Run #1482 Saturday November 7th PAIN & PLEASURE AT PDAM WATERWORKS

Run #1482 Saturday November 7th PAIN & PLEASURE AT PDAM WATERWORKS

Run #1482 Saturday November 7th PAIN & PLEASURE AT PDAM WATERWORKS

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This was PAIN & PLEASURE’s run and no mistake. How to describe it? ‘A spit and s stride from’ the beer truck (Fletcher 1621) with minor variations. Good old colloquial and dialectic usage. That certainly set the tone for the occasion, and never mind a couple of tosses in the bamboo grove.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a hare who was more concerned with the outcome. You know how the best intentions can deliver a fuck-up – it’s happened to me more than once – and there are hares who are too clever by half. But this well marked and checked trail was a triumph, even though stinking hot and mostly flat and not a million miles unadjacent to our capital city. With perseverance it can be done. P & P was ably assisted by DANDYPANTS and Nipesse who bears that unmentionable name, and the indefatigable IBM (INFLATABLE BEDMATE) who apparently enjoys being ‘Paper Bitch’.

What was CLOSET QUEEN’S role and why didn’t the bastard stay for customary DOWN DOWN after the event; and the less said about LITTLE FART – mercenary hare for hire – the better. Very good to see DEAD MEAT and DISCOWANKER – been a while – and I elected to accompany them for what was probably the most picturesque part of the chase – down to the river – Ayung you wankers – and across the spectacular blue bridge, strictly pedestrians and PDAM workers and hashers by special permission only. Did CLOSET QUEEN help to secure approval? If so, all is forgiven. DOWN-DOWN next time you bastard.

AMAZON coerced us into consuming five kegs at least though abetted by many visitors including foraminating rudeshirts from Bandung who were duly sariven by YWGMH. Respecting all ignoramuses, PDAM stands for Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum and YWGMH – Your Worthy Grandmaster Himself.

What else do you need to know? Unshod savages such as YWGMH must avoid swathes of putri malu ie Mimosa pudica which, like everything else, seems to be proliferating at this Covid-19 season. Birds and butterflies especially benefiting and near empty roads permitting LABIA to get from Aunan to Badung in under 40 minutes. Good show.

Oh, the Goshawks bypassed us in UBUD, but our monitors on Gunung Sega in E Bali reported many thousands heading over to Lombok. Then where do they go? Nobody knows. Let mystery remain.

And so this Friday the 13th is the 26th Annual Victor Awards, named after your very own YWGMH himself, at the Jimbaran Bay Beach Hotel with the Victor Awards Recovery Run the following day at White Sand Beach House the home of none other than our very own YETI and so On On to the Victor Awards!

Run #1482 Saturday November 7th PAIN & PLEASURE AT PDAM WATERWORKS Run #1482 Saturday November 7th PAIN & PLEASURE AT PDAM WATERWORKS Run #1482 Saturday November 7th PAIN & PLEASURE AT PDAM WATERWORKS Run #1482 Saturday November 7th PAIN & PLEASURE AT PDAM WATERWORKS Run #1482 Saturday November 7th PAIN & PLEASURE AT PDAM WATERWORKS Run #1482 Saturday November 7th PAIN & PLEASURE AT PDAM WATERWORKS Run #1482 Saturday November 7th PAIN & PLEASURE AT PDAM WATERWORKS Run #1482 Saturday November 7th PAIN & PLEASURE AT PDAM WATERWORKS Run #1482 Saturday November 7th PAIN & PLEASURE AT PDAM WATERWORKS Run #1482 Saturday November 7th PAIN & PLEASURE AT PDAM WATERWORKS

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