Hash Trash Run #1497 29-May-2021

Hash Trash Run #1497 29-May-2021

Bali Hash House Harriers 2

Hash Trash Run #1497



Two remote sequestered fastnesses attainable by practically unnavigable dirt or strip concrete tracks in the central highlands. First with IBM and SWEET SU to Sarinbuana on the western flank of Mt Batukaru, north of Tabanan. Why had I not been there before? Homely comfortable villa surrounded by luscious fruiting flowering garden on forest fringe. All the birds and butterflies one might wish to see – and more – viewable from your verandah. Serpent and Sea-Eagles top the list, and Tree-Nymph (in Malay kupu surat – Idea or Hestia sp) flies, unimaginably huge and wafting at all elevations. Highly localized I’d failed to include them in my Butterflies of Bali. Wot a wanker. Outside the dining hall a bougannvillaea bush alive with Jezebels (Delias spp) – several types not all identifiable. and within such delicacies as rendang nangka and salak crumble with homemade icecream. Check it out – Sarinbuana Eco Lodge – and attractive tariffs in covid-season. We went on Wednesday – Hari Waisaka Puja and full moon, which we watched being slowly gobbled by demon Ravana, emerging benignly enlightened.

North west of the palace at Tampaksiring is the camp-site where we’ve run and camped before – but not I.  ICE.  RINGLESS TOSSER erected a monstrous tepee, capable of accommodating 24 bods and KUM ON YER BACK had assembled an abbreviated WORM, which was finally burned. They were also HARES assisting BARNACLE BALLS and – would you credit it – GAYLICK. But the latter had retired – why for God’s sake? and. should also be duly iced. Fantastic aspects, caves, sacred pools, tumbling chutes specially designed to twist WORM’s arm. But no serious damage done. Golden-backed Woodpeckers and would-you believe Creamy-breasted Flygrabbers to boot. It can’t get better than this. WOODEN EYE and LABIA, whose coterie of sexual deviants were duly anointed, under the watchful eye of SERIAL OFFENDER, were succeeded by NIGHTJAR who was roundly shriven for inadvertently finding himself out of order as well as for being a piker previously but no lap-dancing by EAT HER deterred by disposable teeth. Praise from AMAZON (ARSE) for displaying suitable crack. Bonkarsa next.


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