around in circles looking for the new beer truck location after the run. There was no way they were going to extend the privilege of allowing us through their barriers into whatever closely guarded, wondrous and exclusive secret location was on the other side of the gates. What exactly is there, I wonder? (The smart money would be on more dirt tracks and cow shit.)

I just don’t get this whole set up. What’s the big deal? The big secret? Is there some sort of nuclear research facility somewhere on this bovine crap and dirt depository. Are they doing nuclear experiments on cows? Are they alien cows? Is this Area 51 for cows and goats? Maybe they’re being teleported to and from Tralfamador X3#*%@ in quadrant &$!^Centauri. That’s why you see a lot of cow pats but not that many cows, suspicious, huh? Hmm.

Ok, I’ll stop being a grumpy old fart now. Actually I won’t. I can’t stop being one if I am one, can I now?. We finally tracked down the beer truck parked on the side of the road going out to the Ngurah Rai Bypass. This thin strip of land, giving onto a fifteen foot drop into semi – mangrove-ish territory, hosted what seemed like the combined casts of “Ben Hur” and “The Ten Commandments” but was probably forty-odd babbling Hashers in beer fueled close confinement. The amber article was cold and plentiful and greedily gobbled down by the hot and thirsty mob that had braved the bush, scrub and limestone and dodged how-now-brown-cow pizzas in the sun – thirsty work in anybody’s language. Even a circle was attempted but between the non-stop traffic inches away from the outer periphery’s heels and the rowdy lager revelers you may as well have been farting at Cyclone Tracey. Still, it was great fun when you could make out a word or get one in edgewise.

All round it was a great day out and one of those Hashes when at the end of the day you think: “Well, that was a bit of a grind but a different kinda fun and the fun was kinda different.” You would think this because you would be half pissed and not know what you were thinking. Besides, what else were you gonna do?

On on,


2017 / 2018 run fees




Bali Hash 2 Bintang Beer

The Official Beer of Bali Hash House Harriers 2 is Bintang Beer

2017 / 2018 Mis-Management

Grand Master: Nightjar
Hash Master: Muddy Man
On Sec: Spook
Hare Raiser: Allez Allez
Beer Master: Cane Rat
Hash Boutique: Muddy Girl
Religious Advisor: Organ Grinder
Hash Cash:
Hash Beans: Juliana & Sophie
Hash Flash: Pussy Delivery
Hash Maps: Serial Offender

#NextRunMap #BaliHash2 #WalkOnWaterRunOnBeer #HashPhotos #BHHH2 #BaliHashHouseHarriers2 #HashinginParadise #OnOn #HashHouseHarriers #runningclub #DrinkingClubWithARunningProblem #runningforbrews #runforbeer #beerfit #beermile #adventurerun #instarunning #instarunners #worldrunners #runnerslife

BHHH2 Hash Trash Runs 1362 & 1363 A Tale of Two (How Many? TWO!) Hashes BHHH2 Hash Trash Runs 1362 & 1363

BHHH2 Hash Trash Runs 1362 & 1363

A Tale of Two (How Many? TWO!) Hashes


I asked a girl once if she enjoyed Dickens, she said she’d never been to one. Be that as it may, his classic “A Sale of Two Titties” no, hang on “A Tale of Two Cities” has probably the most memorable opening and closing “passages” in literary history Those being of course: “Once upon a time” and “The end”. No they’re not, they are, as befitting the last two BHHH2 Hashes, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” and “It is a far better thing I do now than I have ever done before” or in Hash speak “Are you?” and “ON ON”. Especially as applied to Hares for the excellent run two (how many?) weeks ago at Nusa Dua: Konkorde, Hardcase and Dynamo, who conspired to set more check backs in the first half of  their run than in recorded human history. I stopped counting at 156. But seriously folks, it was as unique a run as you’ll ever get on HHH2, thoroughly enjoyable and featured of course Serial (accident-looking-for-a-place-to-happen) Offender bleeding colorfully from a knee wound (his Indian name).

It also featured at least one spectacular sweeping ocean and Nusa Dua view, and wait for it (drum roll) The GHOST HOTEL! (horrified screams, chains rattling, “Psycho” shower scene music). How, one must ask oneself, how, self do people from all over the world talk themselves into these oft seen disastrous situations here whereby oodles (I love that word especially when Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter uses it) oodles, of  money has so obviously been flushed away on the most painfully patently unworkable schemes. In this case there was nothing left but the strewn overgrown remains of what was once a fairly sizable, multi room establishment on a large chunk of dirt with absolutely nothing to recommend it as the location for a hotel: no view, no beach, no majestic mountains or body of water, no close nearby area with restaurants, bars, music venues, shopping – not a sausage, or very thin on the ground when it comes to sausages anyway.


Moving right along, the course was wonderfully cool and green having just been through the rainiest rainy season for quite a while, and sooo quiet, eerily quiet, ghostly quiet. Okay, enough with the ghosts already. Back at the car park we were in sight of a house occupied by none other than Hasher Anonymous AKA “Malcolm”. Konkorde and Hardcase serenaded us under wide blue skies and a fiery sunset with the following lyrics they had put to Tom Jones’ “Green Green Grass of Home” in honor of Taffy Day: “And you’re all very welcome to the place next door to Malcolm” – a master stroke.


The next week’s run, or if you will last Saturday’s run, or if you won’t, at the Mengwi football Stadium car park couldn’t have been (in some ways) more bizarrely different. Not the least of which was a constant parade past the beer truck of traditionally dressed competition Balinese dance troupes, both men and women caked with so much facial make up it might have been applied with trowels. They could have easily been Qantas hostesses, especially the ones with moustaches and sideburns. They found us fairly amusing as well, gargling our beers and warbling the same strange incantation repeatedly: a clash of cultures.


Hares Mini Panzer and Skinny English Bloke With Beard, Incredibly Short Shorts (not his real name) gave us a kind of greatest hits of runs we have recently done in this area. We passed through the Kuburan China and much of that last run from there, plus other highly recognizable locations like the descending shaded path flanked by huge trees with hanging tendrils just after a bridge over a serious plunge, had one plunged. It was deja vu all over again and a great run, but “hot” was the oft muttered word of the day. It was obvious from the ripe tomato shade of Mini Panzer’s Tuetonic visage when he returned from laying paper what we were in for. It was the first seriously warm run of the year and definitely a hat-wearing one. I was hit with a couple of “Hot enough for ya?” inquiries, a question I never know what to do with. “No, I prefer to be boiled like a lobster, or covered in hot coals, flung into bubbling lava.”


Many Hashers beat a hastier retreat than they would have liked, and sadly half a keg was abandoned, as the amount of motor bikes potentially blocking our exit swelled. Apparently, the LGBTQ (har: joke) dance troupes were a big hit. The circle was as good value entertainment as usual, however. Many “Ha Has” and “Rhubarb Rhubarbs” floated above the social drinking crowd or would have had it been a cartoon, which it almost was.


See you at Serangan next SUNDAY (shouty caps) for Organ Grinder and Cane Rat’s post Nyepi run.

On on,




BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1361 Bali Bird Park 24-Feb

BHHH2 Hash Trash
Run #1361
Bali Bird Park 24-Feb

Too Too Plot Losing


Last week’s run from the cassowary, sorry, customary car park near the Bird Park (I was going to say cassowary car park but it wouldn’t have been that funny, wait, I did, it wasn’t) proceeded much as it started, really – a bit of an “up of the cock”, in bird language. About 60 of us listened attentively to a Hare enlightening us that it was about 60 mt distance to a right turn up the Jalan on which we were at that time situated, but nobody seemed to have their tape measures or folding rules on their persons and at least half of the nobodies ran past the intended turn on to the T junction at the end of the jalan to turn right.

The result was of course mass confusion with emissaries from each group, righties and T junctioneers running past each other and back to see if anybody was more informed than they or their group, in the other group. Nobody (again) was. The reason for this was that the right (by which I mean correct) turn contained NO paper until intrepid scouts finally stumbled on it almost at the end of the jalan. The other right (by which I mean incorrect) turn contained NO paper because no paper was ever laid in it. With me so far? Me neither. Just a note here: the fact that there was no paper laid on the T junction turn, by no means deterred at least half the Hashers that started from continuing up that fateful jalan in the hope they would “hook up with the paper”. It wasn’t until about mid-course that I happened on a lucky refugee from this group who proclaimed that there were “a shitload of people back there who are totally lost”.


None of this in any way was the Hares fault. As so often happens, they meticulously laid their paper, marked asphalt and cement with chalk or crayons, then it pissed down in a hugely troppo manner, (which even the locals underestimate in such endearing ways in, let’s say, the streets of Denpasar or Kuta), and much of their effort was obliterated. I for one never found the split. Maybe “found” is too strong a word here, I’m unsure it was there to begin with. I did find myself on the long and wasn’t in love with the idea of an advertised 11k run. Later I was told this was more like a 13 k muddy trudge.


Myself and two other guys, names will not be “bandied about” mainly because I didn’t know one of them and the other was Parashit (whoops), made an incisive, considered and completely accidentally correct decision to backtrack. Aided only by our intellects, unerring senses of direction and a phone with Google Maps, in the spirit of the pioneers and because there was paper to follow backwards, we found our way to the teak plantation we had previously passed through flanked by a massive white villa both of which blind Freddy could have made out wearing Polaroids.


I prevail upon you, dear reader, not to form the wrong impression. There was, or would have been absolutely nothing wrong with this run. In fact it was quite pretty, extremely green and mildly challenging in its own way. The river crossing was wet, both times, the mud was pleasurably slimy and there was the odd distant mountain vista, though obscured by clouds. Now there’s a great name for an early 70’s style prog rock album, maybe the sound track to a French art house movie. Somebody contact Pink Floyd. What? They Did? In 1972? Oh. No, I don’t remember much about the 70’s. I was there.


Ahem, back at birdland a shape vaguely resembling a circle was formed and opinions of the run were offered up “What run?”, “I’m lost… for words”, “I’m still lost”, “Too much paper and chalk” etc. Don’t listen to such rash facetiousness and naysayers, I counsel you. There was nothing wrong, as I said, with this run that couldn’t have been fixed by a nice, long dry season. The entertainment continued with the Grand Master’s appearance which was nothing short of legendary last week. The rampant political incorrectness he unleashed culminated in his telling a group to “shut the fuck up” – vintage Night Jar. The man, in his own words, is a ‘National Fucking Treasure’, which doesn’t mean he should or will be buried any time soon.


We’ll see you next week at Nusa Dua and don’t forget your cards for the toll road. They don’t take cash any more and it would be kind of embarrassing having to reverse back to the Benoa lights on the Bypass. Almost as embarrassing as missing the split on a Hash.


On On,

J.B. Hash Trash







BHHH2 Hash Trash Run 1360 Pura Dalem Tengaling Blahbatuh

Bali Hash House Harriers 2

Hash Trash Run 1360 Pura Dalem Tengaling Blahbatuh

Blah Blah Batu


It’s a difficult area to work with and kind of well named. A Scottish poet or folk soothsayer might have said something like “It’s a Blah Batu that blahs nae guid, luddie” or maybe “Och aye the noo, it’s an ill Blah that Blahs Batu”. It’s not the most antiseptically doctor’s-waiting-room-toilet clean area in Bali either, but enough of this happy badinage. Dancing Queen and company (no, not the Swedish National Gay Ballet, the Hares for this week) laughing in the face of diversity, sorry, university, no, adversity managed to “pull off” something of a “cut the grass” (a French saying) and make the four, yes five runs (Huh? Re-count. Ah.) they laid actually something in the area of mildly diverting. I jest again however like a chuckling fool, the runs were quite entertaining, considering the area. We were offered a super short, short, medium, long and super long. No shit. I’m not even sure it’s ever been done on Bali HHH2 (TWO!), someone enlighten me. It was quite the achievement, really, if nothing else.



Nobody is going to pretend that these were the most spectacularly scenic runs of the millenium, day, hour. In fact it was pretty obvious as Dancing Queen sent us off warning of all kinds of dire danger: miming having to brave rickety bridges suspended over dizzying heights, scaling precipitous topography clutching at weeds. We immediately and almost without exception thought bubbled so vividly the word “bullshit” that you could read it from Pyongyang. Only one or two of the more gullible individuals, perhaps virgins, amongst us considered banned performance enhancing substances. (This was established later by random urine testing).


There were rice paddys involved, and some greenery, trees, dogs, asphalt, kampong – all that stuff (a lot of asphalt and dogs, green ones), but having been away for a couple of weeks in a neighbouring country that won’t be mentioned (I’ll give you a clue: Malaysia), I was Jonesing for a Bali Hash 2 run and wouldn’t have missed it for quids (but make me an offer for next week, har). Highlights of the day were:

  1. Yours truly testing what looked for all the world like solid black ground and ending up both knees deep in sticky slop which caused sustained hysterics on the parts of certain Hashers who giggled like schoolchildren and who also won’t be mentioned (but let’s just call them “Serial Offender” and ‘Muddy Man”, to protect the innocent). Tragically, it must have been a reasonably comedic sight.
  2. Another certain Hasher “A” with a certain motor bike and yet another certain Hasher “B” as pillion passenger being given a ride by certain Hasher “A” materialized just before the On In with ludicrous tales of traffic gridlock (harrumph, as if). These dastardly miscreants will CERTAINLY be identified. The only thing that could possibly inhibit me from doing this would be the very real possibility of their beating me to death with bamboo poles this Saturday for throwing them under the bus. They were of course (censored) and (censored). Who did you think they were?


Back at the car park the long absent Mr. Bean finally reappeared and justified his abscess, sorry absence. We welcomed him back with open keg, but left before the circle for reasons which include the words “jazz”, “Sanur” and “amazing buffet” (see me). Later in that self same seaside resort at another venue so popular with Hashers that it is actually owned by one, we were informed that the circle was one not to be missed: Drat, foiled again by the fickle finger of fate! Evidently it starred a small Chi Chi dog who was incredibly not Organ Grinder, Disco Wanker, Koncorde, Dancing Queen or Wooden Eye and who took a shine to a certain Harriet and spent much time and energy humping or attempting to hump her leg or bag. This was apparently hilarious and appealed mightily to the gathered Hashers’ refined senses of humor. Naturally the Harriet, not the dog, ended up on ice for her misdeeds. Sorry, but that had to be funny.


Ah well, there’ll be another circle next week, after the run at (or near) the Bird Park and if there’s no small doggie, I’m sure there’ll be no lack of volunteers to perform its part, (including me). See you there.


On on,



BHHH2 Trash Run 1358 Pantai Mas, Temukus, Lovina

BHHH2 Trash Run 1358 Pantai Mas, Temukus, Lovina

“Once in a Blue Moon”

“How old are you Grandma?” young NightJar said.

“I am 80 years old,” Mrs Jar replied “and you mark my words young lad, if you run the hash every week and drink as much piss as I have in my life you too will live to be 80 years old.”

“- But make the most of it,” she added “your 80th birthday only comes once in a Blue Moon.”

And so it came to pass that when the very next Blue Moon came around, only a mere 74 years later, it was indeed Nightjar’s 80th birthday.


And what a do it was. Like a load of thirsty termites everyone came out of the woodwork for the occasion, people we hadn’t seen for years, even people we thought were long dead (well they had looked pretty well dead the last time we had seen them).

At the Pantai Mas hotel in Lovina the hounds gathered and in typical Nightjar fashion everything was better organised than lunchtime at Bangli hospital, they even had Policemen to help us across the road – and to help us into our cars later on after a belly full of beer and bubbly.

4 pm came and we were off, scampering across the rice fields, the willy woofters trying to keep their shoes clean and the old farts gasping for breath. We headed South towards a steep hill. The short turned off along the flat while the front running bastards headed upwards like a herd of mountain goats searching for a good rut. They stumbled around for a while among trees and rocks in total confusion then, finding a rut was not offer on this auspicious day, they gave up, descended and rejoined the short.

Then it was on on to the beach. What sort of smartarse sets a run along a beach at low tide knowing the tide is coming in? It didn’t really matter, there was paper everywhere along with every other kind of garbage you have ever seen – the Suwung Tip had nothing on this beach. We waded through the sea and (of?) garbage and so it was back to the Pantai Mas Hotel.

We had scaled misty high mountains, crossed volcanic lakes, traversed treacherous windy mountain roads, crawled across broken glass (no, we didn’t do that!) to finally get to do one of the shortest hash runs ever in Lovina. Was it worth it? You betcha!!

This was no ordinary hash event, this was the 80th Birthday Bash of the man who founded hashing in Bali, Victor ‘Nightjar’ Mason, a stellar event organised by the man himself and abley assisted, of course, by our very own ‘Inflatable Bedmate’ and Sumadi. People came from far and wide, some hashers had even made the long slog (3 hours) to Lovina on the Friday to make a long dirty weekend of it.

Our beloved Hash Master ‘Muddy Man’ began the proceedings with the obligatory Down Down for the Hares, we weren’t sure who they were and neither were they, but ‘Nightjar,’ ‘Inflatable Bedmate’ and ‘Worm’ did not deny their involvement.

Moving on to the Visitors and we had heaps of Visiting Hashers. It was nice to see some old familiar faces as the Returners entered the circle, Bali Hash luminaries such as ‘Tampon’ from Ubud, ‘Jorok’, who very kindly sponsored the food, Veteran Hashers ‘Handjob’, ‘Long & Strong’ and Hash 2 (TWO!) Hierarchy ‘Labia’ (welcome back Lippsy), ‘Wooden Eye’ and ‘Closet Queen’ graced the circle.

Also nice to see ‘Pounding Savaloy’ Nigel Ames and his lovely wife Jackie, the ‘Scallywags’ from Gili T coming to pay their respects to ‘Nightjar’.

If we thought a three hour car ride was a long way to go to get to the hash, we were joined by Hash Luminaries from all over the world, who had made the arduous trek to Bali specially for this grand occasion. We brought in ‘Garfield’, who had ‘come the furthest’, so to speak, all the way from Washington DC, so we put him on ice. Then we had ‘The Penguin’ coming from Bonnie Scotland who had brought some light rain with him, however luckily for him had found a dodgy looking pink umbrella somewhere. Representing Australia in our ‘Hashers who came the furthest’ category was the famous ‘Whoreator’ from the Sunshine Coast, who did his bit in the circle for Nightjar with a Down Down for the young 80 year old, who, for some reason, only he knows, kissed a very old hasher on the lips before his Down Down.

Then there was a very emotional moment when the Hash Masters of Bali’s Bolla and Colla Hash came into the circle to present ‘Nightjar’ with some gifts. Nice one guys, we all liked that kind gesture very much, with Hash Master ‘Closet Queen’ representing the other Bali Hash clubs.

It was time for ‘Organ Grinder’ to lead our religious observances. He gave us a quick history lesson on other past prestigious events that happened on this day and brought in the circle a bunch of Celts, I think that’s what he said! We purified those with Roman noses, celebrated the ‘Day the Music Died’ and we sang un-politically correct hash songs, assisted by Ubud Hash Mafia Boss ‘Blowjoe’, ‘The Penguin’, ‘Whoreator’, ‘Garfield’ and of course ‘Nightjar’ himself.

As the run was so far from home we recognized the hashers that had their fair share of road accidents (not fatal obviously) in the past on the way to runsites. Horny Herring had the most ‘hash scratches’ on his car, followed by ‘Handjob’, then the ‘Evil Knievel’ of ‘most hash falls off a motorbike’ ‘Long & Strong’ was brought in, followed closely by ‘Labia’ for falling off his Harley and ‘Wooden Eye’ for bike and car hash induced incidents.

Apart from trying to put ‘Horny Herring’s’ Husky on ice (where it’s more at home actually), ‘Discowanker’ called in the circle two policemen for a Down Down, to which they nervously obliged. A mass of phone cameras ensued. Visiting hours to see ‘Discowanker’ in Kerobakan will be announced shortly.

The circle closed to a rousing ‘Bar’s Open!’ with Beer, Champagne and Cocktails to wash down yummy food and tasty glutinous Birthday cake.

A big thank you to everyone who came all the way to Bali and indeed Lovina for the event.

Thank you Sumadi, we love you for looking after Victor so well and finally a huge thanks to all our lovely Sponsors. Bintang Beer (Thank you Fitri). Delicious ‘Bali Moon’ Cocktails and the spectacular singlets (Thank you Nick Blackbeard and Cliff Rees). Champagne from Hatten Wines (Thank you Pak Lila). The yummy food from Bali Bakery (thank you Ayung – ‘Jorok’ and ‘Ibu Jorok’) and ‘No Deposit’ who made the birthday cake.

See you at next week’s run!

On On to Punggul ….

BHHH2 Hash Trash Run 1357 Gula Bali Ubud 27-Jan-18

BHHH2 Hash Trash Run 1357 Gula Bali Ubud 27-Jan-18

If Music be the Food of Life, Make Mine a Babyshit Puce Tee Shirt and a Hamburger


It’s a dangerous thing these days to let your inside leg measurement, what side you dress on and whether you’re a roundhead or cavalier out on the street. Beware! We are all in the belly of the cyber-spacious beast and up Shit’s Creek without a poodle should we have some nasty little secret about what exactly was the nature of that “illness” we may or may not have caught from a holidaying nurse from Melbourne in Kuta Beach in 1984 when we decided to sell our stone and iron houses in South Fremantle with the Federation green Sydney lace and mission brown bull nose veranda and take our chances in the exotic north, after our divorces fom our first wives. Or have I said too much?


As usual, I haven’t even started yet. Some dang fool let it slip last Saturday that there would possibly be the chance of a free cotton jersey upper garment and some equally affordable fast food containing minced beef and radioactive coloured mustard at last week’s Hash in the car park of the Gula restaurant on the Tegallalang Road, and the next thing you know, old Jed’s a millionaire! The place was swarming  with Hashers that hadn’t been seen on BHHH2 since the Eisenhower administration. They were crawling out of the alang alang, between rocks and hard places. It was like “Fear the Living Hashers”; but of course I jest in a gigglingly-high-pitched-with-snorting way. Naturally, everybody is welcome on our Hash, we want people from everywhere and we’ll give the Dreamers a pathway to citizenship if you’ll give us billions of dollars to make new signs for the Statue of Liberty that say “Tired and poor: $12.95, huddled masses: $15.50, no discounts”. Okay?


Spikking of wheech, Allez Allez was Le ’aire on zees particulair ruhrn and he did a zhob that was tres magnifique weez fromage on zee top. It was a Cootie Grah (pronounced “cut the cheese”) if evair there were such a seeng. I’ve said it before: Allez Allez is an etre humain and le homme fantastique on every level despite his self evident Frenchness. But eet eez a zhoke comedique, non? (uh, hor hor HOR.)


There was so much mud involved in such shocking depth on this run that a five kilo short run took an hour and a half and at least four Hash shoe washes in as many rice paddys. It was on fairly flat territory too. Most of the time it felt like trying to run away from a bunch of Mafia Wise Guys named Mickey the Semi-Automatic and Frankie the Sledge Hammer etc. who had already fitted your “Sleepin’ wid da fishes” cement shoes when you somehow affected your futile escape.


The scenery however was surprisingly countrified, quite open and rural for an area so close to the insanity and gridlock of urban Ubud. A very pretty run indeed, alright, alright I know that’s not a sentence, that’s why I added this bit, smarties pants (plural of smarty pant). The payoff came close to the end with the concrete  bridge that crossed a jaw droppingly deep gorge. It was just after this that I picked up quite a nifty embroidered hat that someone had dropped, plus I had already been awarded my 26th Anniversary Run tee shirt in its arresting baby poop shade not a moment earlier. A local Harriet came at me with hands outstretched saying “thank you, thank you Mister”. I almost offered her the tee shirt when I looked down at what I was carrying, but relented and gave her the hat. Once again, I jape and caper like a monkey, I really must stop that. They were fine hats, I mean tee shirts.


And I haven’t even mentioned the marathon that was the circle. We had so many guest stars and hilariously silly digressions it was like a Kenny Everett Show featuring Captain Kremmin in the late 70’s. I can only say: “Rude word, it was funny.” Organ Grinder mustered and mastered his ring then there was Koncorde with his Ministry of Silly Walks and a “long winded” joke about a farting hooker that was so funny in the telling that I’ve comprehensively forgotten the punch line. Both were way past being well worth the 8 bucks o’ beer entry fee. Disco Wanker made a rare and Master Class appearance.


Night Jar and his shriving of everyone’s favourite ice-sitter, Kenny the Rabid Mangy Dog, was classic and Victor-worthy, even. Col. Bloodnok upbraiding and down downing those from “shit hole countries” (except Norway) had us doing something similar in our pants. The Penguin imitating a penguin and Jangle Balls imitating “President” Ronald J. Dump (the “J” stands for “jenius”) took us to the wee smalls, so to speak, both in Hash time and in physical stature, no half pints intended. Fortunately the piss lasted all the way through to the bitter end of Social Drinking and all 125 of us, eventually, walked away contented.


So take heed Hashers, the next time you detect  a whiff of single knit jersey and a white bread bun in the air, keep it to yourself. It just won’t do to have all these Hashers on a Hash. It ruins the ambiance, not to mention the fromage. 


On on,



Hash Trash BHHH2 Run #1354 Pura Ukur Ukuran Pejeng

Hash Trash BHHH2 Run #1354 Pura Ukur Ukuran Pejeng

And Lo, It Pisseth Down

for 40 Minutes and 40 Seconds on the Way to the Hash (or: Spook’s Birthday Special)

There is a different and dramatic license and tone taken in Biblical proverbs and parabolas (is that the right spelling?) when relating rain and flooding incidents, for example, in the Old Testicle (is that?). Time and tide are on a totally different and epic scale: What if a 45 year-old Noah, an insurance adjuster from Wollongong, who was a 900 year-old Sage and Shaman in the Good Book, had whipped out his brolly during a light shower and gone on his way whistling a happy tune rather than building a bloody great rudderless wooden boat and filling it with the contents of the Galillee County Zoo to float aimlessly to the top of Mt. Arafat, Araby, Arrowroot, Krakafat? What if Jesus (New Testicle) had gone for a pleasantly cool early evening stroll in the desert instead of staggering deliriously around in the sun without a hat muttering to himself and having hallucinations for a couple of months? Not the stuff of stirring tales or revelations in The Book of Nukes or something, no? No. That’s what I thought.

Yea verily I say unto thee, last Saturday on the way to the Hash it absolutely chucked it down, we were doing maybe 45k and creating water skiing-like plumes along The Most Venerable One I.B. Mantra Road. It didn’t really let up until we got to the Hash site. Fortunately, once it stopped it didn’t start again all through the Hash and the circle (it was prophesied, well, I did mention to Hardcase and Dynamo, my hosts on the ride up, that the deluge would abate as soon as we arrived. What a Seer I am. Please do not sneer, jeer or leer at the Seer. I have no peer, dear, no bloody fear).


And so it came to pass having gathered at Puri Ukur Ukur car park we set out on a pilgrimage across the paddys, thanking the Good Lord that we didn’t go in the opposite direction with the ridiculously perpendicular valley walls and the 500 step flagstone staircase, either or both of which at this slippery and slimy time of year would have heralded our passing on to eternal life at the right (or left) hand (foot?) of Jesus. I wouldn’t know where to stand or sit, really. So, just as well we didn’t go.


The rice paddys begat a dirt trail, the dirt trail begat some stone steps (not THE stone steps), those stone steps begat some other stone steps until finally, gord blimey, there we were all milling around once again scratching ourselves – digression alarm – barrp, barrp, barrp (do you remember that great Divinyl’s hit from the 80’s, “I Scratch Myself”, wait, no that was “I Touch Myself”). Anyway, just like last week with the X’s in the circle, if you have been following the story so far, we yep, scratched ourselves practically raw trying to figure out where the paper went, staring at a concrete weir arrangement that was semi – blocked with broken branches, bamboo, small tree trunks, small trees, cows etc. that had been washed down stream by the recent downpour and resulting flash flood.


Water from the overflowing stream was rushing down either side of the concrete canal banks making it impossible or extremely dangerous to walk on them. On the opposite side of the stream were more ascending flagstone steps, which many Hashers had decided to climb to see if paper had been laid on them. It hadn’t (more scratching). It took discussion, phone calls, rumination, poetry readings, Hare cursings, wailing, sack cloth and ashes wearing before we finally figured out that the paper must have been washed away on one side of the stream, thus there was little choice other than to double back to the site or take the opposite flagstones to the top, turn left and proceed parallel to the river valley to pick up the paper at some point that the Hares would have emerged from it to continue the trail. Geniuses, Really Stable Geniuses – and it only took us a few hours. Just kidding, we’re still at the river, scratching (har).


We did stumble on the paper eventually and the rest of the run was cool, pleasant and scenic. At one point Mt. Agung appeared magically clear on the horizon with a wispy curlicue of smoke emerging from its crater. There’s one thing you can say about Organ Grinder as a Hare. Nothing is a secret, if there’s a split it’s a split that’s visible from Alpha Centauri. Every so often he reminds you in no uncertain terms that you’re on the long or short with the subtle nuance of a brick and tile bi-plane. Take note Hares, I beg of you.


Yea tho’ I walk through the valley of the shadow of Trump, I will not be discomfited by his rod and staff, which is probably about the size of an averagely level-headed shirt button. The circle was as wildly hilarious a piss up as you’d find in the back blocks of Pejeng on a Saturday night AND let’s not forget the whole thing, run included, was to celebrate Spook’s birthday. May 4 score and 10 years be a distant memory for him when he finally goes to that great beer truck in the sky.


On on,




BHHH2 Hash Trash Run 1352 Saba Redux

BHHH2 Hash Trash Run 1352 Saba Redux

Black  Beach, Brown Cows, Camel Toes


BHHH2 Hash Trash Run 1352 Saba Redux Black  Beach, Brown Cows, Camel ToesMy dearly departed Dad called them “mumbles”: elasticised sports tights for women that highlight the female anatomy so glaringly that they may as well wear matching tee shirts with arrows proclaiming “Here is my vagina, please feel free to stare at it” There were so many of them that mercurial Hasher Concorde conducted a “Camel Toe Competition” last Saturday at the Sabah Hash site in the circle after the run. And what was unusual about this, you may ask? For a start the line up included two blokes who he summarily dismissed for lack of visible vaginas. It was won by a blond Swedish woman and if somebody had theoretically asked me “Who was the blond Swedish woman you were speaking to?” I would theoretically have been well within my rights to reply, 1. “What blond Swedish woman?”. We came to Sabah on Dancing Queen’s Party Bus with him, two English guys, two Aussies and, at a conservative estimate, 367 blond Swedish women, nearly all of them wearing “mumbles”. Or 2. “I don’t know, I was speaking to her vagina.” Why did dear pater call them “mumbles”? Because you can see their lips move but you can’t hear a word they say.


I bet you didn’t think I could get the word “vagina” four times in the Trash, five. Kind of like that CNN ad with the apple and the incredibly irritating voice-over in a pronounced American accent saying: “Some people want you to believe this is a benenna. Benenna, benenna, benenna they will say. But it’s naht a benenna, it’s a vagina”, six.


“Was there a run last week?” you would be well advised to ask, because up to this point I had completely forgotten about it as I was more or less fixated on…never mind. Hare Pearl Necklace and cohorts gave us pretty much the same run they gave us last year, but in reverse. There is something about this area, though, that I never fail to enjoy thoroughly. It’s hard to put your finger on just what the attraction is, but I believe it’s got something to do with the sheer variety of the run. We start out braving the insane traffic of Jln Professor Doctor Rear Admiral Good Bloke Just an Old Softie Really Ida Bagus Mantra. Then having made it in one piece across the Highway of Certain Death we find ourselves in a relatively quiet, semi-rural environment chock full of greenness, growth and scattered grazing and lowing cows. The ocean sparkles through trees and palms then suddenly you’re on a glistening black sand beach that stretches for miles to distant hills and mountains. Back across the Ribbon of Doom under the bridge and we’re in the middle of paddy fields. It’s really quite something and you just can’t help saying at run’s end, “Well, that was really good, I especially enjoyed the vaginas’’, seven.


But seriously folks, there’s more to life than “them” but I’m having trouble thinking of one example right now. Wait! The elastic mumbles, which I assure you would be a great name for an all-girl band. Back on Dancing Queen’s Swede Transporter, beers of all description were broken out and uninhibited, incredibly loud merriment ensued in Scandiwegian, hurdy – gurdy tones. It was total Babylon and got louder the closer we got to Sanur. By the time we reached the Dunkin’ Donuts / KFC traffic lights I was shouting on top note at the guy sitting next to me, an Englishman who looked exactly like Wayne Rooney, to be heard. “Are the rumours about your moving to Real Madrid true?” I screamed at him. I was pretty pissed myself by that time.


So, great run, great circle, great fun as usual. Thanks to Hares P. Necklace etc., D. Queen for his indefatigable beer supply on the Piss Up Express, and the women’s elasticised sportswear bottoms industry everywhere – mumble on!


On on


BHHH2 HASH TRASH Run 1353 Pura Panti Prabu Sobangan 30-Dec-17

BHHH2 HASH TRASH Run 1353 Pura Panti Prabu Sobangan 30-Dec-17

Is “Dumb” The First Word in “D.C. Comics”?


The “plot” of one of the movies I binge watched over the rainy Christmas/New Year season was this: Super Person, Bat Person, Wonder Person, Aqua Breath, The Flash and an electrocuted token black dude in a silver super suit whose name I didn’t catch, team up to to do battle with super-villain Steppenwolf. He had a huge hit in the 60’s with “Born To Be Wild”. Seriously, for complex plot reasons far beyond the Lay Person the guy in the silver super suit’s Super Name is never mentioned as far as I can tell. By the way, Lay Person is the super strength and Super Name I would choose. No no, not for THAT reason you dirty buggars. I’m just really good at laying down and “Flatulence Man” is already taken by The Duke of Edinburgh.

Anyhow, this whole movie, “Justice League” (based on D.C. Comics super heroes, not Marvel Comics super heroes, so there) kind of put me in mind of the Hash at Sobongan last Saturday because of the almost EXACT plot line: Super villain, let’s call him Steppenhare, hatches a dastardly plot to destroy all Hashers by sending them on a series of ridiculous and outrageous check backs for no perceivable reason other than to turn a pleasant 6k short into an evil 8k arduous trial, plus the fact that he was a hare and therefore an inherently bad guy. Very obviously good and very obviously evil stereotypes engage in a mighty, epic battle the outcome of which is of course our quietly heroic, strong, persistent, clean living, handsome, fragrant but humble Hashers prevail against all odds, consigning the Evil One and his minions to their doom, with our Super Resolve and by giving him a Hash name and a down down. The Hash name if you have not yet guessed was of course “Premature Ejaculator”. There’s a super costume I’d like to see.


But I jest in a laughable, hardy har manner. It was of course yet another great run and the Hares did a magnificent job. Yes, they were perhaps a little keen on too-clever, over ambitious check backs, especially the crosses in the circles, a previously unseen Hash hieroglyphic that had Hashers of all ages either muttering “W.T.F?” Or coming right out scratching a bodily region (head) and thinking it. I have to give the scenery an 8.5 out of 10 for this run. It was excellent, even the bit at the very beginning on the longest, steepest check back ever recorded by Hash Human, the river section was terrific. The terraced rice paddys in this area are also easel-worthy, cameras and phones materialized in the hands of more than one Euro-touro, Euro-visitor or Euro-virgin.


Being the last run of 2017 and the day before New Year’s Eve, it was a particularly celebratory occasion full of camaraderie which  was reflected in the abundant outreach and outpour of what can only be described as “beer jugs”. It was the circle that just kept giving, and the crowd that just kept drinking and like the virgin Hare and Piss Pourer that he apparently was, newly named P. Ejaculator showed a lack of restraint similar to the check backs on the run (did I mention them?) and re-filled my glass when I wasn’t even looking. Now THAT’S the kind of enthusiasm we like to see on BHHH2! (2!)


The lager flowed right into Social Drinking, broke its banks and formed tributaries of small gaggles of Euro-garglers and regular garglers dotted around under and around the big banyan opposite the wantilan. One of our very favourite comfort zones and times on the Hash. As Steely Dan so pithily put it, “Chinese music ‘neath the banyan tree, angular banjos sound good to me”. Just substitute Indonesian beer and 14.8%.


On on to 2018

All the hairy breast.









BHHH2 HASH TRASH for Run #1352 Saba, Gianyar 23-Dec-17

BHHH2 HASH TRASH for Run #1352 Saba, Gianyar 23-Dec-17

Black Beach, Brown Cows, Camel Toes


My dearly departed Dad called them “mumbles”: Elasticated sports tights for women that highlight the female anatomy so glaringly that they may as well wear matching tee shirts with arrows proclaiming “Here is my vagina, please feel free to stare at it” There were so many of them that mercurial Hasher Concorde conducted a “Camel Toe Competition” last Saturday at the Saba Hash site in the circle after the run. And what was unusual about this, you may ask? For a start the line up included two blokes who he summarily dismissed for lack of  visible vaginas. It was won by a blond Swedish woman and if somebody had theoretically asked me  “Who was the blond Swedish woman you were speaking to?” I would have been well within my rights to reply, 1. “What blond Swedish woman?”. We came to Saba on Dancing Queen’s Party Bus with him, two English guys, two Aussies and, at a conservative estimate, 367 blonde Swedish women, nearly all of them wearing “mumbles”. Or 2. “I don’t know, I was speaking to her vagina.” Why did dear pater call them “mumbles”? Because you can see their lips move but you can’t hear a word they say.

I bet you didn’t think I could get the word “vagina” four times in the Trash, five. Kind of like that CNN add with the apple and the incredibly irritating voice-over in a pronounced American accent saying: “Some people want you to believe this is a benenna. Benenna, benenna, benenna they will say. But it’s naht a benenna, it’s a vagina”, six.


“Was there a run last week?” you would be well advised to ask, because up to this point I had completely forgotten about it as I was more or less fixated on…never mind. Hare Pearl Necklace and cohorts gave us pretty much the same run they gave us last year but in reverse. There is something about this area that I never fail to enjoy thoroughly. It’s hard to put your finger on just what the attraction is, but I believe it’s the sheer variety of the run. We start out braving the insane traffic of Jln Professor Doctor Rear Admiral Good Bloke Just an Old Softie Really Ida Bagus Mantra. Then having made it in one piece across the Highway of Certain Death we find ourselves in a relatively quiet, semi-rural environment chock full of greenness, growth and scattered grazing and lowing cows. The ocean sparkles through trees and palms then suddenly you’re on a glistening black sand beach that stretches for miles to distant hills and mountains. Back across the Ribbon of Doom under the bridge and we’re in the middle of paddy fields. It’s really quite something and you just can’t help saying, “Well, that was good, I especially enjoyed the vaginas’’, seven.

On On to Sobangan for the New Years Run

 BHHH2 Run 1353 Sobangan 30-Dec-17