Bali Hash 2 Run Photos 04


Bali Hash House Harriers 2


Scribe: Nightjar

You have to hand it to HANDJOB and WHITEBAIT, when it comes to trail laying, these chaps know a x thing or two. First the run site – perfecto – virgin spectacular – well away from habitation. Okay so quite a long way from anywhere – HORNY HERRING said it took him about 14 hours from Sanur – but bloody well worth it, as all who attended agreed, undeterred by April showers en-route. Admirably clear at the off: you could see all the way to the Bukit some 2,000 foot below. And all greenest green punctuated here and there by sturdy kubu-kubu with tiles roofs, sure indicator of cultural and agricultural wealth, and certainly not derived from tourism. Very friendly natives unaccustomed to bulai marauders, and two charming well turned out pecalang delegated to keep an eye on us and our motorcars, lined up along the winding country lane. No call for paved carpark: I saw not one other vehicle all the time we were there. Only one old codger on a rusty bike who spoke not a word of bahasa.

There were two runs, totally divergent – no loops, no splits – one designed without checks for walkers, and tother a runners’ run, with paper at fifteen paces intervals and seven strategic checks up to 100 yards which reversed running order often. Front runners must have done a good six miles to most of the pack’s five. Most came back together and even HORNY HERRING came home well before dark. Bloody good show. Aspiring hares take good note. Good circle capably conducted by WORM and WOODEN EYE with many lusty DOWN DOWNS plus minor contribution of YWGMH who pointed out that we were not only celebrating his attendance but the birthdays of two most eminent English WILLIES – philosopher, critic and essayist W. Hazlitt and founder of that greatest of all charitable institutions the Salvation Army, ‘General’ w. Booth (respectively 1778 and 1829). A pertinent extract from the former’s Essay on Criticism: – ‘The English (it must be owned) are rather a foul-mouthed nation.’ I echo that. ON ON –


Bali Hash 2 Run Photos 04 Bali Hash 2 Run Photos 04 Bali Hash 2 Run Photos 04 Bali Hash 2 Run Photos 04 Bali Hash 2 Run Photos 04 Bali Hash 2 Run Photos 04 Bali Hash 2 Run Photos 04 Bali Hash 2 Run Photos 04 Bali Hash 2 Run Photos 04 Bali Hash 2 Run Photos 04 Bali Hash 2 Run Photos 04 Bali Hash 2 Run Photos 04 Bali Hash 2 Run Photos 04 Bali Hash 2 Run Photos 04 Bali Hash 2 Run Photos 04

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