Run #1330 Puri Damai Saturday 22-July-17

Run #1330 Puri Damai Saturday 22-July-17

Hey all you Hash House Harriers come to Puri Damai Saturday 22-July for a great run with a special trail crafted by none other than our very own RABID MANGY DOG!!!

Run #1330 Puri Damai Saturday 22-July-17 rABID mANGY dOG


25 Years of Hashing in Paradise

A Hash Run is a game of wits where one or more Hares set a trail for the pack of Hounds to follow. The Hares use check-arounds, check-backs and a clever trail to try to outwit the pursuing pack.

Smart use of water obstacles such as rivers, heavy shrubbery, unexpected changes of direction, etc., will make it very unlikely that the pursuing pack will catch them or gain an advantage by short cutting.

A good Hash will typically include a combination of water, mud, hills, dense wooded trails, poison ivy, wooden fences, ditches, culverts, storm drains, open fields, fallen trees, parks, etc. The trail is not intended to be a boring paved road run but rather an adventure that is best shared by the group of pursuing Hounds working together and calling out things like “ARE YOU” and “CHECKING” and “ON ON”.

At the end of the trail, Hashers are rewarded for their efforts with the Hash beverage of choice, that golden nectar of the gods served at a circle on the Island of the Gods — BEER!

BHHH2 Run #1330 Puri Damai Demayu Tunon Ubud 22-July-17

BHHH2 Run #1330 Puri Damai

RUN #1330

DATE : 22 JULY 2017

RUN SITE : Puri Damai, Demayu, Tunon, Ubud

Start Time : 4:00PM

Hare : Rabid Mangy Dog & Company

GPS : 8°32’15.6″S 115°14’12.2″E

-8.537655, 115.236713

BHHH2 Run #1330 Puri Damai Demayu Tunon Ubud 22-July-17

Bali Hash House Harriers 2

We Have Great Runs & We Run Great Circles

The Only Place in Bali You Can Walk On Water and Run On Beer is Bali Hash 222

#NextRunMap #BaliHash2 #WalkOnWaterRunOnBeer #HashPhotos #BHHH2 #25thAnniversaryRun #BaliHashHouseHarriers2 #HashinginParadise #OnOn #HashHouseHarriers #runningclub #DrinkingClubWithARunningProblem #runningforbrews #runforbeer #beerfit #beermile #adventurerun #instarunning #instarunners #worldrunners #runnerslife

Bintang Is Back at Bali Hash 2!

Bali Hash 2 Bastille Day Run 2017 @ Goa Gajah, Gianyar

Saturday 15 July 2017
Bali Hash 2 Bastille Day Run 2017

Bali Hash 2 Bastille Day Run 2017

Bali Hash 2 Bastille Day Run 2017


Come join us at Goa Gajah this Saturday the 15th of July for the Bali Hash 2 Bastille Day Run 2017

Celebrate the Freedom of France from tyranny  AND the Return of Bintang Beer to Bali Hash 2!

New Start Time: 4:00 PM every week

New Prices featuring 50K for Members


Bali Hash 2 Bastille Day Run 2017

#BaliHash2 #HHH #HashingInParadise #DrinkingClubWithARunningProblem #BintangBeer

At Bali Hash 2

We Walk on Water and Run on Beer

We have Great Runs and we Run Great Circles

No run is too dirty, wet or muddy

Bali Hash House Harriers 2 runs every Saturday starting at 4PM Rain or Shine

BHHH2 Run #1329 Goa Gajah 15-July-17


DATE : 15 JULY 2017
Start Time : 4:00PM

GPS :  8°31’21.8″S 115°17’16.5″E

BHHH2 Run #1329 Goa Gajah 15-July-17

Google Map

BHHH2 Run #1328 Demayu Tunon Gianyar 8-July-17


4th of July Run

Hari Merdeka Amerika Serikat

RUN #1328

DATE : 8 JULY 2017




GPS : 8°31’48.8″S 115°14’13.9″E

-8.530222, 115.237194

BHHH2 Run #1328 Demayu Tunon Gianyar 8-July-17

Google Maps Link

BHHH2 RUN # 1327 Wantilan Sangeh Hare by Allez Allez


DATE : 1 JULY 2017
Start Time : 4:00PM
Hare : Allez Allez

GPS : 8°28’59.3″S 115°12’18.3″E

BHHH2 RUN # 1327 Wantilan Sangeh hare Allez Allez

BHHH2 TRASH RUN for #1326 Pura Taman Pule Mas, Ubud

BHHH2 TRASH RUN for #1326 Pura Taman Pule Mas, Ubud

Transcendental Medication

BHHH2 TRASH RUN for #1326 Pura Taman Pule Mas, UbudI’m not the world’s greatest authority on trees, like a lot of things I’m not the world’s greatest authority on. In fact I’m a bit of a tree ignoramus so it never really came to my attention that there are indeed Bodhi trees in Bali. I can hear your astounded derogatory howls and catcalls from here: “Of course there are Bodhi trees in Bali you fool, Buddha himself smuggled the cuttings in from India on Air Asia in the 12th century, you moron”. “Oh”, I mumble in red faced embarrassment. “Were they in his boogie board bag?”

But seriously folks, we were gathered under just such a tree, a fine specimen too of the genuine heart shaped leaf bearing, gnarled branch and root growing, billowing, spreading, at least fifty feet tall and 75 years old if it was a day or a foot article last Saturday in, of all places, a whopping great temple, slash, taman car park of which I have never seen the same ridiculously accommodating size anywhere on this Island of Gods. Yes indeedy, the Ficus Religiosa, the sacred fig itself; I almost expected to see a saffron clad Bodhisattva figure striking up the 14th Lotus with begging bowl at the foot of this arboreal apparition rather than, say for example, the Bali Hash 2 beer truck. It was a somewhat incongruous sight, especially in a car park with marked spaces for at least fifty vehicles. If Buddha ever does show up at this site for a spot of Hashing and a piss up, he won’t have any trouble parking his Ferrari, sorry, Avanza.

The run… well, it had its moments. The standout one for me was crossing a berserkly busy jalan with a fellow Hasher of fairly impressive proportions who blocked my view of an oncoming cewek motorcyclist on the right, upon whom I in turn, very nearly fell in a possibly fatal embrace but was saved from performing both this clever trick and then stumbling forward into bus traveling at speed from the opposite direction by that very same generously built Hasher. No names will be mentioned but I think the motorcyclist was Wayan, possibly Made or Ketut. Komang? I can’t be certain. It was just another one of my typically inept if not manic demonstrations of physical clumsiness. One of these days… Anyhow, I definitely owe the above Hasher a beer and fully intend to “buy” him one next week, if I make it through the week.

Another arresting interlude on last week’s Hash was a gathering of locals around a fish pond made of rocks in mid-paddy territory, which was topped off by a decent sized, colorfully if not gaudily painted statue of, yes him again, a young and thinnish seated Buddha. There seemed to be some kind of semi-mystical theme unfolding on last week’s Hash, or at least did seem to be until I noticed a matching gaily painted wooden and iron table and chair setting for six smack in the middle of this diorama. This was eschewed by all of the human attendees who preferred to squat on the ground or sit on the rock pond surround and ignore the furniture. For far from the first time on the Hash, I walked away from the scene scratching my head and thinking Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot? Over?

It was basically a pretty good run, though. There was plenty of open paddy and palm territory and and there was plenty of paper. Personally I could have done without the slog through crazy urban main streets of the Ubud suburbs, but Hare Tongkat Madura assured us he couldn’t lay it any other way to get us to where he wanted to take us – fair enough, I guess. Who am I to argue with such unassailable logic? I mean, who am I? If you know the answer to this question, can you please drop me a line and let me know what it is? Thanks.

Safely back under the Bodhi Tree in trance-like, medicative, lager inspired states, we bore witness to newly minted Hash Master and young, thinnish, standing Buddha look-alike Muddy Man acquitting himself admirably on his maiden appearance. In fact he was the spitting image of Siddartha Gatuama with a crew cut, Bali Hai beer in hand and Hash shorts. Any true follower would be hard pressed to tell the difference. Wooden Eye, another Buddha impersonator, imparted profound cosmic knowledge with a spirited and Spiritual rendition of “Satu Orang Pergi ke Warung”, an ode to higher enlightenment featuring excessive beer consumption and trans-sexual prostitution as subjects upon which to meditate. A (brown) Third Eye may well have had figured in this uplifting tale as well, depending on the state of your cakra and the level of your journey to the divine void.

But of course, I jest. It was the usual irreverent and bawdy beer soaked sacrilege, and yes, the Hash (or the Trash for that matter) is no place to take anything faintly seriously. That’s what we like about it. So we’ll see you all again next week in a location T.B.A. (The Bali Area).

On on,


BHHH2 RUN # 1326 Pura Taman Pule Mas, Ubud

Please note: New Start Time & Run Fees!!!

BHHH2 RUN # 1326

Date : 24 June 2017
Run Site : Pura Taman Pule Mas, Ubud
Start Time : 4:00PM
Hare : Tongkat Madura

GPS : 8°32’33.2″S 115°16’25.1″E
-8.542556, 115.273636

Google Maps :

BHHH2 RUN # 1326 Pura Taman Pule Mas, Ubud

AGM Reminder 17-June-17

AGM Reminder 17-June-17

Mambal Pool a.k.a. Tirta Yasa Mambal

Run #: 1325

Run Site: Mambal Pool

Hare: Committee

Start Time: 4:00 PM

AGM Start Time: 5:30 PM

Vote for your next Hash Master

GPS: 8°33’22.9″S 115°12’51.5″E

AGM Run Reminder Mambal Pool 17-June-17 Run 1325 Bali Hash 2