BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1351 Pura Dalem Bongkasa 16-Dec-17

BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1351 Pura Dalem Bongkasa 16-Dec-17

Packing the Hash Bag of Caution (with extra under garment!)

As any good Hasher knows, the Hash is a metaphor for life itself. Thus at about 2 to 2.30 pm every Saturday we must leave the Lounge Room of Lethargy, pack the Hash Bag of Caution, climb aboard the Sirion of Insanity or indeed the Avanza Of Adventure and drive up the Bypass of Oblivion to the Hash Site of Uncertainty. Once there, we must descend to the River of Risk on treacherously slippery trails, we must grasp the Banana Tree of Balance, or even the Dieffenbachia of Desperation to ensure that we do not plummet into the Gorge of Doom. We ascend the Stone Staircase of Sheer Exhaustion, are barked at rudely by the Dogs of Indignity, sometimes fall bodily into the Rice Paddy of Ridicule, follow the Paper Trail of Absurdity past the Garbage Pile of Disgust until finally returning to the Beer Lorrie of Levity and the Circle of Inebriation.

Yes folks, the Hash is a life journey in microcosm. And to think it all started with a certain individual in 1936 in Kuala Lumpur, capitol of the then Federated States of Malaya, who went by the rousingly magnificent continental name of Alberto Estaban Ignacio Gispert, and that at least some of the letters in his name can be rearranged to spell “eat albino bats o pertest one”. Basically, he was an overweight Spanish bloke who wanted to jog off his Saturday hangovers (sounds familiar). No, that’s not right, he was born in London so he was an overweight English bloke with a Spanish name. No, I jest laughingly along humourous lines, ha ha. His very name is uttered with  reverent tones in international Hash circles and he was a fine upstanding patriot, who after founding the Hash, fought valiantly in WW2 Singapore for his country and his way to the bar.

Today, thanks to the estimable “G”, there are Hash Clubs in practically every country in the world, except for a few really fun ones like Syria, Somalia and Iraq where running or at least walking at a very brisk pace is something most people do on a daily (and nightly) mandatory or highly recommended basis, anyway.

And so to Bonkasa last Saturday which is pretty much covered by the first paragraph if you can remember it. For the life of me, I can’t. It’s one of my favorite runs if not the ultimate Hash run in Bali if you ask me, or for that matter, if you don’t. We started out this time, courtesy of Hare Closet Queen, with no mucking around whatsoever, straight past the Pura to the trail perched atop the river valley with its cinematic views of the swollen river roiling and rushing toward us in rainy season silt-like tones. The enlarged wet season greenery through which  we panted and puffed our way was breathtakingly overgrown with constant waterings from endless tropical downpours. Banana trees were twice as big as usual. Many ground ferns were dangling practically overhead, well, over mine anyway. I saw mushrooms the size of former governor of New York Chris Christie, but more well spoken, tree fungi the size of Boris Johnson. So I’m saying that things were pretty slippery.

This made scrambling up the muddy valley sides and narrow rock steps all the more precarious. I don’t know why, but I have a predilection to burp audibly or pass wind in these situations. Perhaps it’s the strain of it all, but I do feel for anyone unfortunate enough to be below and behind me when I let the latter blast away, and I  humbly aplologise. I usually try to mask the audio accompaniment by shouting something like “Aduh” or invoking the Saviour as if in reference to the effort of the climb. A lot of people do this. For example, (and to protect her identity I shall refer to her only as “The Queen of England”). You will notice that she is often accompanied by a large group of men with bagpipes.

The penultimate section of the run was through pleasant and clean villages with friendly dogs and children asking for money; they were very well trained dogs. No, but seriously folks the kampong2 in this area are pin-neat affluent looking affairs, if you offered a dog money it would probably stop barking at you and walk away in a huff. Maybe I’ll try this next week, nothing else works.

Back at the Wantilan of Wonder, the amber ambrosia seemed to flow like the-not-too-distant-from-there river and the circle lurched on  like a zombie extra from “The Night of the Living Beer Truck”. All 367 verses of “The Hairs on Dickie Die Do” were warbled through upturned glasses and 532 of “My Sister Belinda She Pissed out the Window”, not to mention “Greatest Limerick Hits of BHHH2”. If we’d had a Nepalese nose harp and a polka accordion,  we’d still be there. It was a lot more fun than it sounds, really.

We’ll try for a reprise next week.

On on,


BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1350 Kuburan Cina Mengwi

BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1350 Kuburan Cina Mengwi

Not Quite The Kuburan Cina I had in Mind

Now I’m quite certain that the Kuburan Cina in Mengwi where last Saturday’s run took place is as fine, well maintained and kept up a Kuburan Cina as the occupants could hope for. I’m also certain that you will hear no complaints whatsoever from the residents about the sleeping arrangements of the (ahem) let’s now refer to it as a “Home for The Previously Living of a Certain Ethnic Persuasion” in the interests of delicacy and political correctness. However, for some reason I had a different HfTPLoaCEP altogether in mind. We haven’t been to THAT particular HfTPLoaCEP for some time and I was really looking forward to it. It’s the quite natty one with shiny blue roof tiles, gleaming marble headstones, elaborately painted porcelain “china” vases with Chinese people sporting beards and robes and whistle clean little mandarin style roof tops atop tombs. There are even photos of the some of the residents on the grave décor: a nice touch. Can’t remember where it is though – not Mengwi, I now know.

BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1350 Kuburan Cina MengwiIt’s not that I’m complaining of course, there is a certain ambience of serenity and tranquility at the Mengwi HfTPLoaCEP, but then one would hardly expect wild orgiastic bacchanalia at any given kuburan Cina (whoops) on any given Saturday afternoon. It’s just that, well, the Mengwi one perhaps could use a little brush up – if you ask me.

The car park was dominated by a tree which I believe the technical description of would be “big-ass” around which several hundred if not a thousand or more small birds flew swarming. We prevailed upon the powers of the Grand Master our resident noted ornithorhynchus, sorry, ornithologist who informed us that the creatures had the rather laxative name of “swiftlings” and though insectivores, were on this particular occasion after the small berries which the tree bore. You see? So there, HHH2 is not all sweaty bastards running in the jungle and a big piss up later. I learn something, sometimes interesting somethings, every week. For those of you that think of Hashers as just scruffy drunken bums, you have to peel away the surface layers to get to the hopeless layabout dirtbags beneath.

But I jest. There was another case of mistaken identity last week: the Hare, whose Hash name was Mini Pom, was not a diminutive English person at all but a fellow much more answering the description of the inhabitants of the HfTPLoaCEP. Nevertheless, he was still not the world’s tallest individual of middle kingdom ethnicity. Having said that, he put up a damn fine effort of a run.

Though there wasn’t an enormous difference between long and short (about 100 yds not being an enormous distance), it was clearly laid with not much objectionable asphalt and a pretty good variety of environments. It had spectacular mountain views espied from vantages of jungle trails and neat roads snaking through lush padis. Mt. Agung could plainly seen discharging wispy smoke clouds of blue and white. There were well thought out sections of pandanu groves through which to battle your way and trailside plantations of vividly red offering flowers. It was a much more interesting course than the one we habitually take at this site which is invariably flat and mostly open paddy.

BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1350 Kuburan Cina MengwiThere seemed to be a bit of commerce in large bundles of long stemmed mauve colored blossoms in this area of Mengwi. At one point I came across a gent with a truckload of them selling bundles to a well-upholstered woman on a small motor sepeda painted with scarlet and black barong motifs. She wobbled off balancing the flowers and a small child and wasn’t far gone when the whole shebang came to grief in a pothole about the size of The Sea of Tranquility on the moon. People appeared from all sides to brush her off, right her, sepeda, flowers and wailing infant and send her on her weaving way again. In the immortal words of the Chinese guy in “The Hangover”, and I know I shouldn’t be so shallow, but “It funny because she fat”.

Speaking of funny, back at th HfTPLoaCEP the circle was unbridled hysterics. Night Jar waxed a bit serious about John Milton but it wasn’t  long before he had us wetting our Hash trews again. Organ Grinder conducted a Hash naming ceremony for a dog and Comes Up down-downed convincing Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Saruman look alikes; all this set under mellow tangerine, gold and primrose sunset skies.

How totally inappropriate of us that it was in a cemetery, but as I said the inhabitants didn’t utter a word of disapproval. Very tolerant folk, the Chinese.

On On,


BHHH2 Hash Trash for Run #1348 | Lung Disease Northrup Westwood of Uber

BHHH2 Hash Trash for Run #1348

Lungsiakan Kedewatan Ubud


Lung Disease Northrup Westwood of Uber


I must be the only idiot left on earth with any kind of predictive and corrective text system somehow buried deep in my “intelligent” phone that occasionally and maliciously makes a hateful and unwanted appearance and spits out the above kind of gobbledygook when I’m trying to tell someone where the Hash is located, for example (Lunsiakan North West of Ubud). It drives me nuts and I’ve had several “tech savvy” people pronounce it dead and gone after confidently (and not just a touch condescendingly) fiddling with it momentarily. (Note: read on after the photo section)

“There you go” they say authoritatively handing the funicular thin (sorry, fuckin’ thing) back to me with a flourish, and sometimes a bill for services rendered. This helpful feature never fails to resurrect itself, however making a malevolent reappearance when I’m performing the most innocent and prosaic of tasks. Texting about Australian bird life (don’t ask) a few days ago I ended up with combos such as “cooker borough”, “cock or two” and “brown ruffed bastard”. AAARRRGH.  Enough is enough I’m sentencing the whole funnel thing to be committed to the deep end of the swimming pool tomorrow at dawn.


Anyway, Lunsiakan was indeed the location of last week’s Hash. It certainly isn’t as if we have never been to this site before, but the Lievre (pronounced “Hare” without the “H”) Francais did a splendid job of sending us in nouvelles directions. Yes, Le ‘are, was yet another grenouille (“ribbit”), we had a crapaud (“crever”, sorry “croak”) two weeks ago as well and had all kinds of fun with quotation marks and mots Francais for Allez Allez’s run at Ponggang, but we’re obviously not going to do that again this week, that would be wrong. They are indeed clever and creative fellows these sauters (pronounced “jumpers”) and the run was a cracker (“biscuit sale”).


But seriously, gen (folks), I thoroughly enjoyed it. The scenery was great, there weren’t too many laborious ups and downs and they weren’t that laborious anyway. The trail was well laid, paper easy to follow. Generally ‘are Flash Dick (“Bite Dick” – google it up if you don’t believe me), who had never laid a run before, did a bon travail if ever there was one done. Even some mild breezes brushed the landscape and it pointedly didn’t rain. There is an observation (ahem) I would like to make however concerning some features of the scenery, this being the colorful and highly visible ablution activities of Zola the ridge back and Pogo the dalmation two (TWO!) of my favourite Hash dogs.


For some reason and I have no idea why, to the canine brain the very first stages of a Hash run, any Hash run, is the ideal time for comprehensive and dramatic bowel evacuation. If you wish to be spared this high definition, multi pixel experience, do yourself a huge favor and give both creatures a wide berth. Start the run early or if necessary and it kills you, stay up front with the FRBs. Even Zola’s human, Mount ‘n’ groan, could not hazard a guess at what she had recently devoured to cause such a result, I won’t go into it. Suffice to say that I may have to take sick leave or seek trauma counseling some time this week.


Later in the Angela Merkel (circle) Pogo’s human, whose identity will remain a closely guarded secret (Comes Up, who shall be henceforth referred to as either Mr. X or Mr. Up in order to observe the tenets of the Official Secrets Act) was falsely accused of pushing the Hash Master (“M”) into a rice paddy. I would not have believed this even if I had actually seen it with my own eyes, which I had, and I didn’t. Nevertheless he (Mr. Xup) was severely iced and shriven by Night Jar who shall also remain nameless. All very hush-hush you see, this affair, and must be treated with the utmost discretion and delicate diplomacy. After all, this is the Hash. In X’s defense, M did not say “Passing”.


The rest of the circle in stark contrast to this was high jollity and hilarity, which I put down to one of two things: A general sense of good fellowship among serious athletes of a high caliber or “beer”. I think I might be onto something with the latter investigative theory. I’ll look into it right away.


On on,



P.S. Don’t miss the next BHHH2 Run Saturday the 2nd of December as it is the St Andrews Day Run located Somewhere in Tagalalang.

Bali Hash House Harriers 2 Saint Andrews Day Run Tegalalang








BHHH2 Hash Trash Run 1346 Pasar Ponggang

BHHH2 Hash Trash Run 1346 Pasar Ponggang

Inky Pinky Parlez Vous?

BHHH2 Hash Trash Run 1346 Pasar PonggangApparently there are not enough religious observances in the Balinese and Indonesian calendars that I’m supposed to remember, plus birthdays, anniversaries, Mother’s and Father’s, Valentine’s Days etc. that I run the risk of perhaps even bodily harm or worse delivered by a certain  member of my immediate family, lest I forget.


There are Saint’s Days, Easter, Labour, the Queen’s bloody birthday (2 of them depending which Aust. state you’re in) and of course the biggies: Christmas, New Year, Easter, Eid Ul Fitri (which admittedly overlap with the Indonesian calendar hols above but I’ll mention them anyway because I’m a grumpy old fart). A friggin’ vast litany of special days: Anzac, Australia,  Foundation Days, Guy Fawkes Day,

July 4th, Mustache Day, Thanksgiving and believe it or not Canadian Thanksgiving even for those of you adhering to a Seppo or Honorary Seppo persuasion.


I was however completely sucker punched by one last Saturday, which I knew already was Kuningan, but wait for it, it was also: Poppy Day! I was momentarily stupefied by this revelation from a somewhat unbelieving Night Jar and just could not assign any significance at all to it. I mentally scratched my bonce as he brandished a container of paper poppies at me, “does it have something to do with breast cancer, testicular complaints, red dresses?” I thought bubbled and possibly uttered. He was flabbergasted at my abysmal ignorance “Armistice Day!” (“you idiot” was the subtext).


Ah well, you can’t recall ‘em all. I have particularly severe lapses into apathy when it comes to remembrances that feature

European politicians and aristocrats cocking things up to the extent that guns, bombs, tanks, death etc. are involved on large scales. Ahem, so having kept that successfully to myself, let us to the run get.


Allez Allez was last Saturday’s Hare and he pulled off a coup de etat (pronounced ‘koo dee tat’, which rhymes with ‘hat’) no it’s not and doesn’t. It was a great run, incredible (pronounced “incroyaberl”) yes it is, scenery, sweeping valley views (pronounced “vue panoramique sur la vallee”) and which featured extremely strenuous exertions up and down those very vue panoramiques. These close-to-perpendicular topographic episodes were chest clutchingly, lung explodingly arduous for me, at least. Perhaps this reflects my advancing years (“Ya think?” I hear you all jeer, waving your private parts). Nevertheless, I enjoyed this run immensely and much appreciated the fact that A. A. blurted around on his “moto” (pronounced “moto”) to various points on the trail he considered susceptible to disappearing papier due to rain and shepherded us on – very considerate/prevenant/utile (utile?) of him. Let me just say right here and now that Allez Allez is quite the etant humain and cannot possibly be from Paris, or if he is he certainly was not a waiter, taxi driver, shop keeper or gendarme there.


There were a couple of papier/marquage problems however one of which particularly perplexed a certain Cane Rat who remarked in the following circle that he heretofore had no idea that French arrows had no arrowheads on them. This glaring omission at a crucial turning point bushwhacked quite a few of my post-run interviewees and may have indeed been responsible for Wooden Eye’s after dark saturated reappearance from the jungle. I do seem to remember having a few “bon mots” (choice words) myself at the nude arrow’s juncture. Never mind, this was more than atoned for by the several colossal (“colossal”) bamboo stands that A. A. included for our etonnement et amusement. I can’t make up my mind about quotation marks for those last French words, ok? It’s too hard.


There wasn’t really much of a circle to speak of last week due to the fact that it was pissing down (“pisser vers le bas” they’re ba-ack) raining and despite the presence of more than one covered structure that could have easily accommodated a circle, the beer truck was parked nowhere near them. As one sopping Hasher remarked “the words ‘piss up’ and ‘brewery’ spring to mind”.


Night Jar gave it his all with a rousing version of

“I don’t want to join The Army” (“I’d rather live in England, in merry, merry England and fornicate me fahkin’ life away, gord blimey.”) For “fahkin” see “For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge” or “Fornication Under the Consent of the King” in your handy dandy E.B. This ditty was particularly apropos for Poppy Day and would have summed up my attitude to the “Great” war had I been around at the time. However, I wasn’t and I’ll never know. We were pretty much rained off after that, then the German shelling started again…


On on,





Hash Trash Run 1345 Pejeng

Hash Trash Run 1345 Pejeng a.k.a

Roll That Sosis

Hash Trash Run 1345 Pejeng a.k.a Roll That SosisAs rock band AC/DC better known in their home town of Fremantle West Australia (which just so happens to be your’s truly’s as well) as Acca Dacca, “It’s a long way to the Shop if you want a Sausage Roll”, or as Sir Mick put it it even more succinctly if not so grammatically “It’s only Sausage Rolls, but I Like It”. Say what you will about this humble member of the golden brown food group e.g. “it’s made from only the most disgusting and non-nutritious bits of the cow, if you’re lucky” or “Yechhh”.

Sometimes nothing, nothing I say will satisfy a mighty hunger developed for example after a Bali HHH2 Saturday arvo Hash run at Pura Dalem Pejeng as a lukewarm and tommy sauce slathered snagger roll. Mmm, mmm, especially good with a freshly drawn glass of draught piss. Excuse my plebian tendencies, I care not for canapes of sturgeon roe-sprinkled Abertam cheese from Karlovy (formerly known as Carlsbad) and a flute of Moet Chandon with the crowned heads of Europe on the clipped grounds of the Chateau de Versailles. No, no, not for me thanks. I’ll go with a piss up with me mates who have names like Hardcase, Long Dong Silver, Night Jar, Mount ‘n’ Groan, Organ Grinder, Zola the Ridgeback and a coupla (okay, okay, a few) of White Bait’s mystery rolls.

Which brings me to the run, an absolute snorter by Hare White Bait himself (purveyor of fine sausage rolls and swimming pools since 1995, I think) in a place I myself, me, personally anyway hadn’t run before. It wasn’t too challenging in the up-up department (crucially important), the paper and markings were clear enough for Mr. Magoo and Blind Lemon Jefferson to follow and the scenery was unerringly, relentlessly pleasant.

We crossed one busy road as far as I recall, the rest was pure Nat Geo. in the Paddy, Soebec and Jungle Publications Company Limited sense. It was glossy magazine material, basically all of it. Comes Up who was running more or less in the same gaggle as me was moved to produce a camera from his person on at least two or three occasions. This is a hardened Bali hasher I’m talking about here, with a dog even. I didn’t think he knew what a camera was but there he was snapping away as if he was turning Japanese (I really think so). Such was the comeliness of the scenery last week at Pejeng. Please do not take umbrage Comes up. I know you are not the subject of a 1979 new wave song by The Vapours nor do I accuse you of being camerally ignorant. I am merely making a point (besides you’re rather a large chap). Wait, I didn’t mean that in a derogatory…oh forget it.

We were back at the Amazing Truck of Beer and Impeccable Service before we knew it, the run went by so pleasantly swiftly. I was tempted to whip my canvas, easel and no.10 brush out of the car and go back out on the trail, but settled for a few beers instead and (did I mention sausage-based food items?) We circled up and were unanimous in praise of the run: “No susu’’, we judged loudly, grateful bastards that we are.

After the customary virgin/visitor/returner gamut running, R.A. Organ Grinder “flushed out” Steve Bannon, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Sean Spicer and a few other erstwhile White House staffers, or unfortunates that resembled them anyway, for down downs. The same two Welsh visitors kept ending up at the mercy of various “ring” masters, who with unerring Hash taste were all too willing to bring up bovine and lanolin inferences culminating with Jangle Balls’ “Bah Bah Bah, Bah Barbara Anne” (Went to the damn lookin’ for a lamb, saw Barbara Anne and it was wham bam Ma’am”). He is indeed a suave and urbane individual.

With that, all was dag-rattlingly under wraps, if I may be so bold. So we’ll see all you little sosis rollers on Saturday at Ponggan, baaahing any changes (what was that?)

On on


This week only, a special offer Hash Trash!

That’s right folks. This week only, a special offer Hash Trash!

Two Hashes in one Trash!

Double your fun!

Everything must go!

Offer ends this Saturday, or maybe next Tuesday. Don’t touch that dial, um remote, er, cell phone, ah, laptop. Don’t touch it anyway!

On on


Eye Eye Skipper

a.k.a Hash Trash for BHHH2 Run 1341 Kantor POS Payangan 7-Oct-17

Barnacle Balls proved once again the week before last at the Payangan Post Office that in terms of Hash run setting he has a very good eye indeed which he uses with a patch, a cutlass, a wooden leg and a cedar chest when setting runs to lend credence to his Hash name. No he doesn’t but he should, at least in the circle. Sailors are usually much better at sea than on land, but this XXXTALL leprechaun well and truly has his land leg (sorry, legs).


It would be hard to fault this run, the only thing missing was a preponderance of up ups and as I think I may have let escape from my keyboard once or twice, I’m not terribly partial to those anyway. So it suited me literally down to the ground. Threatening grey skies were the order of the day but we didn’t get a drop of rain for the duration of the run. Lots of eye-wateringly rich green and expansive paddy territory but the mud, folks, I’m officially announcing, has well and truly set in for the rainy season, bye bye dry as far as BHHH2 is concerned. But wait, let me rephrase that – when was the last time BHHH2 was concerned about anything? Concern, I would go as far as to say, is not one of our major concerns as also isn’t moderation, which we employ well and truly in moderation. Put it this way: there aren’t that many clubs we’d join that would have us as members, so we joined HHH2 which will take anybody, which is a cut above us. Another way to put it is that there’s still a little blood in our alcohol streams so fear not, all is under control.


You get the picture then? Good. Moving right along. I’ve been put under strict instructions from my international medical team from Malaysia to Singapore, Bali and Australia not to  eat anything as it’s all bad for you, so I took the unilateral decision to limit myself only to that which is tried and proven both full of goodness plus good for you: beer. I used to adulterate it at the HHH2 beer truck with lemonade but that’s now far too sugary and carbonated and could cause diabetes so, well, beer is the ticket. It’s just that the circles have become a little hazy since making this momentous, prudent life choice and it’s difficult to remember who did what, when or when did who, what. I vaguely recall being berated by the G. Master for being unaware of (I think) some obscure Balinese holy observance. A visiting Netherlander who sounded about as Dutch as Owen Wilson sang an interesting rendition of “The Sounds of Silence” as it applies to masturbation, and that’s about all that bubbles up, as the actress…


… A week later and another exciting installment, this one I’ve decided to call ta da, ta daaaaaaaa :


The Geese are Fucked

a.k.a. Hash Trash for BHHH2 Run 1342 Pura Dalem Desa Pakraman Pengaji Payangan 14-Oct-17

I’ve decided to call it this for no other reason than when we arrived at the Victor’s Recovery Run site in Payangan (again) after a very smooth passage indeed, if you’ll pardon the expression, from Sanur on the Magic Bus, our local driver was baled up by a group of irascible geese which kept honking and snapping at the poor man’s genitals and rear end (do you remember the beginning of this sentence? I don’t).


He was more than a little unnerved by this development, aimed a kick at the “bull goose” which drove them (the geese) into even more frenzied honks and and genital snaps (a good name for a rock band and/or a biscuit). They had him on the run at one point. Moving at a respectable clip he flung open the door of the bus and leapt into the driver’s seat. I half expected him to fire up the engine and pull a smokey out of the car park. Anyhow, by the time we got back from the run the previously agitated birds were calm, which moved Hare 69er to utter the very observation that inspired the title of this passage, pithy at least, immortal at best.


It was another excellent run, extremely well-chosen for its chronological appearance the day after the Victors, at which eleven plus one, I think it went, kegs were consumed. I attempted to get the lowdown from Hare Serial Offender about the run, before the run but he was tight lipped. The only way I could have got any more from him would have involved his gonads and a Bunsen Burner.


True to his word though slopes proved to be gentle and of little duration and our delicate senses were kept well away from noisy roads, kampongs and dogs. It was mostly soothing paddy views and light jungle. The short was a merciful five K and there was no monkey business with checks and check backs, which were kept to a bare Minimum. Paper and chalk were mostly blindingly clear; I just don’t know about the wisdom of blue chalk is all. At one point the Hash Master (I won’t mention any names) led us right through a check and past it for forty meters or so. I don’t blame him I didn’t see it myself. It was blue.


The circle proceeded in a mostly fairly tame and  cooperative manner (for us). Worm’s pre-or- early-teen daughter was given the name “Wriggly” which should hold her in good stead in the years to come. R.A. Organ Grinder issued a fairly bald statement by bringing out the hairless ones (including him). It looked like “The Magnificent Seven” who were all Yul Brynner or maybe a remake of “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”. All good fun-making, but I still think the beer is finishing a little too early. I know its hard to call, but if there are still twenty five, thirty or so drinkers in the circle, keep it going. Two or three each and there won’t be much left. Surely we’re not saving up for tee shirts, my pembantu has plenty, me too, drawersful.


See you at Waterboom next Sat. (Waterboom? Really?)

BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1340 Goa Gajah

BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1340 Goa Gajah

Happy Trails To Me


BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1340 Goa GajahTo quote a notorious Jewish Philosopher  with a beard and sandals, “It’s good to be back” or to quote K. Richards, another even more notorious philosopher after falling out of a palm tree in Tahiti and waking up in New Zealand with titanium screws holding his cranium on: “It’s good to be anywhere”. I don’t think I mixed up those two chaps and their profundities. Was it J.C. in N.Z. with screws in his skull? Keef resurrected? Tidak apa apa (translation: “no what what”). After two weeks of 5 degree C. lows, 100 kph gusts, ten dollar beers and sitting around in houses, offices, bars and restaurants in jumper, jacket, scarf and trackie-dacks-under-the-trews in the exotic, well-heated Perth indoors, a stumble around the Goa Gajah area and a few (har) beers was just what the doctor ordered, just tickety boo. I’m here to tell ya.


We drove the alternative route last week to G.G., in other words we followed the directions of a pleasant sounding young lady named Vera with an American accent on a GPS app in a tablet device. This worked a treat or would have done if we had actually listened to her directions instead of pissing ourselves laughing and missing turns because of her Indonesian name pronunciation, which made Blahbatu sound something like “blahdy blahdy blah” and Pantai Sabah like “pantie suburbs”. Anyhow, we got there.


Once again a decent sized crowd of 75–odd persons (in all senses) left the G.G. car park with Muddy Man’s advice ringing our ears: an hour’s walk on the short, two on the long. Goa BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1340 Goa GajahGajah always proves to be an interesting run. It has wildly varying episodes – some blighted with garbage and entire psychiatric conventions of barely controlled vehicular lunacy bearing down on us on manically crowded jalans, or peaceful countryside scenes of deep green, calm and balm to both the eye and mind. This also depends on the direction we take. Last week the group I was running with were surprised, even shocked (I was anyway), to find ourselves as far away as Pejeng. “How did we end up here?” I blurted spotting a sign on a warung. “I dunno about you but I jogged and ran mostly” a well known smarty pants replied. This didn’t look good for our hour long short.


Fortunately it was overcast and a cool drizzle of rain kept us from overheating. But realizing we were an over an hour out and far from home and beer, I was in a bit more of a hurry than I had been up to then. I looked up in my haste and there was an older buleh tourist walking past me on the other side of the road who was a dead ringer for Clint Eastwood. Does this ever happen to you? Maybe it’s just me hallucinating (again), but I swear I have caught glimpses of celebrities etc. on the Hash and in Bali in general as diverse as Julia Roberts, David Attenborough, Bowie (albeit not very recently), Tony Abbott – it’s not impossible. Even if I had run smack into the grimacing, glinting one himself wearing a poncho and six guns whistling a Hugh Montenegro theme tune, I was so beer thirsty I would have said “Clint, mate. ‘Hacksaw Ridge’, loved it, gotta run…”


22096009_10208085638018958_3122196107704172138_oIt was indeed an hour and forty minutes by the time I was slaking a mighty thirst back at the truck. “Did you do the long?” inquired Mudflaps. “No, but it feels like it.” What the hell, I was back on Bali Hash 2 pleasantly knackered,  hoisting beers, exchanging jokes, jabs, jests, japes and hilarity with me Hash mates, not freezing my arse off and worrying about what petty law I might be breaking – happy as Larry the Clam in his happy place. A boisterous circle followed in which virgins were merrily slaughtered, Nightjar remembered something historically hysterical, Dancing Queen told a joke that most people understood (a photo was taken of this for posterity), Little Johnny told his parents that he saw Dad in bed with the maid doing what Mum and Uncle Dennis were doing at the beach house last summer and race horses with names such as Neil Amblowmie, Anita Hanjaab, Oil Beef Hooked and Hoof Hearted were banned from entering the Melbourne Cup.

All in all a good night’s work.


See you at the Kantor Pos Payangan next week. Bring a French letter.


On on,









Hash Trash Run 1337 Pura Desa Sobangan 9-Sep-17

C.S.I. Sobongan

Photos from BHHH2 Run 1337 Pura Desa SobanganBefore we get into last Saturday’s run at Sobongan, I’d like to report a conversation I overheard from two Perth – they could be from nowhere else – tourist girls yesterday on the Sanur Beach Walk (it features an accompanying handy dandy translation for those of you who speak English). “Orm not riddy ta gahu harm, Shez. Hair bairt choo? (I am not ready to go home, Sharon. How about you?) “Yair nahu, me do mite” (Yes, no, me neither friend / companion / close acquaintance.)

This just about sums up my thoughts, too, on the subject of returning to that fair city, which I must on Wednesday, alas do for a week or so. As heartbroken as some of you will be, I won’t be on the Hash next week, or perhaps the next and there will ergo be no Trash(es?), (blood curdling Hitchcockian screams in a motel shower). I thought I’d break it to you gently.
Have you seen the photo posts from the Sobongan run? Exotically colored barong statues outside ornate temples and elaborately carved Desa entrances, dramatically precipitous waterfalls amid gorgeous, verdant hilly surroundings, calming and bucolic paddy scenery; this was not the run that I found myself on – at all.

I saw none of these things as I’m sure many of those that I ran with intermittently didn’t either. Not that I didn’t enjoy what I saw and did, it was fine. As promised by Hare Kuchit there was plenty of canopied and cool jungle a tenuous, slippery climb down sheer rocky steps to a stony, bubbling stream – it was just a little, well, confusing, okay then, bewildering, alright, profoundly disturbing. This is not Kuchit or Pig Fukka’s fault.
There are now five Hashes on Bali leaving their respective paper on practically every trail we go to. As Grand Master Night Jar so succinctly put it to me after the run: “I suppose it’s all my fault”. Who could disagree?

A volunteer scapegoat standing right there in the car park in front of me. He started the bloody Hash in Bali after all, and escaped a down- down only because of my failing memory and a chaotic circle.

It all started with Kuchit’s severe warning at the outset of last week’s run that we “might” cross other paper as he flung a dab of his own paper groundwards to demonstrate it’s characteristics. “Small and white” he pointed to it. “Like you” cried a nearby smart arse (Kuchit is about as white as Michael Jackson the teenager, but about the same size admittedly).
I stooped down, picked up a handful and pocketed it on the way out of the site. Buggar me (no, don’t, I take that back) if I didn’t find myself squatting and frowning over a paper comparison like a member of the cast of any one of three TV shows with a theme song by The Who, not more than 15 minutes later.

We had indeed followed the wrong paper for at least ten minutes then took another ten to get back to the point at which we should have diverted from the asphalt into the bush following, of all people, Horny Herring and Gudang, who were right in the first place but gave up their quest in order to follow the “on on” call as we all did.
Another fifteen minutes found me alone in a farmer’s back yard again studying Christ knows who’s paper against mine. All I can say is that they were both white and more alike this time, but not quite the same. I repeated this performance running around in circles in the bush peering at variously colored paper and the position of the sun, for all the good it did me, until I came upon a group (a befuddlement? A baffle?) of Hashers careening around a corner coming from the opposite direction at the tee junction of a lonely country asphalt road which we followed, me right, they left, until we realized we were back were we had been twenty minutes earlier.

“Ahu nahu” as they say in Perth. That was enough. Mudflaps, I believe, identified an arrow pointing back to what we thought was the on-out so without hesitation we took it, catching a perhaps imagined faint whiff of beer as a reward for our prudent decision. Back down to the gurgling stream and before you could say

“Hands up, this is a cock-up” we were well on our way home. Let me emphasize again, this was not the Hares fault. From all photographic evidence it looks like they set a terrific run – somewhere. I only wish I had been there. At least we had a tumultuously lively ride back to Sanur in Dancing Queen’s Magic Bus listening to very loud 80’s, perhaps Scandiwegian, disco and drinking all manner of interesting local bottled dark and light beers and ales, that didn’t start with “Bin” and end with “tang”.

Not a microbe of formaldehyde detected by C.S.I. Sobongan.

See you in a cuppla woiks.

On on, J.B.

Hash Trash for BHHH2 Run 1336 Bongkasa Andy Rowson Memorial Run

Hash Trash for BHHH2 Run 1336 Bongkasa Andy Rowson Memorial Run

Photos from Run 1336 Pura Dalem Bongkasa Andy Rowson Memorial Run

A Non-Stick-Poking Turnout

It was a respectably sized crowd that showed up for the Andy “Manchu Fukka’’ Rowson memorial run at Bonkasa last Saturday by any measure, a woodwork crawler if I ever saw one. People that hadn’t shown up on the Hash for months or even years descended from the heavens. There were literally people that I thought were dead and gone resurrected and resuscitated, perhaps exhumed, for the occasion materializing before my very eyes every couple of seconds up to the muster and send-off.

In fact every Saturday Hash I’ve been to lately has been pretty well attended. All this led me to the baffling conclusion as we jogged away from the wantilan and into the pleasantly scenic surroundings that we, as Bali HHH2, must be doing something right. Is it possible? Can it be? Are we? Then I’m stuffed if I know what it is. It’s not as if we’re doing anything all that dramatically different.

Okay, there’s the 4 pm start, maybe that’s helping; but the run and beer are the same price, we’re running in the same areas, the circle isn’t that vastly more entertaining recently than it ever was. There just is no magic elixir, no easy explanations, in fact no explanation at all. We can tinker away with the configuration of the committee, the maps, the website, circle, price, change the paper, the beer, whatever. The bald fact is – with all due respect to all the fine Hashers who are now putting or have put a huge effort into the club in their various ways and without whom we’d be comprehensively screwed – attendance figures are as random as buggary. A few years ago we would get crowds of over a hundred on a weekly basis under practically identical conditions as now (given a bit of inflation)…the answer my friend, is blowing in the wind, but it looks like it’s blowing in the right direction at least.

It was a bloody good run, too, last week. Despite being told by one of the hares (there were six of them, in the spirit of the occasion) that it followed a completely different course than it actually did. Really, nothing says ‘gullible’ like a Hound asking a Hare for directions and I should know better by now than to try to prise the lowdown from one. However, my lips are sealed as to his or her identity. All I can reveal is that it starts with “Agent” and ends with “Orange”, but that’s as far as I’m prepared to venture.

It was muddy enough to be diverting and blessedly cool to the point that it gently rained on us from a lowering and overcast slate grey sky. Plenty of ups and downs that were not severe enough to stop us in mid-climb gasping for breath (those that weren’t me anyway) and an array of “non-checks” convincingly check–like enough to be virtually indistinguishable from the genuine article. The only things missing were yer actual Xs.

There was mass confusion in mid-run as we were guided to a weir by arrows of a seemingly genuine provenance to the spectacle of a crowd of Hashers milling around like lost souls in Dante’s “Inferno” (or shoppers at Hardy’s, Sanur). Scouts were sent off in all possible directions to paper desolation. “Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot?” we all thought bubbled until an alert Harriet realized that the chalk wasn’t white and yellow as advertised by Hare Parashit, but white and gold. The local kiddiewinks are getting better at subterfuge and paper re-arrangement though, be warned.

There were two (how many?) run highlights last Sat. One was the black-and-white-fabric-and-umbrella girt massive banyan tree that made the ones in “Avatar” and “Lord of the Rings” look like potted bonsai, and the other was of course the bamboo bridge that was so cute you wanted to tickle it and say “coochie coochie coo”. There are photos of both posted on the BHHH2 website in case I was hallucinating (a possibility to this day). There are also photos of partying Hashers clutching the amber ambrosia that will give you an idea of the tone of the occasion (in case, like me you were there)…yes, well.

Andy’s relatives from Britain made circle appearances and were given hearty rounds of applause. Various other entities such as The R.A., the Grand Master, Hash Master, Jangle Balls etc. also took the floor but weren’t given the clap they so richly deserved. Maybe next time. Stay tuned for another exciting episode on Saturday at Bukit Jati with Hare Kuchit. That’s right folks, don’t touch that dial.

No, wait! Breaking news! This just in! Touch that dial! It’s in Sobongan! Too many exclamation marks!

On! on!


BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1334 Pura Dalem Tarukan, Pejeng

Starts with “C” but ain’t “Covfefe”


As we all know there is a strict proscription against discussing politics on the Hash which is even stricter concerning the Hash Trash. I intend to honor this commitment to the letter and would not dream of referring to recent mysterious “movements” in the White House / Gudang Putih in Washington D.C., U.S.A. The fact that there are now two new sets of “families” on staff after the recent re-re-re- shuffle will not even be tangentially referred to. They are of course the four Bag brothers: Scum, Slime, Sleaze and Douche (very close to the “first’’ family) and the two brothers and sister team making up the Wit family: Dick, Fuck and Nit.


A mention of the two new “spin” Doctors recently added to the payroll you could not prise from me with hot bamboo slivers for fingernail removal purposes. Dr. No (e.g. “No, we do not know any Russians, and they are the ones we have never met with or spoken to.”) and Dr. Who (e.g. “Vladimir Who? Never heard of him. Leader of the Klu Klux Klan? Who the hell is that?) Nor will there be even an aside about the addition of the three Generals at the Pennsylvania Ave address: General Chaos, General Disorder and General Confusion.  As to the man himself in the tinfoil hat, which rhymes with coup de tat (or does it?), he continues to tweet like a teenage girl with his tiny little hands “It’s gonna be great, huge, I guarantee it.” Not really. So there, you see. You didn’t hear it here first, and if you did – don’t get excited. It’s just an alternative fact or two.


So, um, about the Hash. There was one last week at Pura Dalem Tarukan in Pejeng, an astute choice by Harriet Spank My Monkey and a great job by co-Hares Cane Rat and Organ Grinder. It has been many a long month since a BHHH2 Hash shoe has set sole on this site. I’d almost forgotten it, but it was a really good run. Right from the git-go just standing around in the generous wantilan overlooking the temple grounds with their soaring meru, elaborate mandala and bale was diverting enough.


The course itself was as pleasant a ramble through rich paddys full of splashing and quacking rafts (Teams? Packs? Paddlings? Herds? Flocks? Heaps? Piles?) bunches of cute brown Bali ducks. And the weather cooperated eerily well, the sky filling with more and more billowing grey cumulus (Cumuli? Finiculi? Finicular?) rediculi, rediculaaaar! Sorry, I’ll stay serious for more than two paragraphs when I die, promise. So it was beautifully cool and lightly breezy through the whole affair and not the hellishly hot, hat run that we thought we were in for leaving the badlands of Sanur. The coup de grace (literally the “cut the crap”) of the entire shebang (literally ”she has sex”) was a long, extended and utterly charming valley through the most numerous large hanging ferns and drooping bamboo stands this little black duck (literally “Daffy”) has ever laid eyes on either side of the sheer walls.  The trail then gave out on a picturesque dell by a flowing stream between mossy stone walls and a weir crossing of stunning quaintness (literally “quisn’t-ness” as there ain’t no ain’t in the dictionary (see title).


I have no complaints about the run whatsoever-wait! Before you think I’ve lost my mind, except the two loooooonnngg checks (I caught both like the canny old veteran I am) and the loooooonnnngger upward incline on a flagstone path, which finally did me in. This says more about me than the run, though. Seriously folks, a terrific run. And the circle was pretty good fun too ,what with Organ Grinder down-downing a bunch of blokes who claimed they could “shoot their missiles” from North Korea to Guam. Not me however, at my age I’d be lucky to “splash’’ down in the Sea of Japan.


Muddy Man seems to be warming to his task as new Hash Master and the Grand Master gave us “The birds in the trees said ‘dammit, stuff it, fuck it’ when they heard that Cock Robin had kicked the fuckin’ bucket”. Jangle Balls made us identify the old favorites disguised with ludicrous lyrcs such as “Fistin’ By The Pool” (“I’m a fistin’ fool”). Dire Straits, if you must know. The beer hung in there ‘til the bitter end and we all left sated and happy campers (about 65 strong). Oh! And how could I forget the 600 sticks of Bali’s best satay – unanimously praised by the most hardened Hash food cynics (me, myself, I, and Cane Rat). So, it was good, as they say in the Good Book.


See you anon and anon and on on to Hari Merdeka and M. Man’s birthday run this Saturday.
