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Hash Trash 1138

Run #1138
Hares: Gudang, Horny Herring
Site: Taman Mumbul, or was it Sangeh?
9th November 2013

November 2013 | By: The Scrutable Scribe

Gudang Gives A Good Length

It was a confused pack of hounds that congregated at erm, where was it now? Er Taman Mumbul for the Sangeh Monkey Forest run of course. At the last moment the site was moved. Some blamed the hares but without just cause, it was the parking attendants at the Sangeh carpark who, we can only suppose, were at the ragged end of their monthly cycle and decided to impose the government's regulatory Rp10,000 per person charge. What a bloody mess.
The hares for the day, those likely lads Gudang and Horny Herring, had put on a huge effort and set 3 runs. The long was announced to be 14 kilometres. Why so long? Who knows? Does the pope shit in the woods?

Since the paper had already been laid before the site was changed we had to run the kilometre to Sangeh before starting the real run. The pack mumbled in discontent but once we we going the run was impressive. Sangeh has been run so many times that the countryside is starting to get worn out but the hares had done a lot of work and took us in a new direction. "What" I hear you postulate (or should that be pustulate?) "a new direction at Sangeh?" Yes we headed way out to the North East crossed the river and up the other side to a road. The short went off to

the left while the medium and long carried on West then started working its way down the side of a valley certainly not in the "Hash Runners Trail Directory".

With the extra 2 kilometres to and from Sangeh the medium was 11 kilometres and people were returning in the dark. The threat of a long long must have scared the hounds and even established long runners took the medium. The only living soul known to set off on the long was a small dog that was seen disappearing at the split and was never seen again.

It was a very good run although long and it is good to see hares doing the job properly and putting in the effort to find new running in good territory. The live hare start also was very welcome.

The circle ensued with a sense of confusion while late returners drifted home knackered. Lippsy lipped, Disco Wanker wanked and Nightjar expounded wisdom, his words blowing away in the wind. The crowd was noisy but drowned out by passing cars. Nightjar did his best but even he couldn't quell the howling of the hounds.

People drifted off into the night.

On On to the Bali Zoo.