BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1330 Puri Damai Tunon

BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1330 Puri Damai Tunon

Teleported By Dog

Apologies, gentle readers, for my heinous absence in the last few weeks. I was freezing my Perth off in arse, but it’s good to be back (Q: What’s the opposite of cold and expensive? A: Bali!). I flew back on new budget airline “Batik Air”. Now, I know they are in all good conscience differentiating themselves with a touch of cute nationalism by giving the service an indisputably Indonesian name, but I was a little taken aback when they handed me a metal stamp, some melted wax and 30 meters of cotton fabric to go to work on. Kidding! If they were not really a full service airline, at least you get better seating than Air Asia and an actual meal that you more or less want to eat; a movie too if you had the foreskin to bring your own earphones (which I didn’t).

So where were we? That’s right, this is supposed to be about the Hash. There has been much ado (aduh!) during my unconscionable absence and I find a fairly shocking amount of grass has grown under my innocent feet. Bintang has usurped Bali Hai! (here I insert my old personal school motto: “Qui Dederit Cacas?” (look it up if you give a shit). It served me well through years of lackadaisical studies, in other words “beer is beer is beer”.

Despite 42 years of tradition we have elected to start runs  at 4 pm. “Health and safety, mate” as the men in the acid lime green high-vis vests would say, despite the fact that the only Hasher we ever may have lost due to Hash activities sustained his injuries in broad daylight setting a run. Run fees have been reduced. Suits me, if they had gone up by the same amount it would still be the cheapest piss-up this side of a fermented yak milk party in a Mongolian yurt.

Oh, it’s all good. I wish our hard-working Mismanagement Committee the best, and I hope that our beloved Hash will attract greater numbers and prosper, even though I kind of enjoy the intimacy of a 40 or 50 strong Hash (as was last Saturday’s, and I did notice that many of these arrived at the site closer to 4.30 than 4 pm). As the farmer in “Babe” put it, “That’ll do, pig”.

And that applies especially to me, so let’s get on with the run at Pura Damai in Tunon last Saturday. The short was, well, short, not that it wasn’t enjoyable. It was almost impossibly pleasant in fact; a beautiful (no other word for it) temperature of 28 cool degrees, breezes just below stiff and laughing Balinese kids and adults flying kites of all shapes, shades and sizes in a porcelain light blue sky with fluffy white clouds out in the verdant paddys. Can’t say fairer than that, governor. The paper was coherent and Hare Rabid Mangy Dog kept us on our toes right from the start putting the pack through a fairly deep water crossing and quickly alternating environs from paddy to quiet kampong to busy jalan and back again with teleportation speed.

This is where I segue into the highlight of the whole affair: an alarming post-circle incident of such high drama and singularity that names will be changed to protect the innocent. There were several Hashers involved, but the main protagonists were a large and muscular dog, let’s call her “Lola”, and her human, let’s call him “Mountie” (he is neither Canadian nor constable, but I’m a bit concerned about the pronunciation of the first syllable in the second word).

We were standing around, beers in hands laughing like hyenas and practicing being idiots, as usual (practice makes perfect). Lola’s staunchly thick leash was casually wrapped around Mountie’s wrist. Suddenly something attracted Lola’s keen canine senses just outside the perimeter of the grounds of the Damai complex, something of earthshaking import  no doubt, like a cat or maybe a rat.

Now, I’ve been kicking around on this here blue globe for some several decades now and I have never seen neither man nor beast move as blindingly fast as what these two did before my very eyes on that fateful eve. Mountie was breaking several land speed records for a distance of approximately 25 meters BACKWARDS as Lola took off in a brown blur like a furry first stage satellite launcher. This was of course before, with a resounding crack, Mountie’s head came into explosive contact with the handle of a mechanical plough parked at the edge of the property. He vividly hit the deck which failed to slow down Lola for even a nanosecond as she dragged the poor bastard bodily through the brush and foliage border. They both comprehensively vanished.

Okay, long story short. We managed to relocate Mountie eventually and staunch the blood flow that would have killed a sober man, but it was touch and go for a while. A couple of us also tracked down the alert hound and tether her to a nearby sturdy shrub. I’m pretty sure they both survived the ordeal more or less intact. But let this be a lesson to you Hashers…I don’t know on what particular subject, but let it be a lesson, okay?

Glory, glory hallelujah…

On on


BHHH2 Trash Run #1324 Gold Island Beach Club Serangan

BHHH2 Trash Run #1324 Gold Island Beach Club Serangan

Moon, Croon, June

Run #1324 Gold Island Beach Club SeranganSerangan is kind of a weird place. All I know about it is that a lot of its existence is more or less the remnants of Tommy Suharto’s grandiose plans in the late ‘90’s for casinos and resorts, resort casinos, casino hotels, blah, blah the nett result of which is now deserted areas of scrubby growth and not entirely exotic nor very tall trees criss-crossed by dirt paths liberally spattered with visible cow shit from invisible cows owned by invisible people. The Marina Bay Sands in Singapore it ain’t, nor ain’t it Straits Quays in Penang (two projects in Asia on reclaimed land on tropical islands that spring to mind) by very long shots indeed. In fact you couldn’t be blamed for saying that the whole enterprise is an abject and unsightly failure. Back in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s (when sabre toothed tigers prowled Kuta) Serangan used to be called and sometimes still is called “Turtle Island”. If turtles are responsible for those giant poop deposits all over the shop, I wouldn’t want to meet one in a dark alley, especially in Serangan, which is as I said, a weird place.


Run #1324 Gold Island Beach Club SeranganHowever, it is a pretty good venue for a Full Moon Run on Bali Hash House Harriers 2 (Two!) and last Saturday night we had just that. We took off at around 6pm from the Gold Island Beach Club and the sunset was spectacular. A swirling tangerine, orange and yellow mass shone brilliantly above. (As a meteorological condition it was fantastic, as “President” Trump’s hairdo, pathetic. Swirling orange and yellow masses belong in the sky not on a human head, if it is a human head, or in a tanning studio). Off paper, sorry. We hugged the beach for the first 10 minutes or so out of town and swung inland on a long jog by bodies of water to our left both refreshing and relaxing to be near. I was following Dancing Queen and daughter and to my credit, I think, actually caught up with them 3 times before I finally gave up the chase of two generations of the most ridiculously long legs I’ve ever seen on Scandanavians, or this side of Area 51.


At about 6.30 or so the sun did the disappearing trick and it very quickly got as dark as buggary. I can’t actually attest to how dark buggary is, but I bet it’s bloody dark. I was extremely thankful for Screaming Lord You Know What’s torch that he so serendipitously didn’t need and had loaned me (having of course left my own on top of a tool cabinet in the garage no more than three feet from the car). I would have been, yes, buggared without it. I suppose technically, it wasn’t really a Full Moon Run because the moon didn’t really show up during the run, as such. As a matter of fact it didn’t rear its gilded head until well after we got back to the Gold Island car park due to a bank of dark and hazy cloud on the horizon. When it did though it was fat, yellow-gold and glowing mysteriously like, you guessed it, the former host of “The Apprentice”, “Mister” Trump.


Remember this device all you budding Hash Trash writers: if you want to convey the suggestion of an insult to somebody, anybody really, but especially the aforementioned  “entity”, use inverted commas. Where was I? Drinking tall cans of Diablo beer on the beach on Serangan, which was a pleasant enough place to be of a Saturday night, and a pleasant enough brew to drink, and  being entertained by various individuals in the post-run circle. We owed all of this to the exertions of Beer Master and Hare Gizzard, for he’s a jolly good fellow. Night Jar lullabied us with a WW2 witty ditty in honour of D-Day, for he’s a jolly good Fellow as well, and Jangle Balls nod to the 50th anniversary of “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds” (Hash version: “Loosening Their Bowels With Bad Timing”) four heaves a jolly “good” fe-hell-ow, and so say all of “us”. However, the event of the evening the “coupe de gras” (literally, the “cut the grass” or maybe “cheese”) was TA DAAAA: the Swedish National, Day I Love D.Q. “Nobody” is Perfect Dancing Queen is “Nobody” singlet – a perfect example of the use of inverted commas if I’ve ever seen one. His Swedish meatballs were also admirable, or we can leave his Swedish meatballs out of this if you like.


We all left appropriately tired, chock full of 5% strength dark lager and salt air, I s’pose you could say piss and wind. On on to none other than Mambal Swimming Pool next Saturday.




Hash Trash Run #1323 Carangsari

Hash Trash Run #1323 Balai Subak Jempeng, Carangsari

 Paradise Found, One Owner, Low Mileage

Photos from Run #1323 Balai Subak Jempeng, CarangsariCarang Sari, the area we ran in last week, has to be one of the most scenically, astoundingly, narcoticizingly pleasant on Chook Island. In fact the larger surrounding area including Petang and Sangeh is pretty dang spectacular even on the drive getting to the site, if you ask mois. Most importantly none of it is as demandingly up and down valley-wise as your higher elevations for Hashers of HHH2’s dare I say predilections, um, peccadilloes, ah, delicate vintages perhaps?

“I mean some of those valleys up in the mountains” as one of our more mature Hashers pointed out to me after the run, will “kill the shit out of you”. Now I’m not going to name anyone here of course, but as etiquette demands, I’ll give you a multiple choice: 1) Night Jar 2) 69er 3) Screaming Lord Clit 4) Worm (a younger mature Hasher in our smörgåsbord of maturity). See how I got out of that? I couldn’t remember who it was if you attached battery charged crocodile clips to my testes and interrogated me all month.

As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, this is an area we don’t often run in. I’d be surprised if I personally had run there before in fact; and I’m the proud owner of a 300- run achiever’s tee shirt – to prove how far gone I am in Alzheimer’s terms, or for those who prefer a gentler term, mixed dementia. Carang Sari is charming in its versatility, too. There was everything from extended flat views of outrageously green palm clad paddys with not a sign of human habitation in either direction for, well, quite a ways (with distant mountain glimpses), to impressively proportioned bamboo stands in slices of thick jungle, houses and compounds nestled in cameos of outlandish quaintness isolated a fair distance from one another, plus a ludicrously attractive stream walk was tossed in as a bonus on the S and L.

The only thing marring the whole package were fairly liberal pepperings of garbage in some spots to the point where I actually had the front of my right Hash shoe encased in a “Pop Mie” instant noodle foam cup for a meter or two, performing the fancy footwork of James Brown doing the “Funky Chicken” to cast it off. There must be inhabitants around there somewhere, but I didn’t see too many, barely any at all in fact. And what a balm that is for folk from the Old South Land, the land of cotton (jersey).

Even from outside the small and insanely precious temple and matching button-cute miniature wantilan opposite, beers in hands waiting for the circle, the sunset view of the palm and tree line across the fields was so rurally relaxing and flat out luvverly chuvverly, I didn’t know whether to slip into a coma or burst into song. I did burst into song later but that had more to do with the beer than the scenery. In fact we all burst into song when Night Jar performed by popular demand for the third week in a row “No Balls At All” and in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of “Sgt Pepper’s”, Jangle Balls regaled us with some potty mouthed, Dung Beatle psychedelia.

I still haven’t said all I want to say about the x-treme bucolic environment of Carang Sari. I know I’m ranting and babbling a bit, but I do that. So thanks to Hare Toilet Brush who we hadn’t seen on Bali Hash 2 regularly for a while and who made an impressive return with this outing. If I’d had a no. 10 paint brush, an easel and mounted canvas, I would probably still be there dabbing, slashing and flicking away, adjusting my beret, twirling my non-existent moustaches and holding a thumb up at some unsuspecting piece of scenery. I don’t think I was alone, most Hashers in the circle agreed that it was pretty outstanding. At 5.7 clicks for the short run it wasn’t over-demanding either, with just enough checks to make it interesting – the Goldilocks Zone for Paleolithic Hashers like me.

We had tall cans of “Diablo” last week rather than a keg, which the Beer Master had procured for us through a deal he made with Bali Hai. If anybody doesn’t think it is indeed a strong brew, then find my prescription sun glasses because I was so pissed I lost them comprehensively. Oh well, as my Latin motto goes “Irrumator praetor” (shit head). I was not that happy with myself. At least the beer lasted all the way through social drinking though – a stand out event these days.

On on,


Hash Trash for Lungsiakan Run#1321

Hash Trash for Lungsiakan Run#1321

A Guided Meditation for Hashing…floating Amongst the Muddy Drunken Foul Mouths


Hello, my name is (not) Jason Stephenson and for the next few minutes I will (not) be taking you on a deeply meditative journey (unlikely to be) the most relaxing and serene experience you have ever had short of passing out dead drunk in an Ubud alleyway with Hashers named “Blow Joe”, “Night Jar”, “Jangle Balls”or “Wooden Eye” (tinkly, whooshing new age “music”). Give your thoughts permission to leave you and take their own journey to return in the morning and find you with a hangover of Hiroshima proportions and a tongue tasting like the floor of a Mexican jail. Now let’s clean up those Cakra locations: first the lower Cakra which is located at the bottom of your spine in the general area of the arsehole, is a fiery orange swirl of flame, perhaps as the result of a calming Chicken Jalfraize at Little India in Jalan Cemara, Sanur. This Cakra is responsible for responsibility, feel it being cleansed in a rotary motion with a handful of Paseo Elegant (hygenic, soft and natural) tissue roll. (Long pause with more whooshing sounds).


But I jest of course, I take the piss, I remove the urine. I’m not serious about any of the above and I’m sure that Jason Stephenson is a fine young man totally dedicated to making a fortune on You Tube with New Age meditative blatant twaddle and buying a place in Coff’s Harbour with an ocean view. And I’m certainly not serious about our upstanding and sober Hashers, pillars of the community such as the respected video artist, handicraft entrepreneurs and self-described “national treasure” author mentioned above.


Ahem, so now (at last) to the Hash last week at Lungsiakan volley ball court, a mere folley pall’s (local pronunciation) throw away from the joys of downtown Ubud and not far from the Fly Cafe (Why the “Fly” Cafe? Somebody enlighten me).  It’s not as if this course was spectacularly novel, nor it must be said was the semi-permanent (har) Hare, who must just about have Hash Hare tenure at this point. I doubt if he’ll be taking a sabbatical though any time soon (our little buddy, bloody, cruddy Muddy). He readily admits that he likes the free beer privileges too much that go with Haring, in his refreshingly frank manner. But you must concur, this is the very quaintest of oft-used trails on the hash. It genuinely is picturesque (pronounced picture- skew) so let’s all give Muddy Man the clap he so richly deserves (spontaneous, deafening applause).


The view from atop Ubud Ridge to the valley below and surrounding countryside and scenery is as exotic a tropic panorama as you’ll see anywhere on this blue globe. It doesn’t matter how many times you gaze at it, it is truly remarkable. The impossibly quaint little eateries, temples, homestays and trickling gotts  along twisting and turning paths that wind through Ubud’s back blocks and out into the paddys after leaving the chaotic lunacy of the bridge area below the old “Beggar’s Bush”; now a wrong-headedly rainbow colored monstrosity that totally betrays its storied past, are mesmerizingly cute still. A more senior (cough) Hasher I was running with at this point called these alley ways “Lesbian Lanes”, don’t ask unless you’ve never been to planet Ubud. He will remain unnamed because he’s already got one (Spook, oops).


Where were we with our blocked Cakra cleansing? We don’t want our Cakras blocked, do we? Move your focus now to the second (or is it third Cakra), I can never remember when I’m thinking about what color Lamborghini I want. Ah screw it, I’ll get a red Mazerati. What? Oh yeah, Cakras. The Cakra around the area of the heart is bright green and shocking pink (as if you didn’t know) while we’re on the subject of colors. And this Cakra is intimately involved and caring in all matters of the, well, heart. Try now to picture in your third eye (no, not the brown one) this garishly ugly, no wait, this vibrant and spinning, swirling colorful vortex being scrubbed with a stiff brush and a fifty fifty solution of water and Porstex. Whoosh whoosh, tinkle tinkle. Or even better, have your own pembantu do it…


Alright, alright, enough of this levity nonsense. To the circle, where we were vastly entertained by the usual silly buggars, and while it was once again a hoot of unmatched comedic proportions, once again, we swiftly ran out of the amber ambrosia that fuels these occasions. I don’t profess to know what is going wrong here – there weren’t even any bottles left as far as I could tell – but something is going wrongedy, wrongedy wrongo. Let’s hope the upcoming mismanagement meeting can take this dilemma, the horns of which we are upon, and grapple with these very horns.

On on, J.B.






BHHH2 Hash Trash Run #1320 Pura Dalem Beng Gianyar

Hash Trash Run #1320 Pura Dalem Beng Gianyar

The Healing Waters

We had a spot of rain at (as far as I could make out) “Beng” near Gianyar last Saturday on the Hash, which is to say it urinated down on us mercilessly. Or as Ronnie Barker reading the weather on “The Two Ronnies” once said “There’s rain in Haine, precipitation at Prinsep Station and in Lissingdowne…” Rain gets a bad rap really, it’s not such a big deal, in fact it’s quite fun to get shag-wet, soppingly saturated and run through the jungle in a downpour. Look at the English: the only time they seem to be happy is when they’re in the middle of a biblical deluge. In fact any other time of year in, for example London, you rarely see a human tooth. It cheers them up no end. Some Muslim cultures call it “water from God”, you can see why if you’ve ever been to the vast expanses of hot, treeless fuck-all called the Middle East. This brings me to my favourite Humphrey Bogart movie exchange: “What brings you to Casablanca Mr Rick?” “I came for the healing waters.” “But there are no healing waters in Casablanca, it’s in the desert.” “I was misinformed”. We are sooo lucky in Bali.

Having said that, this “Beng” wasn’t exactly the most salutary area of Bali in which we’ve run. It was all a little down-at-heel and a tad sad-ish if you ask me. The village anjing2 were straw thin, leathery apparitions with random patches of scuzzy looking fur on them, barking at us in deranged and pathetically repetitive ways like maniacal threadbare carpets (no, too big – area rugs). The village buildings and houses were tumbledown, ramshackle and erratically designed affairs some that seemed top heavy and gravity defying with Tower-of-Pisa-like leans on them.

Every spare piece of land, garage or yard was chock full of rusty old pieces of tin, metal or wood-full-of-nails junk that shouted “tetanus” rudely and loudly as we passed. The only people that seemed remotely interested in me were a group of older boys at the edge of town who thrust their hands out and yelled more repetitively than the anjing2: “Many, Mister, many, many, many Mister”. What would a buleh be doing running through a remote kampong near Gianyar, wet to the bone in a singlet and a pair of board shorts with non-existent pockets full of “many”? Whatever.

Okay, I won’t go overboard in the area of criticism, it’s easy to get into a spiral of negativity (who, me?) and it was only one part of Saturday’s Hash. It was mostly quite well planned and a bunch o’ fun. We were led into some very pleasantly rural areas, some parts were downright wild. Knee deep in grass and blinded by rain I went tits up a few times and almost arse over head a few times more, so did the Chinese guy I found myself running with. It would have been entertaining to have recorded the frequent outbursts of “aduh”s, “klang”s, “ah shit”s and “for fuck’s sake’’s delivered in quite convincing tones. Otherwise, there wasn’t much conversation as we were both too busy trying not to break an ankle. Never mind, it was an all-round good run, there was an abundance of DBTs (dirty big trees) of all descriptions, though the trail did suffer from recurring trash. There was plenty of well-laid paper (also of all descriptions), chalk and a very visible split. Many thanks to our Hares Bouncing Czech and No Deposit; a sterling and capital effort, or whatever currency and economic system they use these days.

Just one more observation that I found arresting and culturally illuminating: At one point during our kampong-doggie-gauntlet run I proceeded past a warung with no less than five people comprehensively unconscious in various postures of repose. Even when I shouted a deliberate “on on” (and the dogs went nutso) to see if they would stir, I may as well have addressed the inside of a morgue. Well, why not sleep? It’s raining, there’s nothing to do. One might as well take the check-out option, and why not with friends and family? In a way it makes more sense than Western politicians during a natural disaster or crime investigation holding forth on how under control everything is with a wall of alert fat-necked uniformed persons behind them looking like they’re in haemorrhoidal agony. Why aren’t they out there in the field rescuing or protecting? They may as well be as dead to the world as the Warung Five for all the good they’re doing.

The circle started as a damp affair but with the aid of a member of the Superior Viking Master Race (Religious Advisor Dancing Queen) who controls the weather with his invisible “rod”, the rain dissipated and things proceeded drily. The Adolf haircut is a bit of a worry, though, even given his 80’s credentials. Grand Master Night Jar who has credentials from a different decade (the Roaring Twenties – kidding, har!) regaled us with a chestnut he recovered as recently as last week “No Balls at All”, a catchy air about an unfortunate female newlywed’s disturbing discovery. I think you have the picture.

The merriment continued until – daa duuuuuuuum (horrific screams of abject terror, an enormous explosion, a squeaky fart, music box music) we ran out of piss – again – early, before social drinking was even a spermatazoozoo of a thought.

This cannot go on, I won’t have it! Make it staaaaaahhhhhp.

To be continued, on on. J.B.

Hash Trash Anzac Day Run Sobangan

Once a Jolly Thingamabob Camped by a Whatchicallit

Hash Trash Anzac Day Run SobanganSome people, by which I mean whatsisface and whosit, tell me that the lingo used in “Waltzing Matilda” is so antiquated these days as to be meaningless to the average Australian by whom I mean Mr. Abdullah Hizbollah and Mrs. Fatima Talib. To this I say something derogatorily up-to-the-minute and rapier sharp such as “poppycock” or “tally whacker” or one of those “I’m down with that shit” (or is it “I’m down with the shits”) “fly” (house or blow, I must admit I’m not sure) expressions.

But seriously folks, it’s reasonably easy for anybody with half a brain, Donald J. Trump for example, to figure out that a “Matilda” is a “swag”, a “coolibah” is a “billabong” and a “jumbuck” is a male bodily part. A “tucker bag” is of course to anyone with the most rudimentary grasp of 19th century Aussie bush argot, a “bag’’ with “tucker” in it. But truly rooley seriously folks, being a “fair true” and “blue dinkum” kind of a “cove” myself, I am actually sort of touched every time I hear what really should be our national anthem in any fair estimation. As opposed to the dirge–like, couldn’t-inspire-a-fart-out-of-a-draft-horse, guaranteed-to-induce-coma-like-symptoms “Advance Australia Fair”, an uplifting ditty about a suicidal, kleptomaniac, outback hobo phantom who’s not the sharpest tea leaf in the boiling billie is a huge improvement and causes many an antipodean heart to swell with pride. Mine does, and I’m not even mildly kidding, I have no idea why.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, you’re thinking “Did you see Misty Rain in ‘Foursome Party in Prague’?. God she was good.” No that’s not what you’re thinking, that’s what I’m thinking. You’re thinking “Why is this idiot banging on about “Waltzing Matilda?” Two reasons (how many? TWO!) 1. To shamelessly fill out and plump up a “Hash Trash” which would otherwise go something like: “First we ran away from the setting sun, then we ran towards it. The end.” 2. Last week’s run commemorated Anzac Day.

Slouch hats orf to Rocks Orf and (no way you’ll guess this: Muddy Man!) for a memorable run indeed. Although quite brief, 5K on the short, it was some of the best scenery we’ve enjoyed recently. Two (TWO!) river crossings as promised were spectacular from all view points both up and down the valleys and guaranteed that we wouldn’t be on in for every bit of an hour at least. The second crossing was Gallipolee-like in its drama. It must have pissed down convincingly up country: what M.M. informed us was a waist high but no-problem traverse was actually a struggle against swift and swirling waters clinging to semi-submerged bamboo and a chain of other Hashers clutching one another’s hands for dear life. It was chin high to me at one point, however, I WAS on a 45 degree angle, legs dangling in the rushing flow at the time.

Hero of the day was Dancing Queen who, with others, stayed on at the crossing to assist damsels in distress. I honestly couldn’t see much point in my hanging around getting underfoot, all things considered, including my vertically challenged situation. I hiked up the never ending flagstone steps, past the school, crossroads and on in to the wantilan ‘round the corner. Muddy Man greeted me grinningly, beer in hand and a mental image of me upending him into the soft drink cooler flashed momentarily before my eyes (kidding, not).

The circle, it was decided, would be held outside the less than perfect acoustics of the wantilan which would discourage Hashers from sitting on the stage area near the beer truck or around the Hash Cash table; a good idea as it turned out that almost worked. There were still lager malingerers though, who joined the circle at their pleasure (you know who you are, lucky you, I can barely remember who I am). But it worked out pretty well, was a good circle and we all got to sing “Waltzing Matilda”, even Swedes and eek, Germans joined in. We mentioned the war but we think we got away with it.

Hungarians and Norwegians grabbed their jolly jumbucks with glee and shoved them lustily into their tucker bags. It was an inernational coolibah and swag fest that was nothing short of stirring. What is it with that song? Certainly more than the sum of its parts, that’s for sure whether it’s Slim Dusty, Rod Stewart or Tom Waits singing it there is something unaccountably touching and engaging about it. Screw “Advance Australia Fair”. I’ve never heard Rod Stewart’s version of that.

On on




Hash Trash Run #1317 St George’s Day Run

St. George and the 5 Chinese Crackers

History was never my forte at school so bear with me and let’s see if I’ve got this right (generally): The English were a bunch of shopkeepers, which is just as well as they had a big empire to run. They had stiff upper lips in the noonday sun and “pith” helmets (I’m not sure if this is a mithpronunthiation). They employed understatement saying things like “Good God sir, I believe I’ve lost my leg” when they lost their legs. St. George is their Patron Saint and he vanquished Margaret Thatcher who is not in the fossil record and is therefore probably mythical, like a unicorn. He (St. George, not Mrs. Thatcher) was dressed as Ned Kelly in a nightie at the time, but he never actually went to England so this must have taken place (or not) somewhere else, possibly Turkey or Melbourne, Australia. Does that just about wrap it up? In a nut shell anyway? I think I got the gist of it.

But seriously folks, St George’s day was celebrated at last week’s Hash in Petang. The actual timing of his illustrious career of avoiding his adopted homeland like the plague, his origins and his sexual persuasions were hotly debated before the run. For some reason I thought he had something to do with the Crusades, but this was dismissed by Grand Master Night Jar as too late in the historical piece, plus “he was a poof anyway”. I stood corrected, apparently, and bowed to the Grand One’s superior knowledge as he was probably there at the time and read about it in the tabloids, “The Constantinople Mirror” perhaps (har, kidding, kind of).

The run was an absolute rip snorter and one that Muddy Man, believe it or not, had unbelievably nothing to do with. Our thanks for Saturday’s splendid course go squarely to John the Baptist, AKA Labia and I believe Labia Minor and Rabid Mangy dog not the Baptists. Hope I got that right, I did happen on a helpful R.M.D. dressed more like Batman or Mandrake the Magician than St. G just before the ON IN but at least he put in a sartorial effort that no one else did.

The trail was all pretty much ups and downs of course being located in hilly Petang and a whole lot of imposing igneous-looking rock. There was one stretch where having completed a fairly serious up up from a river to a paddy section, we were confronted by a rocky face that looked the size of Uluruh (or what used to be Ayer’s Rock – this was a bit presumptuous of old Ayer whoever he was, by the way; a bit like me expecting everybody to call Gunung Agung “Mt. Jangle Balls” because I saw it once).

Anyhoo, stop me if I’ve mentioned this before, I don’t do up ups too well and by the time I was half way up this obstruction I wanted to make it stop more than I wanted world peace, fabulous riches or eternal youth. After this terrible suffering however, I was rewarded with soothing, sweeping, untouched, tropical countryside views from the mostly descending serpentine asphalt road of the ON IN, just friggin’ lovely. That’s all I can say.

Back at the Petang Rafting car park, we lined up for delicious baked spuds replete with sour cream and bacon courtesy of (shit, I hope this is right, Café Smorgas). And of course, lashings of beer, in case you didn’t know beer came in them. Of course St. George was a keen baked spuds and sour cream man and mighty piss artist, as we historically know, and consumed a lot of these things when he was busy not being in England.

The circle was also, once again, a great deal of fun. Not a lot of virgin baptising went on (one is not a lot) but R.A. Dancing Queen introduced us to all manner of lesser known Saints including St. Gudang of Hungary, St. Tin Tin Balls of Belgium, St. Jean Le Batiste of Milton Keynes and, Himself, St D.Q. Svenska of Stockholm. Bishop Night Jar sang us a lullaby about old King Cole who called for all manner of, frankly, weird shit in the middle of the night.

Jangle Balls, as it turns out a lesser known Saint himself from the Fremantle, Western Australian Diocese presided over the strategic placement of five Chinese crackers up the arseholes of as many English people (do the math) for later detonation accompanied by “Rule Britannia” (marmalade and jam) and his usual manic gesticulations. Fortunately most of this took place in his beer flooded imagination.

This week I travelled, in the lack of a navigator, with the “Sanur Bus” group, brainchild of His Royal Majesty and newly minted Saint D.Queen of Smorgas. I must say I enjoyed this immensely, both the relaxing trip up to Petang NOT driving and wrangling my way through the traffic and the atmosphere of good fellowship and a certain quality in the confines of the bus that can only be called “beer” on the way back.

Like I needed any more, need schmeed.

On on, J.B.


Hash Trash Run 1314 Blakiuh Simming Pool 1-Apr-2017

Night of the Flying False Fangs

Hash Trash for Run #1314 Blakiuh Swimming Pool 1-Apr-2017

Grand Master Night Jar had just finished enlightening us on the origins of April Fools’ or All Fools’ Day and then regaling the throng with a side splitting rendition of “I Used To Work In Department Store In Chicago (but I don’t work there no more)” last Saturday evening. An appreciative crowd roared their approval and gave him a hearty “Glory Glory Hallejulah” with a side order of a down-down administered by Grocer John.

Hash Trash for Run #1314 Blakiuh Swimming Pool 1-Apr-2017Perhaps it was a change of lager from the usual Bali Hai to the somewhat more fortified Diablo, but something did not agree with the Grand One’s tonsil environment and the amber article came racing back with a vengeance. It was something you don’t see often with the G.M., he usually likes to keep his beer where he deposits it. But on this occasion not only did the liquid for jolly good company come gushing back up at speed, but it was accompanied by his false teeth, and I tell you I was glad not to have been in the trajectory path of those urgent projectiles.

 The countryside around the Blakiuh pool echoed with the ejaculated enquiry “Where’s my facking teeth?” and helpful souls (not me) rushed into centre circle to assist with the search brandishing various forms of illumination. It was a mercifully short period before the miscreant molars, wayward canines and peripetatic bicuspids were located and returned to their rightful owner. They were not damaged in any way or crushed under a well-meaning Hash shoe, fortunately.

Night Jar replaced them in their customary location and muttered something like “Everybody can stop looking now”. And the drama had come to a close, the curtain was down on the highlight of the circle. Just thought I’d mention it. To those who weren’t there, more fool you. And Night Jar, I’m not taking the piss, you must admit it was pretty funny.

In what has become a recent Hash device last week’s was a great run employing rarely used areas in sparklingly novel ways at an oft-used Hash site, re-Hashing, if I may (Har). Is it possible that Hares have actually been reading the Trash and thus following this trend or is it a complete co-inky dinky? I’m going with the latter. As of last count I have a readership of approximately three and I suspect those of harboring problems in the reading ability area, or at least being challenged in that of literary taste. But I jape, for no apparent purpose other than word count.

In last Saturday’s case it was the Blakiuh Pool car park(s) in which we found ourselves. It’s not as if we haven’t been there before but Hares Black Forest and co. managed to find trails and byways that weren’t that familiar despite the location being evidently changed at the last minute. There was (ahemmedy hem) something of a excess of asphalt in the opening stages of the run and perhaps an over reliance of paddy in the final leg but the jungle section in the middle was undiluted magic. As one circle wag put it – the middle bit was the best run of the day.

A reasonably entertaining interlude which I’ll call “The Battle of Odin and Thor” developed in mid paddys between Dancing Queen (a tall Swede) and Horny Herring (a taller Norvegicus). It proceded thus: “Vhy are jou yust yumping in front of me Horny? Are jou yust too embarrassed to be behind like jusual”. “Nooo, Because I am yust a betterr runnerr than jou”. I almost expected the ultimate Scandinavian gauntlet to be thrown down: “Do you vant to have a drinkink competition?” (Delivered in sing song, hurdy gurdy tones.) But it didn’t come to that, them’s fightin’ words among Norsky folk.

Meanwhile, back at the Rancho Circle “P” (Pissartists) a multitude of virgins were slaughtered with wet and rubbery shrubbery and Jangle Balls sang “Ghost Hashers in the Sky” (again) for our many Seppo guests, one of whose Hash name was “Shut the Fuck Up”. A lot of fun was had with that. Being April Fools’ Day Donald Trump’s assassination was announced to deafening approval, you could hear it in Sumbawa. Some wise American quotes were recited such as former G.M. CEO Lee Iococca’s gem “We have to ask ourselves ‘how much clean air do we need?’ ’’ and anti-smoking campaigner Brooke Shields’ “If you die you lose an important part of your life.” Indeed, if not your brain.

Anyway, we all enjoyed it, the circle that is, not dying, and look forward to a reprise next week at Bali Gula with Pussy Delivery and Rabid Mangy (GOOD JOB) Dog.

Yes, you read that sentence correctly….

On On …






Hash Trash Run #1312 Br Demayu Tunon

Hash Trash Run #1312 Br Demayu Tunon 18 March 2017

The Buffalo Hunter Returns!

This was a saying my Dearly Departed Dad would repeat enthusiastically every time I showed my ever more battered visage at the front door of the family home (2 Instone St. Hilton Park, W.A., Australia – an address that sounds a lot posher than it is) after some dubious or ill advised sojourn to some far or not so far flung part of the world. In fact it would make no difference whatsoever whether it had been a weekend surfing trip, a year of trudging around Europe and / or Africa with a backpack, groundsheet and toothbrush or yet another failed attempt at a semi-respectable job in another city / country / hemisphere / galaxy. The prodigal wanderer (see: “hippie bum”) would always have come fresh from another wildly successful season of hunting buffalo, judging by pater’s bluff and welcoming tones. Bless his black rubber thongs and Chesty Bond navy blue singlet.

It seems my wilful, meandering ways have still not entirely deserted me even in advanced years and once again I showed my weather beaten moosh at the front door of Bali Hash House Harriers Two (TWO!) after a trek to Malaysia and back. And Holy Sawa, it was good to be back.

There weren’t seething masses of Hashers at Tunon last Saturday, around 45 – 50 souls, but it was good to see the regulars again in their native habitat, not to mention the topless sungai washing Ibu Ibu in theirs. Ah yes, back to the sylvan surrounds and unabashed simplicity of a “Hello Mister” from the Saturday arvo semi naked Ibu mandi club. It was the St. Paddy’s Day run hosted and Hared, possibly, by that undeniably Hibernian duo Monkey Balls and Barnacle Balls. I say “possibly” because although Monkey Balls was a ubiquitous and  welcoming mine host and Hare figure with his “Who’s your Paddy?” leprechaun hat, lime green tee shirt and ankle adornments, Barnacle Balls made a mysterious almost furtive appearance late in the circle looking less than dressed for a casual drop in. Hitherto, nobody had seen him participating in the run as a Hound. Who knows what mysteries, what deeds lurk in the hearts of the Irish? It was a really good run though unanimously praised by all in the circle. I personally enjoyed the bejesus out of it. They took a very much overused run site and with Celtic creativity and imagination turned into a totally novel experience using esoteric trails, byways and previously unused or underused tracks and jungle jalans, very clever.

I did see a snake though, so the only thing missing was St. Paddy himself in the paddys themselves banishing snakes with his brandished crook: “Fook off yer coonts!” You know what they say, they want to get away from us at least a much as we want them to. If I were an Irish snake, I’d want to put some distance between me and O’ Flaherty with a skinful. Good name for a rock band though, The Irish Snakes, specifically U2 (sueing some poor bloody roadie for all he was worth for borrowing Bono’s stage outfit, arseholes.)

Ahem, moving right along, the circle was also a sheer joy to return to (Oh alright, to which to return). Multiple virgins were slayed at the hands of John The Baptist along with a stupid amount of returners. This general hilarity was fuelled by an especially potent, especially-for-Paddy’s-day 3 kegs of deliciously cloudy Diablo lager (about 5% alcohol but judging by the slap happy effect on the crowd it may as well have been 55%). For some reason, there is nothing quite as funny as an Irish joke being told by an Irishman, particularly when you’re pissed. This came in the form of Monkey Balls, who I’m not even sure knew how weepingly, pee producingly funny he was. The “dirty tree and a turd joke” was never delivered in a more devastating manner, brill. We were in fits, sorry, grand mals – it was grand anyway.

One more thing in the spirit of last week’s anecdotal circle. When I first went to central Java to spend weeks at a batik factory seeing my garment order through, I was wondering why the workers were calling the guy in charge of fabric production “O’ Malley”. Was he somehow, against all odds Irish? I asked the factory manager who told me no, they were calling the bloke “Om Ali”.

On on

The Buffalo Hunter
