Bali Hash House Harriers 2

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Hash Trash 1130

Run #1130
Hare: Rabid Mangy Dog
Site: Puri Damai, Tunon
14th September 2013

September 2013 | By: The Scrutable Scribe

The Mangy Dog In Tunon

This week's run was quite the hidden treasure, that was extremely hard to find, due to a misleading map, and road signs that were placed at ankle height, rather than the ever more convenient eye level. One sign even appeared to shimmer in the opposite direction. We must have gone up and down the same road at least 3 times, before finally stumbling across the location. It was however, well worth all the confusion. We were welcomed with parking galore, in amongst the cow patties, that were easily avoided in daylight, but not so much once the sun had gone down.

The hare, Rabid mangy dog, always delights with his choice of location, and this was no exception. Puri Damai Tunon is an organic healing centre, where they use herbs from their garden to treat whatever may ail you. Wayan, the owner gave a little explanation, with the help of translations by slip and suck, and conducted a mini tour of his garden for those interested. Not only does he offer herbal teas, to cure ailments, but also a magical hair tonic that has apparently brought RMD back from the bald he proudly displayed to any that cared to look.

So much action, and we hadn't even started the run! The two runs were short and shorter at less than an hour each, some were tempted to do the whole thing again, while others enjoyed the shortness, as opposed to the recent trend of who can set the longest run. Anyway, despite being short, the run had allhe essential elements, green rice fields, beautiful views, nothing too dangerous, although there was one gruesome detail when we noticed the dead piglet being turned in the rolling water at the dam.The run ended with a waist high wade through water downstream from the churning pig, so if anyone has any rashes, maybe a treatment by wayan is in order!

Due to the shortness of the run, and many missing hashers, there was plenty of beer to go around, which lead to quite a drawn out circle. Night jar did a fine job of down downing a large number of returners as well as virgins and visitors.RMD received a Monet from German Sheppard, but I cannot for the life of me recall why.Did I mention there was lots to drink? Colonel Bloodnock held the miss universe pagent under strict Indonesian rules. He was determined to test for true virgins, and actually found one, who was then decided to be the winner. Women were auctioned off with prices starting as low as a hamster and ending with elephants..did I mention we had plenty of beer?

That's about all I can recall, other than a stumble back over the stream and through the cow patties back to our car

On on next week with creepy at the elephant cave.
Acting Hash Scribes